Gibson Dunn’s Workplace DEI Task Force aims to help our clients develop creative, practical, and lawful approaches to accomplish their DEI objectives following the Supreme Court’s decision in SFFA v. Harvard. Prior issues of our DEI Task Force Update can be found in our DEI Resource Center. Should you have questions about developments in this space or about your own DEI programs, please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our DEI Task Force or the authors of this Update (listed below).

Key Developments:

America First Legal (AFL), the conservative organization founded and run by former Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller, announced two new actions targeting DEI policies. On March 27, the organization sent a letter to The Walt Disney Company’s CEO Bob Iger, Board of Directors, and management, alleging breaches of fiduciary duty and violations of federal securities laws. AFL claims that Disney’s internal DEI policies and certain diversity-related content in Disney’s children’s streaming programming have contributed to a nearly 40% decline in the company’s market capitalization. AFL has asked Disney to immediately cease and desist from all employment and contracting practices that may discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin; disclose the risks associated with its DEI practices and policies in its Form 10-K and proxy statements; and retain an independent counsel for a full investigation of the company’s hiring, promotion, recruitment, and purchasing practices. Two days later, on March 29, AFL released internal research alleging that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding DEI programs, highlighting donations made by the Gates Foundation to the Inland Empire Community Foundation’s Black Equity Fund, the Indian American Impact Project, and the Equity in Education Coalition, among others. Miller said in a statement that “these foundation gifts appear to be funding extreme activists and programs that promote illegal racial discrimination against whites and other groups, radically undermine public safety, and foment dangerous anti-cop extremism.” AFL demanded an “explanation and accounting” from the Foundation.

On March 25, the Equal Protection Project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation (EPP), a conservative non-profit organization, filed a complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (DOE) alleging that the George Floyd Memorial Scholarship at Minnesota’s North Central University violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The scholarship, a four-year, full-tuition award, is granted to one undergraduate Black student based on community recommendations and a written essay. EPP contends that the scholarship discriminates against non-Black students by excluding them from consideration. This complaint follows EPP’s January 22nd complaint against the University of Wisconsin-Madison regarding its Creando Comunidad: Community Engaged BIPOC Fellows program. That scholarship program requires applicants to be a “member of a historically underrepresented racial or ethnic group or community.” EPP alleges that UW’s active promotion of the program violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The same day that EPP filed its complaint against North Central University, DOE confirmed it is investigating UW’s program.

On March 21, Idaho Governor Brad Little (R) signed into law Senate Bill 1274, which restricts the use of diversity statements by colleges and universities. The law prohibits public postsecondary institutions from requiring candidates for employment or admission to submit or ascribe to any “diversity statement,” defined broadly to include written or oral statements relating to “race, sex, color, ethnicity, or sexual orientation,” views on DEI and social justice, or experiences working with others of diverse backgrounds. The law also prohibits institutions from requiring or soliciting diversity statements in any contract renewal or promotion process “or as a condition of participation in any administrative or decision-making function of the institution.” The law does not bar students from voluntarily submitting information that would fall under the definition of a diversity statement. Because the law states that it is responsive to an “emergency,” it takes effect on July 1, 2024.

On March 6, the Congressional Black Caucus, chaired by Representative Steven Horsford (D-Nev.), issued a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, calling for the Department of Justice to “examine the lawfulness of states acting to dismantle the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs at American institutions of higher learning.” The letter emphasizes the historical importance of civil rights laws in promoting the growth of diversity on college campuses, and notes that diverse college students continue to face ongoing challenges in obtaining equal access to higher education. The letter—which follows the recent moves by the University of Florida to eliminate all of its DEI-related spending, Alabama Senate Bill 129 which limits DEI programs and teaching, and Texas Senate Bill 17 that eliminates DEI programs in state colleges—stresses that “Anti-DEI bills have been introduced in more than 30 states as of February 29, 2024.” The letter contends that because these university systems are recipients of federal funding, their anti-DEI actions constitute potential violations of federal anti discrimination laws codified in Title VI and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Media Coverage and Commentary:

Below is a selection of recent media coverage and commentary on these issues:

