Publications - Gibson Dunn


Our lawyers provide sophisticated analysis, practical guidance and thought leadership on a wide range of topics. We encourage our readers to review this collection of client alerts, articles and white papers and benefit from the authors’ exceptional experience, market knowledge, practiced judgment and singular insights.

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U.S. Strategy on Countering Corruption Signals Focus on Enforcement

On December 6, 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration released the United States Strategy on Countering Corruption, the first of its kind. Gibson Dunn lawyers provide an overview of the Strategy, which seeks to broaden and energize the Government’s anti-corruption efforts by focusing on a range of policy and enforcement strategies coordinated across executive branch agencies.

Client Alert | December 13, 2021

Webcast: What’s Next: Spoofing and Manipulation in Commodities and Derivatives Markets

In this webcast, a panel of Gibson Dunn lawyers provide a comprehensive overview of spoofing and manipulation in the commodities and derivatives markets under the Commodity Exchange Act and other authorities.

Webcasts | December 9, 2021

Ten Years Post-Therasense: Closing the Gap Between Walker Process Fraud and Inequitable Conduct

Orange County of counsel Anne Brody is the co-author of “Ten Years Post-Therasense: Closing the Gap Between Walker Process Fraud and Inequitable Conduct,” published by The Journal of the Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law Section of the California Lawyers Association in its Fall 2021, Vol. 31, No. 2. issue.

Article | December 6, 2021

Webcast: Global Regulatory Developments and What to Expect Across the Globe (Asia Pacific)

Following on from the recent launch of our Global Financial Regulatory Practice Group, please join us for the inaugural webcast from our global team, where we will be discussing the latest legal and regulatory developments while identifying key themes and trends across major financial centers.

Webcasts | December 2, 2021

Supreme Court Round-Up (November 2021)

Gibson Dunn’s Supreme Court Round-Up provides the questions presented in cases that the Court will hear in the upcoming Term, summaries of the Court’s opinions when released, and other key developments on the Court’s docket. 

Client Alert | November 30, 2021

Webcast: Global Regulatory Developments and What to Expect Across the Globe (US/UK/EU)

Following on from the recent launch of our Global Financial Regulatory Practice Group, please join us for the inaugural webcast from our global team, where we will be discussing the latest legal and regulatory developments while identifying key themes and trends across major financial centers.

Webcasts | November 30, 2021

Delaware Chancery Court Decision Provides Reminders for MLP Transactions

Our lawyers discuss a recent Delaware Court of Chancery decision that offers useful reminders to participants in Master Limited Partnership transactions about the limits of acceptable conduct under standard partnership agreement provisions. 

Client Alert | November 23, 2021

California Privacy Protection Agency Rulemaking Begins and Heightened Privacy Focus Continues

Our lawyers discuss the initial meetings of the new California Privacy Protection Agency, which have given some clues about what to expect from its rulemaking—and when to expect it.

Client Alert | November 23, 2021

In internal investigations, diverse teams are better

New York of counsel Karin Portlock and associate Jabari Julien are the authors of "In internal investigations, diverse teams are better," published by Global Investigations Review on November 12, 2021.

Article | November 18, 2021

SEC Adopts Rules Mandating Use of Universal Proxy Card

On November 17, 2021, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved amendments to the federal proxy rules to mandate the use of a universal proxy card in public solicitations involving director election contests. Our lawyers discuss why they believe that the new rules are likely to embolden activists and increase the incidence of contested director elections.

Client Alert | November 18, 2021

Infrastructure Bill’s New Reporting Requirements May Have Sweeping Implications for Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed into law the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act,” which adds new reporting requirements for certain cryptocurrency transactions that have little to do with infrastructure, but could have potentially dramatic implications for millions of United States businesses and consumers who have embraced cryptocurrency for its efficiency, transparency, and accessibility.

Client Alert | November 18, 2021

Alert Update: Nondebtor Release Prohibition Act of 2021

Gibson Dunn lawyers provide a brief update on the proposed H.R.4777, the Nondebtor Release Prohibition Act of 2021 (NRPA), which would amend the Bankruptcy Code to prohibit non-consensual third party releases and provide for the dismissal of bankruptcy cases filed after the implementation of a divisional merger transaction.

Client Alert | November 18, 2021

Gibson Dunn | Europe | Data Protection – November 2021

Gibson Dunn lawyers provide a look at personal data and other privacy-related legal developments across Europe for October/November 2021.

Client Alert | November 16, 2021

Dubai Financial Services Authority Moves into the “Crypto” Space and Establishes Regulatory Framework for “Investment Tokens”

On October 25, 2021, the Dubai Financial Services Authority (“DFSA”) updated its Rulebook for "crypto" based investments by launching a regulatory framework for "Investment Tokens," which are defined as either a “Security Token” or a “Derivative Token.”

Client Alert | November 15, 2021

UK Supreme Court Overturns Court of Appeal to Disallow Google Data Privacy Class Action

Our lawyers provide an overview of the UK Supreme Court’s decision in Lloyd v Google LLC [2021] UKSC 50 and offer our observations on the implications of the Judgment, which is a blow to funding-assisted collective actions in the data protection field in England and Wales.

Client Alert | November 11, 2021

Discussing Human Capital: A Survey of the S&P 500’s Compliance with the New SEC Disclosure Requirement One Year After Adoption

A main area of focus for public companies this past annual reporting season was the new human capital disclosure requirement for annual reports on Form 10-K.  Gibson Dunn lawyers review disclosure trends among S&P 500 companies and provides practical considerations for companies as we head into 2022 and the second year of discussing human capital resources and management.

Client Alert | November 10, 2021

Webcast: 2021 – Managing Internal Audit and Investigations

In this webcast, Gibson Dunn lawyers discuss the challenging interplay between internal audit and white collar investigations. The discussion includes strategies to ensure that internal audit complements the compliance function and how best to deal with legal problems identified by internal audit activities.

Webcasts | November 9, 2021

ISS Proposes and Opens Comment on Draft 2022 Voting Policy Updates

Yesterday, the proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS") proposed and published for comment voting policy changes for the 2022 proxy season. Our lawyers discuss the five proposed updates that would apply to U.S. companies, including two related to “Say on Climate" proposals and a third related to climate issues.

Client Alert | November 5, 2021

The Pendulum Swings (Far): SEC Staff Issues New Guidance on Shareholder Proposals

SEC staff has issued new guidance on shareholder proposals that unwinds four years of staff precedent and raises the burden for companies seeking to exclude environmental and social proposals from proxy statements.

Client Alert | November 5, 2021

OSHA Issues Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard for Larger Employers

On November 4, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released its long-awaited emergency temporary standard (“ETS”) requiring most American workers to be vaccinated or undergo weekly COVID-19 testing.

Client Alert | November 5, 2021