Webcast: Complying with New U.S. and EU Privacy Requirements
Webcasts | December 16, 2020
This fall saw numerous important privacy-related legal developments for companies that do business in the United States, Europe, and globally. In the U.S., California voters approved the California Privacy Rights Act, which places new requirements on companies that collect the personal information of California residents just two years after the California Consumer Privacy Act became the first-of-its-kind comprehensive U.S. privacy law. These changes in California law are occurring in parallel with the emergence of new privacy and cybersecurity laws and enforcement in New York, and the prospect of similar privacy legislation in a number of additional U.S. states. In Europe, the Court of Justice of the European Union struck down one mechanism for ensuring the security of data transferred from Europe to the United States (the Privacy Shield), and cast doubt on the long-term validity of another (the Standard Contractual Clauses). The European Data Protection Board thereafter issued guidance on additional mechanisms companies that rely on the Standard Contractual Clauses may take when transferring data out of Europe, and drafts of new versions of the Clauses were released for public comment. In this webcast, a panel of Gibson Dunn attorneys from around the world address these rapidly-changing developments and offer guidance on practical steps companies can take to come into compliance with these far-reaching new privacy requirements.
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Ahmed Baladi – Partner, Paris
Ryan Bergsieker – Partner, Denver
Patrick Doris – Partner, London
Amanda Aycock – Associate Attorney, New York
Cassandra L. Gaedt-Sheckter – Associate Attorney, Palo Alto
Alejandro Guerrero – Of Counsel, Brussels
Vera Lukic – Of Counsel, Paris