  • Axios, “‘The backlash is real’: Behind DEI’s rise and fall” (April 2): Emily Peck of Axios reports on the recent decline of corporate DEI programs over the past two years in the wake of widespread attacks from lawmakers and conservative activists. Peck suggests that some companies, which may have been less invested in DEI or more concerned about potential lawsuits, are using this moment to back away. Peck reports that these businesses are cutting back funding, trimming DEI staff, and considering limits to initiatives like employee resource groups based on workers’ races, ethnicities or interests. Conversely, according to Peck, companies that are continuing their DEI efforts are doing so quietly and altering their approach.
  • Bloomberg Law, “States Clash With First Amendment on DEI, Captive Audience Laws” (April 1): Bloomberg Law’s Chris Marr reports on the impact of recent state legislation on private companies’ approach to communications with their employees regarding diversity-related topics. Roughly a half-dozen states, including California and New York, have enacted statutes requiring diversity training, while courts in other states such as Michigan have found diversity training to be an implied part of employers’ obligations under state anti-discrimination laws. However, Marr opines that the First Amendment may be in tension with these diversity statutes, which may be construed as impermissibly requiring content-based communication. Marr also discusses instances where the courts have struck down conservative state legislation aimed at limiting diversity-related discussion in the workplace as a violation of employees’ free-speech rights, such as the Eleventh Circuit’s recent decision in, Inc. v. DeSantis, — F.4th —, 2024 WL 909379 (11th Cir. Mar. 4, 2024). Marr notes that states are poised to continue testing the bounds of when and how they can regulate workplace speech, setting up future courtroom clashes over the extent of employers’ First Amendment rights in protecting their communications with employees.
  •, “What’s in a Name? Group Urges Full 2nd Circuit to Scrap Rule Against Pseudonymity” (March 29): Avalon Zoppo of reports on the efforts of conservative nonprofit group Do No Harm to petition the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to scrap its new standing test requiring organizations to provide members’ names when seeking preliminary injunctions. In its petition for en banc review of the court’s recent decision in Do No Harm v. Pfizer, Inc., — F.4th —, 2024 WL 949506 (2d Cir. Mar. 6, 2024), Do No Harm argues that the rule will deter organizations from bringing lawsuits on behalf of individuals who may wish to remain anonymous due to fears of retaliation. Gibson Dunn partner and co-head of the firm’s Labor and Employment practice group Jason Schwartz said the case could affect a recent influx of lawsuits against corporate diversity initiatives, where conservative groups have sued on behalf of anonymous members: “This is a super important threshold question for a lot of this new wave of lawsuits . . . If the court says you have to come forward with real live human beings, that’s going to change the wave of these cases in a material way.”
  • The Hill, “Texas AG Paxton probes Boeing supplier, takes aim at DEI practices” (March 29): The Hill’s Saul Elbein reports on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s investigation of a major supplier to aerospace company Boeing, whose flagship 737 MAX aircraft has been linked to a series of deadly accidents since 2018. Paxton ordered the supplier, Spirit AeroSystems, to provide documents related to manufacturing defects that resulted in the grounding of numerous Boeing planes. Elbein reports that, as part of his request for information, Paxton also asked for information related to the company’s DEI policy and demanded the company substantiate its claim that a diverse workplace improves product quality, enhances performance, and/or helps Spirit make better decisions. Paxton reportedly also asked the company to explain how company-wide demographics for race, national origin, sexual orientation, and age have changed since 2022, when Spirit first adopted its DEI policy.
  • CNN, “University of Texas at Austin students say cultural programs are struggling to stay afloat in wake of anti-DEI law” (March 28): CNN’s Nicquel Terry Ellis reports on the impact of Texas SB17 on students at the University of Texas at Austin. Signed into law in 2023 by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, SB17 prohibits public colleges and universities in Texas from maintaining diversity, equity, and inclusion offices; hiring or assigning anyone to perform DEI office duties; giving preference to any job applicants or employees based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin; or requiring anyone to complete DEI training. Ellis reports that, at UT Austin, the implementation of the law has caused cultural and identity groups on campus to struggle to find funding for events, meetings, and conferences previously sponsored by the school. According to Aaliyah Barlow, president of the University’s Black Student Alliance, the anti-DEI law makes marginalized communities feel unwanted on campus. However, UT Austin President Jay Hartzell emphasized that although the University will comply with the new law, it will not change the institution’s “commitment to attracting, supporting, and retaining exceptional talent across diverse backgrounds and perspectives.”
  • Wall Street Journal, “Government Changes How It Asks About Race and Ethnicity, Adds Middle Eastern” (March 28): The Wall Street Journal’s Paul Overberg and Michelle Hackman report on how, for the first time in 27 years, the U.S. government is changing the racial and ethnic categories used in the federal census and on other government forms. Under the new standard, respondents can now identify with more than one race, including American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black or African-American; Hispanic or Latino; Middle Eastern or North African; Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; and white. Overberg and Hackman note that the change marks the first time that “Middle Eastern or North African” is included as its own category. Under the previous standard, individuals from these backgrounds were categorized as white.
  • CNN, “US House Office of Diversity and Inclusion to be disbanded as part of government spending bill” (March 25): Reporting for CNN, Nicquel Terry Ellis, Chandelis Duster, and Eva McKend cover the dissolution of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Office of Diversity and Inclusion as part of the spending bill that passed on March 22. The office, established in March 2020 with a mission to foster a congressional workforce reflective of the nation’s demographics, will be replaced by a newly-formed entity, the Office of Talent Management.

