Publications - Gibson Dunn


Our lawyers provide sophisticated analysis, practical guidance and thought leadership on a wide range of topics. We encourage our readers to review this collection of client alerts, articles and white papers and benefit from the authors’ exceptional experience, market knowledge, practiced judgment and singular insights.

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FinCEN Proposes Rule to Clarify Which Persons Will Be Required to File FBARs and Which Accounts Will Be Reportable

On February 26, 2010, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) proposed revising the regulations implementing the Bank Secrecy Act to clarify which persons will be required to file Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts ("FBARs") and which accounts will be reportable.  IRS Announcement 2010-16, 2010-11 IRB 1; IRS Notice 2010-23, 2010-11 IRB 1.  The proposed rule would include a definition of United States persons and definitions of bank, securities, and other financial accounts in a foreign country.  In addition, the proposed rule would exempt certain persons with signature or other authority from filing the FBAR.  Finally, it would clarify that private equity funds and hedge funds are not "commingled funds" for which an FBAR filing

Client Alert | March 2, 2010

Betriebsübergang trotz Eingliederung

Munich partner Mark Zimmer and associate Robert C.J. Heymann are the authors of "Ping-Pong der Gerichte Betriebsübergang trotz Eingliederung" [PDF] published in the March 2010 issue of Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht.

Article | March 1, 2010

Health Care Compliance in 2009 and Going Forward

Los Angeles partner Debra Wong Yang, Orange County partner Nick Hanna and New York Partner Alexander Southwell are the authors of "Health Care Compliance in 2009 and Going Forward: Part 1" [PDF] and "Health Care Compliance in 2009 and Going Forward: Part 2" [PDF] published in the March and April 2010 issues of Westlaw Journal's Health Care Fraud.   Gibson Dunn associates Ladan Stewart, Melissa Epstein Mills, Adam Cohen, Ross Halper, Hane Kim and Kristy Grant also contributed to the articles. 

Client Alert | March 1, 2010

EPA Proposes Significant New Use Rule For Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher's Environmental Litigation and Mass Tort Group is closely tracking regulatory and legislative activity relating to the regulation of nanotechnology, which is an emerging technology that involves an increasing number of products and businesses.

Client Alert | March 1, 2010

SEC Amends E-Proxy Rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") recently approved amendments to its notice and access (e-proxy) rules that are designed to increase participation in the e-proxy process.  Under the prior e-proxy rules, the SEC mandated the exact form and content that had to appear on the Notice of Internet Availability (the "Notice").  Concerns have been expressed that the Notice rules limited the ability of issuers to communicate effectively about the e-proxy process, which resulted in lower shareholder participation rates for e-proxy, particularly among retail investors.  The new rules approved by the SEC last week attempt to address this concern by providing enhanced flexibility to the issuer and other soliciting persons in determining the form and conte

Client Alert | March 1, 2010

Formula Pricing: “Day 20” Pricing Has Finally Arrived for Debt Tender Offers!

Orange County partner James Moloney is the author of "Formula Pricing: 'Day 20' Pricing Has Finally Arrived for Debt Tender Offers!" [PDF] published in the March-April 2010 issue of Deal Lawyers.

Client Alert | March 1, 2010

Ten Golden Rules for Retaining Key Employees in UK

London partner James A. Cox and associates Daniel Pollard and Steven Cochran are the authors of "Ten Golden Rules for Retaining Key Employees in UK" [PDF] published in the February 28, 2010 issue of Thomson Reuters's Euro Watch.

Client Alert | February 28, 2010

Department of Defense Announces Defense Contract Provisions Prohibiting Contractors’ Use of Arbitration Agreements for Certain Employee Disputes

Last week, the Department of Defense issued a memorandum implementing the Franken Amendment, a provision of the Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2010 restricting the use of certain pre-dispute arbitration provisions by defense contractors.The memorandum prohibits the use of Department of Defense funds appropriated for FY 2010 for any contract awarded after February 17, 2010 in excess of $1 million unless the contractor agrees not to have mandatory pre-dispute arbitration agreements with its employees for disputes under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or claims related to sexual assault or harassment.  In addition to agreeing not to include mandatory arbitration clauses on these subjects in new employment contracts, the memorandum requires a contractor to refrain fr

Client Alert | February 24, 2010

United States Supreme Court Adopts the “Nerve Center” Test to Determine a Corporation’s Principal Place of Business

On February 23, 2010, the United States Supreme Court held that the phrase "principal place of business" in the federal diversity jurisdiction statute refers to a corporation's "nerve center" or "the place where the corporation's high level officers direct, control, and coordinate the corporation's activities."  Hertz Corp.

