Publications - Gibson Dunn


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New Investment Funds Regulations for the UAE

Dubai partners Hardeep Plahe and Chézard Ameer are the authors of "New Investment Funds Regulations for the UAE" [PDF].

Client Alert | February 1, 2013

Structural Remedies Under European Union Antitrust Rules

Brussels partner Peter Alexiadis and Brussels associate Elsa Sependa are the authors of “Structural Remedies Under European Union Antitrust Rules” [PDF] published in Concurrences in February 2013. 

Client Alert | February 1, 2013

Webcast – Munich Compliance Academy Series

​Benno Schwarz, Michael Walther and Mark Zimmer of Gibson Dunn are hosts of the Munich Compliance Academy Webcast Series. Please view the webcast materials (in German) below.

Webcasts | January 31, 2013

Recent Developments Related to Litigation Involving the Education Sector (January 31, 2013)

This is the latest update of significant developments relating to the array of qui tam, securities, fraud, and other lawsuits and investigations involving schools, especially private-sector schools.

Client Alert | January 31, 2013

Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis Proxy Voting Policies and Other Developments for the 2013 Proxy Season

Institutional Shareholder Services ("ISS") and Glass, Lewis & Co., Inc. ("Glass Lewis"), the two major proxy advisory firms, recently released updates to their proxy voting policies for the 2013 proxy season.  The ISS U.S.

Client Alert | January 29, 2013

2012 Year-End Securities Litigation Update

2012 proved to be a mixed year for defendants in securities litigation, with several open questions and rare causes for optimism. The raw statistics show a steady stream of new filings, increasing median settlement amounts, and relatively low dismissal rates for existing cases.

Client Alert | January 24, 2013

CFTC’s Final Exemptive Order and Further Proposed Guidance on Cross-Border Swaps

On December 21, 2012, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("Commission" or "CFTC") approved with a vote of 4-1 (Commissioner Sommers dissented) a final exemptive order entitled "Final Exemptive Order Regarding Compliance with Certain Swap Regulations," (the "Final Order") granting temporary conditional relief from certain provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act ("CEA") and the Commission's regulations with respect to non-U.S.

Client Alert | January 23, 2013

US Government Cannot Escape Liability under CERLA

Los Angeles partner Jeffrey Dintzer and associate Matthew Wickersham are the authors of “US Government Cannot Escape Liability under CERLA” [PDF] published in the January 23, 2013 issue of the Daily Journal.

Client Alert | January 23, 2013

The Spotlight Shines on Rule 10b5-1 Plans: What Public Companies Should Consider Now

A series of recent articles in the Wall Street Journal have focused on corporate executives who traded in their companies' stock. According to the Journal, some corporate executives who traded in their companies' stock realized gains or avoided losses during the week prior to significant corporate news.

Client Alert | January 22, 2013

IRS Issues Detailed Final Regulations Under the FATCA Provisions of the HIRE Act

The Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (the HIRE Act), enacted in 2010, contained provisions commonly referred to as FATCA that are intended to reduce the evasion of U.S.

Client Alert | January 22, 2013

France Takes Aim at Expats in Switzerland

Paris partner Jérôme Delaurière is the author of “France Takes Aim at Expats in Switzerland” [PDF] published in Tax Notes International on January 21, 2013.

Client Alert | January 21, 2013

New UAE Antitrust Legislation in Force from February 23, 2013 — Six-Month Grace Period before Enforcement

On October 23, 2012, the United Arab Emirates enacted its Federal Competition Law (Federal Law No. (4) of 2012) ("FCL"), which laid down new rules on anti-competitive agreements, merger control and abuse of dominance.

Client Alert | January 18, 2013

2012 Trade Secrets Litigation Round-Up

The past year saw continued expansion of trade secret law into the realm of cyberspace, with two federal courts of appeal tackling the scope of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C.

Client Alert | January 18, 2013

Chancery Court Provides Guidance on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Waive’ Standstill Provisions

New York partner Brian Lutz and associate Jefferson Bell are the authors of “Chancery Court Provides Guidance on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Waive’ Standstill Provisions” [PDF] published in the January 16, 2013 issue of Delaware Business Court Insider.

Client Alert | January 16, 2013

2012 Year-End Electronic Discovery and Information Law Update

Moving Beyond Sanctions and Toward Solutions to Difficult ProblemsIntroductionIn our prior electronic discovery mid-year and year-end reports, the lead story was sanctions, as numerous decisions imposing onerous penalties for real or perceived e-discovery failures caught the attention of the legal community.

Client Alert | January 14, 2013

Expatriation vers la Suisse: la France durcit le ton

Paris partner Jérôme Delaurière is the author of “Expatriation vers la Suisse: la France durcit le ton” [PDF] published in the January 14, 2013 issue of Option Finance.

Client Alert | January 14, 2013

Off-Label Promotion: Still a Crime?

San Francisco of counsel Winston Chan and associate Deena Klaber are the authors of “Off-Label Promotion: Still a Crime?” [PDF] published in the January 14, 2013 issue of The Recorder.  

Client Alert | January 14, 2013

U.S. Supreme Court Holds That a Covenant Not to Sue Can Moot a Trademark Challenge

In a decision that reaffirms that federal courts do not have jurisdiction to decide hypothetical challenges to the validity of intellectual property, the U.S.

Client Alert | January 11, 2013

2012 Year-End German Law Update

In retrospect, 2012 likely will be remembered as another year of manifold challenges in the Eurozone and of slow consolidation rather than one of fundamental reform or renaissance.

Client Alert | January 10, 2013