Case Updates:

Below is a list of updates in new and pending cases:

1. Contracting claims under Section 1981, the U.S. Constitution, and other statutes:

  • Roberts & Freedom Truck Dispatch v. Progressive Preferred Ins. Co., et al., No. 23-cv-1597 (N.D. Oh. 2023): On August 16, 2023, plaintiffs represented by AFL sued defendants Progressive Insurance, Hello Alice, and Circular Board, Inc., alleging that the defendants’ grant program that awarded funding specifically to Black entrepreneurs to support their small businesses violated Section 1981.
    • Latest update: On March 22, the plaintiffs filed a response to the defendants’ combined motion to dismiss, motion to stay and compel arbitration, and motion to transfer. On March 28, the Equal Protection Project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation (EPP) filed an amicus brief in support of the plaintiffs. EPP argued that the grant of the defendants’ motion would prevent civil rights groups from enforcing laws against civil rights violations by “carving out a massive loophole to characterize discriminatory conduct as protected speech.”
  • Am. Alliance for Equal Rights v. Zamanillo, No. 1:24-cv-509-JMC (D.D.C. 2024): On February 22, 2024, AAER filed a complaint and motion for a preliminary injunction against Jorge Zamanillo in his official capacity as the Director of the National Museum of the American Latino, part of the Smithsonian Institution. The complaint targets the Museum’s internship program, which aims to provide Latino, Latina, and Latinx undergraduates with training in non-curatorial art museum careers. AAER claimed that the program constitutes race discrimination in violation of the Fifth Amendment because the Museum allegedly considers the race of applicants in choosing interns and purportedly refuses to hire non-Latino applicants. AAER had asked for an injunction to prevent the Museum from closing the application window on April 1, or selecting interns for the program (currently scheduled to begin in late April).
    • Latest update: On March 26, AAER filed a notice of settlement and stipulation of dismissal. In the settlement agreement, the Smithsonian agreed to add the following statement to the text of the scoring rubric before the application window for the undergraduate internship closes: “The Undergraduate Internship is equally open to students of all races and ethnicities. Reviewers should not give preference or restrict selection based on race or ethnicity.”
  • Bradley, et al. v. Gannett Co. Inc., 1:23-cv-01100 (E.D.V.A. 2023): On August 18, 2023, white plaintiffs sued Gannett over its alleged “Reverse Race Discrimination Policy,” claiming that Gannett’s expressed commitment to having its staff demographics reflect the communities it covers violates Section 1981. On November 24, 2023 Gannett moved to dismiss and to strike the plaintiffs’ class action allegations. On February 8, 2024, the plaintiffs moved for a preliminary injunction and for class certification. Gannett filed a motion to stay briefing on the plaintiffs’ motions pending a ruling on Gannett’s motion to dismiss, arguing that it may moot any need for class certification or a preliminary injunction.
    • Latest update: On March 20, Gannett filed a notice of supplemental authority in support of its motion to dismiss, bringing the court’s attention to the recent Fourth Circuit opinion in Duvall v. Novant Health, Inc., No. 22-2142 (4th Cir. Mar. 12, 2024), which Gannett contends stands for the proposition that DEI programs are not per se unlawful, as long as they do not entail “a system wide decision making process” for employment based on DEI metrics.
  • Alexandre v. Amazon, Inc., No. 3:22-cv-1459 (S.D. Cal. 2022): White, Asian, and Native Hawaiian entrepreneur plaintiffs, on behalf of a putative class of past and future Amazon “delivery service partner” (DSP) program applicants, challenged a DEI program that provides $10,000 grants to qualifying delivery service providers who are “Black, Latinx, and Native American entrepreneurs.” The plaintiffs allege violations of California state civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination. On December 6, 2023, Amazon moved to dismiss, and the plaintiffs opposed the motion on February 16, 2024.
    • Latest update: On March 20, Amazon filed a reply in support of its motion to dismiss, arguing that the plaintiffs lack standing because only a person who was already an Amazon DSP could suffer the injury of being denied a DSP diversity grant, and the plaintiffs are neither current DSPs nor applicants to become DSPs. Amazon further argued that the plaintiffs waived their claims under Section 1981 (because they did not respond to Amazon’s argument to dismiss that claim) and Section 51.5 of the Unruh Act (because they had already conceded that Section 51 does not apply). On March 26, 2024, the court announced that it would not hold oral argument on the motion.
  • Do No Harm v. Pfizer, No. 1:22-cv-07908 (S.D.N.Y. 2022), aff’d, No. 23-15 (2d Cir. 2023): On September 15, 2022, conservative medical advocacy organization Do No Harm filed suit against Pfizer, alleging that Pfizer discriminated against white and Asian students by excluding them from its Breakthrough Fellowship Program. To be eligible for the program, applicants must “[m]eet the program’s goals of increasing the pipeline for Black/African American, Latino/Hispanic and Native Americans.” Do No Harm alleged that the criteria violate Section 1981, Title VI of the Affordable Care Act, and multiple New York state laws banning racially discriminatory internships, training programs, and employment. In December 2022, the Southern District of New York dismissed the case for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, finding that Do No Harm did not have standing because it did not identify at least one member by name. On March 6, 2024, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the district court’s dismissal, holding that an organization must name at least one affected member to establish Article III standing under the “clear language” of Supreme Court precedent.
    • Latest update: On March 20, Do No Harm petitioned the court for a rehearing en banc, arguing that the panel’s opinion splits with at least two circuits and creates “an irreconcilable line of intracircuit precedent,” and predicting that the panel’s opinion would “deter associations from representing vulnerable members in court.” Do No Harm also moved to supplement the record on appeal with three additional anonymous declarations from potential applicants to the Pfizer Breakthrough Fellowship Program.

