Publications - Gibson Dunn


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Top 11 Legal and Regulatory Tips for Boards of Directors in 2011

Washington, D.C. partners Elizabeth Ising and Amy Goodman are the authors of "Top 11 Legal and Regulatory Tips for Boards of Directors in 2011" [PDF] published by Corporate Board Member on on February 8, 2011.

Client Alert | February 8, 2011

Photovoltaikanlage auf Dächern von Bestandsimmobilien

Munich partner Peter Decker is the author of "Photovoltaikanlage auf Dächern von Bestandsimmobilien" [PDF] published by Heuer Dialog on February 8, 2011.

Client Alert | February 8, 2011

The Delaware Supreme Court Holds That Certain Plaintiffs Can Prosecute A Corporate Books And Records Action Even After They Have Filed A Derivative Lawsuit

On January 28, 2011, the Delaware Supreme Court clarified in King v. VeriFone Holdings, Inc., Del. Supr., No. 330, 2010, that plaintiffs may in some circumstances inspect a corporation's books and records to bolster a derivative action complaint even after they have filed a lawsuit.

Client Alert | February 7, 2011

FCPA Compliance Monitorships – US Marotte oder Flavor of the New Times?

Munich partner Benno Schwarz is the author of "FCPA Compliance Monitorships - US Marotte oder Flavor of the New Times?" [PDF] published in the February 2011 issue of CCZ.

Article | February 7, 2011

A Review of 2010 Criminal Antitrust Enforcement

Washington, D.C. partner David Burns and San Francisco associate Rebecca Justice Lazarus are the authors of "A Review of 2010 Criminal Antitrust Enforcement" [PDF] published by Law360 at on February 4, 2011.

Client Alert | February 4, 2011

Seventh Circuit Places Important Limits on Class Certification of ERISA Claims in Defined Contribution Plans

Printable PDF On January 21, 2011, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled that a challenge to the operation of The Boeing Company's 401(k) plan had been improperly certified as a class action.

Client Alert | February 3, 2011

EPA To Regulate Perchlorate and Sixteen Other Chemicals in Drinking Water

Printable PDF On February 2, 2011, U.S. EPA announced that it will set drinking water limits on the chemical perchlorate, the solvents trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE), and a number of other chemicals commonly used in industrial operations.

Client Alert | February 3, 2011

Class Distinctions

Los Angeles partner Julian W. Poon and associate Blaine H. Evanson are the authors of "Class Distinctions" [PDF] published in the February 2011 issue of Los Angeles Lawyer. 

Article | February 1, 2011

Insider Trading Update: Active Enforcement & Big Cases Mark Past Six Months

New York partner Mark Schonfeld, Washington, D.C. partner John Sturc, New York associate Mary Kay Dunning and Denver associate Monica Loseman are the authors of "Insider Trading Update: Active Enforcement & Big Cases Mark Past Six Months" [PDF] published in the February 2011 issue of Wall Street Lawyer.

Client Alert | February 1, 2011

UK Employment — Key Developments for 2011

Printable PDFIn this client alert we identify key developments in UK employment law expected in the coming year and highlight those steps which employers should be taking to prepare their UK businesses for these developments.A headline summary is provided below.  A more detailed explanation and analysis is available by clicking on the appropriate link.  For further details or for assistance on any UK Employment or Labour law matter, please contact James Cox or Daniel Pollard in Gibson Dunn's London office.UK Employment Law Reform.  The coalition Government has recently announced a series of reforms to the Employment Tribunal system which will make it more difficult for employees to pursue unmeritorious claims and which are designed to simulate the creation of new jobs. 

Client Alert | January 31, 2011

“Made in the U.S.A.” Decision Threatens Return to the “Wild West” for California Unfair Competition Law Class Actions

Printable PDFCalifornia's Unfair Competition Law (Cal. Bus. & Prof.

Client Alert | January 31, 2011

FCPA Compliance in China and the Gifts and Hospitality Challenge

Few criminal law issues loom as large for multinational corporations as does compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). And few countries pose as great a challenge to FCPA compliance as does the People's Republic of China.

Client Alert | January 28, 2011

E-Discovery Trends: Delaware Chancery Court Adopts Preservation Guidelines for Electronically Stored Information

In a significant development for those who may litigate in the Delaware Court of Chancery, that court has issued guidelines regarding preservation of electronically stored information in cases before it.

Client Alert | January 28, 2011

A Comprehensive Study of the New U.K. Bribery Act and What It Means for Multinational Corporations

Over the past several years the world of corporate regulatory and criminal law compliance has focused to an ever-greater extent on the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)--and with good reason.

Client Alert | January 27, 2011

Turning Back from the Abyss: D.C. Court of Appeals Puts An End To “No Injury” Representative Actions Under D.C. Consumer Law

Printable PDFOn January 20, 2011, the D.C. Court of Appeals -- the District of Columbia's high court -- issued an en banc decision that significantly limits the scope of so-called "representative actions" under the D.C. Consumer Protection Procedures Act (CPPA).  The court held that plaintiffs asserting claims under the CPPA must satisfy the standing requirements embodied in Article III of the U.S.

Client Alert | January 27, 2011

U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Issues Guidance Regarding Recent Events in Tunisia

Printable PDF A popular uprising ended the 23-year old regime of former Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who recently fled to Saudi Arabia.

Client Alert | January 26, 2011

SEC Adopts Say-on-Pay Rules

Printable PDFAt an open meeting held on January 25, 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") voted to approve rules to implement the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the "Dodd-Frank Act") relating to shareholder advisory votes on executive compensation ("say-on-pay"), shareholder advisory votes on the frequency of conducting say-on-pay votes ("say-on-frequency") and shareholder advisory votes on compensation arrangements in connection with significant corporate transactions ("say-on-golden-parachutes").

Client Alert | January 25, 2011

7th Annual Webcast Briefing on Challenges in Compliance and Corporate Governance

While compliance professionals struggle to balance developing, implementing and monitoring effective compliance programs with the reality of shrinking resources and budgets, the risks involved in non-compliance are higher than ever.

Client Alert | January 25, 2011

Global Anti-Corruption Enforcement and Compliance: 2010 Year in Review

Gibson Dunn partner Benno Schwarz and associate Michael Diamant participate in Securities Docket's webcast, "Global Anti-Corruption Enforcement and Compliance -- 2010 Year in Review," which features Nina Gross, Director, Forensic & Dispute Services at Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP.  Topics include:Recent DOJ and SEC FCPA enforcement activity and trends The latest global anti-corruption enforcement developments The implementation and reach of the U.K.

Client Alert | January 24, 2011

Presidential Executive Order on Regulation Suggests U.S. Rulemakings Will Be Examined More Closely

Printable PDFLast Tuesday, January 18, President Obama signed an Executive Order outlining several ways in which federal agencies should more closely scrutinize both existing regulations, and new rules under consideration.  The Executive Order identifies several issues that parties should consider bringing to the attention of agency officials when participating in rulemakings.  The Executive Order enumerates numerous substantive considerations that agencies should make in the rulemaking process.  Agencies should, for example, base their conclusions on "the best available science," "take into account benefits and costs, both quantitative and qualitative," and "identify and use the best, most innovative, and least burdensome tools for achieving regulat

Client Alert | January 21, 2011