Publications - Gibson Dunn


Our lawyers provide sophisticated analysis, practical guidance and thought leadership on a wide range of topics. We encourage our readers to review this collection of client alerts, articles and white papers and benefit from the authors’ exceptional experience, market knowledge, practiced judgment and singular insights.

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The Cybersecurity Framework: Risk management process … and pathway to corporate liability?

New York partner Alexander Southwell, Denver of counsel Ryan Bergsieker and New York associate Stephenie Handler are the authors of "The Cybersecurity Framework: Risk management process ...

Client Alert | December 12, 2013

Technology: Your company’s legal hold obligations may not be a Dr. Seuss story

Orange County partner Gareth Evans is the author of “Technology: Your company’s legal hold obligations may not be a Dr. Seuss story” [PDF], published in the December 6, 2013 edition of Inside Counsel.

Client Alert | December 6, 2013

Iran Nuclear Agreement Reached

On November 24, 2013, the P5+1 successfully concluded negotiations with Iran on a Joint Plan of Action (hereinafter “the interim agreement”) to limit Iran’s nuclear activities and suspend certain United States and European Union sanctions on the country.  Both sides are now working towards a comprehensive agreement that would further limit Iran’s nuclear activities and significantly unwind U.S.

Client Alert | December 5, 2013

In Santa Clara, Litigation Trumped Remediation

Los Angeles partner Jeffrey Dintzer and associate Nathaniel Johnson are the authors of "In Santa Clara, Litigation Trumped Remediation" [PDF] published in the December 3, 2013 edition of Law360.

Client Alert | December 3, 2013

Webcast – Munich Practice Academy Corporate / M&A

M&A transactions are still very high on the agenda of companies and investors. Every transaction has its specific characteristics, but some questions occur in practice more often.

Webcasts | December 2, 2013

Arbitration of Employment: Claims Challenges and Limits on Enforceability in Texas

Dallas partner Karl Nelson and associate Benjamin Williams are the authors of "Arbitration of Employment Claims: Challenges and Limits on Enforceability in Texas" [PDF] published in the Winter 2013 edition of The Advocate.

Article | December 1, 2013

Bridge to Somewhere: Helping U.S. Companies Tap the Global Infrastructure Market

The following article written by Gibson Dunn partner Jose W.

Client Alert | November 26, 2013

The Changed Landscape of Businesses’ Right to Enforce Arbitration Agreements: A Survey of Class Actions Involving Petitions to Compel Arbitration After Concepcion

Los Angeles partner Chris Chorba and associates Blaine Evanson, Babak Lalezari and Brandon Stoker are the authors of “The Changed Landscape of Businesses’ Right to Enforce Arbitration Agreements: A Survey of Class Actions Involving Petitions to Compel Arbitration After Concepcion” [PDF] published in the November 22, 2013 issue of Bloomberg BNA’s Class Litigation Report.

Article | November 22, 2013

Chancery Provides Framework for ESI Discovery, Preservation

Orange County partner Gareth Evans is the author of “Chancery Provides Framework for ESI Discovery, Preservation” [PDF] published in the November 20, 2013 issue of Delaware Business Court Insider.

Client Alert | November 20, 2013

2013 Year-End U.S. Retirement and Welfare Plan Update: Action Items for Plan Sponsors

As 2013 draws to a close, sponsors of tax qualified retirement plans and welfare benefit plans should be aware of the following plan amendments and other action items that may need to be made or taken in the next few weeks or months.  Tax Qualified Retirement PlansDiscretionary AmendmentsTax qualified retirement plans generally must adopt any discretionary plan amendments no later than the end of the plan year in which the amendment became effective (except that amendments modifying eligibility or decreasing benefits generally must be adopted before they become effective).  Thus, for a calendar year plan, all discretionary amendments implemented in 2013 (e.g., the addition of an automatic contribution arrangement, the addition of an in-plan Roth conversion feature, changes in pla

Client Alert | November 19, 2013

California’s New ‘Digital Eraser’ Evaporates Embarrassment

New York partner Alexander Southwell and California-based associates Joshua Jessen, Vivek Narayanadas and Danielle Serbin are the authors of "California’s New ‘Digital Eraser’ Evaporates Embarrassment, Part 2 of 2: New California privacy laws will make it easier for kids to remove inappropriate posts from websites."  [PDF] published in the November 19, 2013 issue of ALM's Law Technology News. "California Tightens Privacy Protection, Part 1 of 2: New California data privacy laws impose restrictions on third-party tracking and data breach notification" [PDF] was published November 18, 2013.

