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SEC Approves Release of Roadmap for Adoption of IFRS by U.S. Issuers

On August 27, 2008, the SEC voted unanimously to issue a proposed roadmap for the potential transition by U.S. issuers from U.S.

Client Alert | August 27, 2008

French Taxation of Real Property Capital Gains

Paris associates Jerome Delaurière and Charlotte Prest are authors of "French Taxation of Real Property Capital Gains" [PDF].  This article first appeared in Tax Notes International on August 25, 2008, p.661.

Client Alert | August 25, 2008

Termination of a Lease Agreement under German Law for Lack of Written Form Despite Obligation to Remedy Form Deficiencies

The Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht – "OLG") of Rostock ruled on July 10, 2008 (case no. 3 U 108 / 07) that a long term commercial lease agreement may be terminated with six months' prior notice to the end of any quarter due to written form deficiencies although the lease agreement provided that each party should use its best efforts in order to cure any deficiencies of the written form ("Remedy Clause").

Client Alert | August 18, 2008

Edwards v. Arthur Andersen — California Supreme Court Invalidates Limited Employee Noncompetition Agreements and Upholds General Release of Claims

On August 7, 2008, the California Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in Edwards v. Arthur Andersen LLP, holding that noncompetition agreements are invalid unless expressly permitted by statute, such as in connection with the sale of a business.  The Supreme Court also held that employee releases of “any and all" claims are valid even though nonwaivable statutory claims are not expressly carved out from the scope of the release.

Client Alert | August 13, 2008

Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Clarifies the Reach of Federal Jurisdiction for “Mass Actions” Under The Federal Class Action Fairness Act

On August 1, 2008, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit decided an issue of first impression and held that the determination of whether an action is a "mass action" under the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 ("CAFA") can be made at any stage of the proceedings, including when the suit is first filed.

Client Alert | August 12, 2008

New Chinese Antitrust Merger Thresholds

The Chinese State Council has adopted new implementing regulations regarding the notifiability of mergers in China. The regulations were published on 4 August 2008, but came into force on 3 August 2008.The regulations set out the following notification thresholds:  a.

Client Alert | August 7, 2008

House Passes Bill to Impose Stricter Regulations on Consumer Products

On July 30, 2008, the House of Representatives voted 424-1 in favor of a bill that would impose stricter regulations on consumer products, including children's products, that contain certain chemicals.

Client Alert | July 31, 2008

SEC Issues Guidance on Use of Company Websites to Disseminate Information to Investors

Yesterday, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") approved the issuance of an interpretive release regarding the application of the federal securities laws to information posted on public company websites.  The release will update interpretive guidance provided by the SEC in 2000 in light of advances in technology and increasing demand from investors for interactive, up-to-date sources of information.  The SEC's guidance is intended to encourage increased use of websites to disseminate information to investors, as well as more innovative and creative means of electronic dissemination such as interactive shareholder forums and blogs.

Client Alert | July 31, 2008

The Blame Game

New York partner Lee G. Dunst is the author of "The blame game," [PDF] published in the July 31, 2008 issue of Legal Week.  Reprinted with permission, © 2008, Legal Week.   

Client Alert | July 31, 2008

U.S. Customs Proposes Substantial Change in Its Country of Origin Rules

On Friday, July 25, 2008, the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in the Department of Homeland Security proposed significant changes in the rules that it applies to determine the country of origin for a variety of purposes, including the country of origin marking rules that generally require that all imported articles (or their containers) be marked with their country of origin.

Client Alert | July 30, 2008

English Court of Appeal: Client’s Right to Choose Its Legal Advisers Is Paramount

Most jurisdictions have at least some requirement that parties to disputes must disclose relevant documents to their opposing parties.  England is no exception.  Disclosure is normally provided subject to obligations on the opposing party to (i) keep such documents confidential and (ii) not use such documents for any purpose other than the proceedings for which the documents are disclosed (non-use obligations).  Non-use obligations, naturally, apply both to the parties to the dispute and to their legal advisers.  Generally, they are well understood and cause no difficulties.  However, questions can sometimes arise as to whether, like conflicts of interest, they can prevent a client from instructing its lawyer of choice.A common situation where such a

Client Alert | July 30, 2008

Mayor Signs Washington, D.C. “Anti-Spam” Law Granting Private Right of Action to Spam Recipients

On July 17, 2008, Washington, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty signed legislation that would prohibit unsolicited commercial e-mail, commonly known as "spam." Although forty states as well as the federal government already regulate spam, spam has increased to the point that it now constitutes roughly 80% of all email traffic.

Client Alert | July 29, 2008

Department of State Amends International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”) Registration Requirements and Proposes Higher Usage-Based Registration Fees

The United States Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (“DDTC”) recently amended Section 122.3 of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”) (22 C.F.R.

Client Alert | July 29, 2008

SEC Obtains Asset Freeze in the United Kingdom Against Hedge Fund Principal (HedgeWorld)

Partner Barry R. Goldsmith and Associate Daniel H. Ahn are authors of "SEC Obtains Asset Freeze in the United Kingdom Against Hedge Fund Principal" [PDF] which appeared in HedgeWorld.

Article | July 28, 2008

Department of Defense Issues Interim Rule Amending DFARS to Add Export Compliance Provisions

The United States Department of Defense ("DoD") has issued an interim rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement ("DFARS") Parts 204, 235, and 252 to address contractor requirements to comply with export control laws and regulations when performing DoD contracts.

Client Alert | July 25, 2008

State Court of Appeal Holds That California Employers Need Only “Provide” Meal Periods, Not Ensure That Employees Take Them

On July 22, 2008, the California Court of Appeal issued a published decision in Brinker Restaurant Corporation v. Superior Court of San Diego County, holding that while California employers must make timely meal periods available to employees and may not impede, discourage or dissuade employees from taking meal periods, employers are not obligated to police their workforce to ensure that employees take meal periods.

Client Alert | July 25, 2008

California Amends State Law to Better Accommodate SEC E-Proxy Rules

On July 22, 2008, Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law Bill 1409. Bill 1409 amends Section 1501 of the California Corporations Code to better accommodate the SEC’s e-proxy rules by allowing annual report delivery in California to be satisfied if a corporation with an outstanding class of securities registered under the Securities Exchange Act complies with certain federal regulations relating to Internet availability of an annual report, referred to as the e-proxy rules.

Client Alert | July 24, 2008

The “Risk Limitation Act” – New Rules for Investors in German Listed Companies

A few days ago, the German legislature adopted the Risk Limitation Act (Risikobegrenzungsgesetz, the "Act") aimed at the limitation of perceived risks deriving from financial investors.

Client Alert | July 22, 2008

Regulatory Crackdown on the Spreading of False Rumors: 10 Preventative Steps to Consider

On July 13, 2008, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced that its Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.

Client Alert | July 15, 2008

EU Competition Law: European Court of Justice Sends Sony BMG Back to the CFI

The European Court of Justice's ("ECJ") 10 July 2008 Sony BMG judgment should halt the rise of the Statement of Objection-less Phase II merger investigation.

Client Alert | July 14, 2008