Los Angeles partner Jennifer Bellah Maguire and Palo Alto associate Samantha Abrams-Widdicombe are the co-authors of “The Fashion Industry’s Challenges and Innovations in Sustainability,” [PDF] published in the PLI Chronicle: Insights and Perspectives for the Legal Community, https://plus.pli.edu, in May 2021.

Century City partner Scott Edelman, Los Angeles associate Jillian London and San Francisco associate Zach ZhenHe Tan are the authors of “Proposed ghost gun rules would leave room for state regulation,” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on May 26, 2021.

Los Angeles partner Bradley Hamburger and associate Jeremy Smith are the authors of “A modest proposal: Amend FRAP to permit reply briefs in support of petitions for permission to appeal” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on May 26, 2021.

Orange County partner Thomas Manakides and associate Joseph Edmonds are the authors of “Roundup Case Shows State Law Can Top Preemption Defense,” [PDF] published by Law360 on June 1, 2021.

London partner Michelle Kirschner and New York partner Arthur Long are the authors of “UK independent review of post-financial crisis proprietary trading rules — an opportunity for reform?” [PDF] first published by Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence on May 20, 2021.

New York partner Joel Cohen and Washington, D.C. of counsel Linda Noonan are the authors of “USA,” [PDF] Chapter 32 of the Anti-Money Laundering 2021 published by International Comparative Legal Guides on May 25, 2021.

Washington, D.C. partners Stephanie Brooker and M. Kendall Day are the authors of “The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020’s Corporate Transparency Act,” [PDF] Chapter 1 of Anti-Money Laundering 2021 published by International Comparative Legal Guides on May 25, 2021.

Los Angeles partner Kahn Scolnick and associate Daniel Adler are the authors of “Ruling will protect noncitizens from consequences of uninformed guilty pleas,” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on May 12, 2021.

Orange County of counsel Anne Brody is the co-author of “Courts Are Aligning Patent Fraud, Inequitable Conduct Claims,” [PDF] published by Law360 on May 18, 2021.

London partner Benjamin Fryer and associate Bridget English are the authors of the “United Kingdom” [PDF] chapter in Taxation of Crypto Assets published by Wolters Kluwer on November 13, 2020.

Reprinted from Taxation of Crypto Assets, (November 2020), (p683-710) with permission of Kluwer Law International.

Washington, D.C. partner Joshua Lipshutz and Los Angeles associate Thomas Cochrane are the authors of “Ruling sets up worker classification test for high court review,” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on May 5, 2021.

Dallas associate Michael Cannon is the author of “The Clean Energy Revolution: Renewable Energy Tax Incentives and Issues” [PDF] published by Tax Notes Federal on April 12, 2021.

New York partner Joel Cohen, London partner Sacha Harber-Kelly and London associate Steve Melrose are the authors of “Why Corporations Should Rethink How They Evaluate Deferred Prosecution Agreements,” [PDF] published by the New York Law Journal on May 6, 2021.

Washington, D.C. partner Mark Perry and Los Angeles partner Perlette Michèle Jura are the authors of the “United States” [PDF] chapter in Appeals 2021 published by Lexology in May 2021.

London partners Doug Watson and Patrick Doris and associate Daniel Barnett are the authors of the “United Kingdom” [PDF] chapter in Appeals 2021 published by Lexology in May 2021.

Los Angeles partner Theane Evangelis is the author of “Don’t turn classrooms into courtrooms and retraumatize victims,” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on April 28, 2021.

Los Angeles partner Michael Dore is the author of “Legal issues to watch in navigating the secondary market for NFTs,” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on April 27, 2021.

Los Angeles partner Maurice Suh and of counsel Daniel Weiss are the authors of “NCAA under scrutiny in grant-in-aid cap antitrust litigation,” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on April 26, 2021.

Washington, D.C. partner David Fotouhi and associates Andrew Wilhelm and Amalia Reiss are the authors of “Water Rule Reinstatement Shows Specific Objections Are Key,” [PDF] published by Law360 on April 28, 2021.

Washington, D.C. partner David Fotouhi and associate Trenton Van Oss are the authors of “What DC Circ.’s Finality Test Means For Biden Enviro Policies,” [PDF] published by Law360 on April 20, 2021.