Client Alert | November 19, 2013

Delisting Reloaded – German Supreme Court Abandons Cumbersome Restrictions

On November 12, 2013, the German Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof - BGH) published a landmark judgment ("Frosta") concerning the requirements for a delisting of a public company from the regulated market in Germany.

Client Alert | November 18, 2013

California Tightens Privacy Protection

New York partner Alexander Southwell and California-based associates Joshua Jessen, Vivek Narayanadas and Danielle Serbin are the authors of "California Tightens Privacy Protection, Part 1 of 2: New California data privacy laws impose restrictions on third-party tracking and data breach notification" [PDF] published in the November 18, 2013 issue of ALM's Law Technology News."California’s New ‘Digital Eraser’ Evaporates Embarrassment, Part 2 of 2: New California privacy laws will make it easier for kids to remove inappropriate posts from websites" [PDF] was published November 19, 2013.

Client Alert | November 18, 2013

Technology: Embracing the use of mobile devices in e-discovery

Orange county partner Gareth Evans is the author of "Technology: Embracing the use of mobile devices in e-discovery" [PDF], published in the November 15, 2013 issue of Inside Counsel.

Article | November 15, 2013

Qualified Plan Limitations Updated for 2014

The IRS recently released the inflation-adjusted limitations applicable to tax-qualified retirement plans for 2014.  As in 2013, several of these limits are again increasing.  In addition to the impact of these limitations on tax-qualified retirement plans, the compensation limit under section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code also affects the amount of severance pay that may be excludable from coverage under section 409A of the Code in certain circumstances.  The key 2014 limits are as follows: Limitation2014 Limit402(g) Limit on Employee Elective Deferrals (Note:  This is relevant for "401(k)," "403(b)" and "457" plans, and for certain limited purposes under Code Section 409A.)$17,500 (unchanged)414(v) Limit on "

Client Alert | November 13, 2013

The Best to Be Done in a Bad Situation: Southern Union Remand

Washington, D.C. partner David Debold and New York associate Matthew Benjamin are the authors of “The Best to Be Done in a Bad Situation: Southern Union on Remand” [PDF] published in the November 13, 2013 of Bloomberg BNA’s Criminal Law Reporter.

Client Alert | November 13, 2013

Clean Air Act’s PSD Program Under Scrutiny In Courts

Washington, D.C. of counsel Charles Haake is the author of “Clean Air Act's PSD Program Under Scrutiny In Courts”  [PDF] published online by Law360 on November 13, 2013 at 

Client Alert | November 13, 2013

SEC Proposes Rules to Implement Crowdfunding Exemption: What Factors Will Affect Its Success?

On October 23, 2013, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC or the Commission) approved the release of proposed "crowdfunding" rules implementing Title III of the 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (the JOBS Act).

Client Alert | November 11, 2013

Supreme Court Round-Up: A Summary of Upcoming Arguments and Other Developments (November 2013)

As the Supreme Court continues its 2013 Term, Gibson Dunn's Supreme Court Round-Up is summarizing the issues presented in cases that will be argued, as well as other key developments at the Court.  The Court has accepted over 50 cases for argument this Term, and has already heard arguments in 13 cases.  Gibson Dunn will present oral argument in four of the cases that the Court has agreed to hear this Term, and is involved in several others as counsel for amici curiae.  With arguments continuing this week, the Round-Up provides a snapshot of the issues that are at the forefront of the Court's docket. Spearheaded by former Solicitor General Theodore B.

Client Alert | November 4, 2013

New Reg D: Implications for Offering Publicly Traded Securities as Consideration in Private Acquisitions

Dallas partner Robert Little, Orange County partner James Moloney and Dallas associate Anthony Shoemaker are the authors of “New Reg D: Implications for Offering Publicly Traded Securities as Consideration in Private Acquisitions” [PDF], published in the November-December 2013 issue of Deal Lawyers.

Client Alert | November 1, 2013