Client Alert - Gibson Dunn

Client Alert

The Interplay Between Government Investigations and Civil Securities Litigation

Los Angeles partner Michael Farhang and associate Chris Jung are the authors of "The Interplay Between Government Investigations and Civil Securities Litigation" [PDF] published by The Review of Securities and Commodities Regulation on February 19, 2014.

February 19, 2014

Chancery Continues Fight to Remain Leader in Business Dispute Resolution

New York partner Jennifer Rearden and associate Sharon Grysman are the authors of "Chancery Continues Fight to Remain Leader in Business Dispute Resolution" [PDF] published in the February 19, 2014 issue of the Delaware Business Court Insider.

February 19, 2014

Shareholder Activism in the UK:  An Introduction to the “Tools in the Box” for 2014

Following an increase in shareholder and investor activism beyond pure executive remuneration issues in the United Kingdom in 2013, this article provides a summary of certain principles of English law and UK and European regulation applicable to UK listed public companies and their shareholders that are relevant to the expected further increase in activism in 2014.

February 18, 2014

Supreme Court Round-Up: A Summary of Recent Opinions, Upcoming Arguments and Other Developments (February 2014)

As the Supreme Court accepts additional cases for review and issues new opinions, Gibson Dunn's Supreme Court Round-Up is summarizing the opinions the Court has already released, the issues presented in cases that will be argued, and other key developments. 

February 13, 2014

U.S. Developments in Virtual Currencies: FinCEN Administrative Rulings and New York Department of Financial Services Hearings

Last month, there were two important developments with respect to the regulation of virtual currencies like Bitcoin.  On January 30th, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued two administrative rulings, which provided further interpretive guidance about when virtual currency-related conduct will cause an entity to qualify as a "money services business" (MSB) subject to the requirements of the U.S.

February 12, 2014

The Glamorous Side of Intellectual Property Law

Washington, D.C. partner Howard Hogan is the author of "The Glamorous Side of Intellectual Property Law," published in the February 10, 2014 issue of National Law Journal.

February 10, 2014

2014 Should Be Pivotal For Fracking Regulation

Washington, D.C. associate Claudia Barrett is the author of "2014 Should Be Pivotal For Fracking Regulation" [PDF] published by Law360 on February 10, 2014 at

February 10, 2014

2013 Year-End Sanctions Update

The year 2013 saw vigorous enforcement activity in connection with the increasingly restrictive sanctions, particularly with respect to Iran.  Enforcement of the sanctions in the United States and the European Union has been accompanied by at times very significant penalties.  The flurry of activity towards the end of the year focused on multilateral efforts to address Iran's nuclear program, leading to in questions concerning the prospects for eased Iran sanctions, the nature and duration of any relaxed sanctions, and possible legislative actions jeopardizing the efforts.This update reviews sanctions developments in the United States, European Union and the United Kingdom in 2013 and assesses what the experiences in 2013 suggest about how business practices might evolve to adapt

February 6, 2014

A Clear Path To Section 363 Sale Challenges

New York partner Michael Rosenthal, Dallas partners Robert Little and Chris Babcock, and Denver associate Jeremy Graves are the authors of "A Clear Path To Section 363 Sale Challenges" [PDF] published by Law360 on Febuary 6, 2014 at

February 6, 2014

Implications Of The SEC’s Recent Trial Losses

San Francisco partner Marc Fagel and New York associate Mary Kay Dunning are the authors of "Implications Of The SEC's Recent Trial Losses" [PDF] published by Law360 on February 5, 2014 at

February 5, 2014

How To Choose The Right Form Of Joint Venture

New York partner Rashida La Lande is the author of "How To Choose The Right Form Of Joint Venture" [PDF] published by Law360 on February 4, 2014 at

February 4, 2014

Adjustments to the European Merger Control Procedure

The European Commission adopted a number of changes to the EU merger control procedure  in the form of amendments to the Commission's Notice on Simplified Procedures and to the Implementing Regulation on merger control, which came into effect on 1 January 2014.

February 4, 2014

M&A Report – Winter 2014

Happy New Year!  The Winter 2014 Edition of the Gibson Dunn M&A Report offers crucial insights for M&A professionals that you won't want to miss, including:How do you help ensure the dispute resolution provisions in yourM&A agreements don't actually create more problems than they solve?What are the latest hot-button issues in private M&A agreementsand how should they be addressed?What do companies in the retail sector need to know about shareholder activists?What are the latest M&A developments in China?

February 3, 2014

Drilling Down on the New ISS “QuickScore 2.0” and Recent ISS Guidance; Companies Should Verify ISS Data No Later than February 7, 2014

On January 27, 2014, Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. ("ISS") released information about its new version of QuickScore ("QuickScore 2.0"), which it will launch on February 18, 2014.  In addition, after Gibson Dunn submitted a series of questions to ISS about QuickScore, on January 31, 2014, ISS issued additional guidance clarifying certain information applicable to U.S.

February 3, 2014

Oil and Gas Industry Briefing: Recent Fifth Circuit Ruling Limits Ability of Pipeline Owners in Bankruptcy to Sell Assets “Free and Clear” of, or Reject, Certain Covenants Associated with the Pipelines

On December 31, 2013, in Newco Energy v. Energytec, Inc. (In re Energytec, Inc), the Fifth Circuit ruled that certain rights connected to a gas pipeline--in particular, the right to receive a "transportation fee" based on gas throughput and the requirement that the recipient of the transportation fee consent to any assignment of interests in the pipeline--were covenants running with the land under Texas law.

February 3, 2014

Current Approaches to Managing Discovery in California Complex Courts

San Francisco partner Thad Davis and associate Christine Fujita are the authors of "Current Approaches to Managing Discovery in California Complex Courts" [PDF] published in the February 2014 issue of Corporate LiveWire's Expert Guide - Opportunities & Developments - West Coast USA 2014.

February 3, 2014

Bitcoin arrest shows risk of virtual currency

Washington, D.C. partner Judith Lee is the author of "Bitcoin arrest shows risk of virtual currency" [PDF] published in the February 3, 2014 issue of the Los Angeles Daily Journal.

February 3, 2014

Selective Distribution and e-Commerce: Recent developments in EU and national case law

Brussels partner Andres Font Galarza and associates Eryk Dziadykiewicz and Alejandro Guerrero Perez are the authors of "Selective Distribution and e-Commerce: Recent developments in EU and national case law" [PDF] published in the February 2014 issue of the National Competitions Law Bulletin.

February 3, 2014

Inside the SEC: Highlights from the 41st Annual Securities Regulation Institute

Orange County partner James Moloney and associate Michael Titera are the authors of “Inside the SEC: Highlights from the 41st Annual Securities Regulation Institute” [PDF] published in the February 2014 issue of Aspen's Insights.

February 1, 2014

2013 Trade Secrets Litigation Round-Up

Over the past year, there have been several significant developments in trade secrets law, amidst growing concern about the devastating effect of trade secret theft on U.S.

January 31, 2014