Client Alert | February 24, 2010

SEC Votes 3-2 to Adopt Alternative Uptick Rule

Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3-2 to adopt a short sale-related circuit breaker solution (the "Alternative Uptick Rule") to limit excessive short selling pressure on individual stocks.  The SEC's press release is available at  The Alternative Uptick Rule, Securities Exchange Act Rule 201 of Regulation SHO, was formally proposed by the Commission in August 2009, see Release No.

Client Alert | February 24, 2010

Damages in Education False Claims Act Cases — The Tail That Wags the Dog

In this communication we discuss the issue of what is the proper measure of damages in the False Claims Act ("FCA") cases that have been brought against for-profit schools for alleged violations of the so-called "incentive compensation" provision of the Higher Education Act ("HEA") or other statutory or regulatory requirements with which schools must comply in order to be eligible to participate in Title IV programs.

Client Alert | February 23, 2010

California Supreme Court Rules That California’s “Kin Care” Laws Do Not Apply To Uncapped Sick Leave Policies

The California Supreme Court ruled unanimously that California's "Kin Care" rules, which require employers that provide paid sick leave to permit employees to use a portion of the leave to care for sick family members, do not apply to sick leave policies providing an unlimited number of paid sick days.  McCarthur v. Pac.

Client Alert | February 23, 2010

UK Employment and Labour Law — Executive Summary (February 2010)

As economic conditions improve, the war for talent is intensifying.  We have set out below ten "golden rules" for  UK employers seeking to retain key talent.  Different rules and considerations may apply in other jurisdictions.Ten Golden Rules for Retaining Key Employees in the UK1.  Maintain a supportive work environmentMany key employees, particularly those with children, struggle to reconcile their responsibilities at work and home.  As a consequence, employers often struggle to retain key female employees.  Employers looking to reverse this trend, should consider whether it is possible, without harming their business, to introduce benefit plans and working arrangements which help employees to better balance their responsibilities at home and work

Client Alert | February 22, 2010

The “Glorious Mess” Comes to Court

Washington, D.C. partner Raymond B. Ludwiszewski, of counsel Charles H. Haake and associate Stacie B. Fletcher are the authors of "The 'Glorious Mess' Comes to Court" [PDF] published in February 2010 issue of CCLR by courtesy of Lexxion Publisher, Berlin, Germany.

Client Alert | February 10, 2010

DOJ, Heal Thyself

New York partner Georgia Winston is the co-author of "DOJ, Heal Thyself" [PDF] published in the February 2010 issue of ALM's Law Journal Newsletters: Business Crimes Bulletin.

Client Alert | February 8, 2010

SEC Issues Interpretive Guidance on Climate Change Disclosures

At a meeting held on January 27, 2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") approved by a 3-2 vote an interpretive release (the "Interpretive Release") providing guidance to public companies on the SEC’s existing disclosure requirements as they apply to climate change matters.

Client Alert | February 4, 2010

2009 — A Year of Patent Law Decisions in Review

As it has every year since 2005, the United States Congress failed to pass its much-debated Patent Reform Act in 2009.  Even without Congress' action, however, the courts have continued to shape patent law over the past year.  Thus, in the spirit of the changing of the calendar, we look back and review of some of the important patent decisions from 2009.

Client Alert | February 3, 2010

Obama Administration 2011 Budget Tax Proposals

On February 1, 2010, the Obama Administration released the fiscal year 2011 Budget of the United States.  This update summarizes the principal tax provisions identified in the Budget.  The prospects for passage of these proposals is uncertain and depends in large part on the priorities of Congress and the Administration and the need for specific revenue offsets.  Moreover, the inclusion of a proposal in the Budget does not necessarily provide a clear path to enactment.  We invite your questions about specific details of these and any other tax-related provisions of the Budget.

Client Alert | February 3, 2010

High-Tech Stakes

Los Angeles associate Angelique Kaounis is the author of "High-Tech Stakes" [PDF] published in the February 2010 issue of Los Angeles Lawyer.

Client Alert | February 3, 2010

Protecting China ODI – minority shareholder rights

London associate Jay Ze and partner Wayne McArdle are authors of "Protecting China ODI – minority shareholder rights" [PDF] which originally appeared on

Client Alert | February 2, 2010