2. Employment discrimination and related claims:

  • Kascsak v. Expedia Inc., 1:23-cv-01373-DII (W.D. Tex. 2023): On November 9, 2023, a white man sued Expedia and a top executive for reverse discrimination in relation to the hiring process for a leadership role. The plaintiff claimed he was passed over in favor of a “diverse” candidate, a Black woman. The plaintiff claimed he was the victim of discrimination on the bases of race and sex in violation of Title VII, Section 1981, and the Texas Labor Code. On January 22, 2024, the defendants moved to dismiss, arguing that (1) the plaintiff lacked personal jurisdiction over the Expedia executive, and (2) the plaintiff failed to sufficiently plead a Section 1981 claim because race was not the sole but-for cause of the adverse hiring decision. The plaintiff opposed the motion on January 29, 2024, and the defendants replied on February 5.
    • Latest update: On March 25, the court dismissed all claims against the individual executive defendant for lack of personal jurisdiction. The court denied the motion to dismiss as to Expedia, holding that Section 1981 permits claims where race is not the single but-for cause of an adverse contracting action.
  • Haltigan v. Drake, No. 5:23-cv-02437-EJD (N.D. Cal. 2023): A white male psychologist sued the University of California Santa Cruz, arguing that a requirement that prospective faculty candidates submit and be evaluated in part on the basis of statements explaining their views and understanding of DEI principles functioned as a loyalty oath that violated his First Amendment rights. The plaintiff claimed that because he is “committed to colorblindness and viewpoint diversity”––which he alleged was contrary to UC Santa Cruz’s position on DEI––he would be compelled to alter his political views to be a viable candidate for the position. The plaintiff sought a declaration that the University’s DEI statement requirement violated the First Amendment and a permanent injunction against the enforcement of the requirement. On January 12, 2024, the district court granted UC Santa Cruz’s motion to dismiss with leave to amend.
    • Latest update: On March 1, the defendant moved to dismiss the plaintiff’s second amended complaint, arguing that the plaintiff lacks standing and failed to state claims of First Amendment viewpoint discrimination or compelled speech. On March 29, the plaintiff filed an opposition, arguing that he has standing because he was “as ready and able to apply [for the faculty position] as anyone could be.” The plaintiff also argued that the DEI statement is viewpoint discrimination because it is a “political litmus test,” and an unconstitutional condition rather than speech subject to Pickering balancing.

3. Challenges to agency rules, laws, and regulatory decisions:

  • American Alliance for Equal Rights v. Ivey, No. 2:24-cv-00104-RAH-JTA (M.D. Ala. 2024): On February 13, 2024, AAER filed a complaint against Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, challenging a state law that requires Governor Ivey to ensure there are no fewer than two individuals “of a minority race” on the Alabama Real Estate Appraisers Board (AREAB). The AREAB consists of nine seats, including one for a member of the public with no real estate background (the at-large seat), which has been unfilled for years. Because there was only one minority member among the Board at the time of filing, AAER asserts that state law will require that the open seat go to a minority. AAER states that one of its members applied for this final seat, but was denied purely on the basis of race, in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
    • Latest update: On March 19, the district court denied AAER’s motion for a temporary restraining order/preliminary injunction. The court ordered AAER to confidentially disclose of the identity of Member A, the anonymous member of AAER who asserted an injury. It also ordered the parties to submit briefing, due in early April, on why Member A should be allowed to proceed anonymously in the case.

The following Gibson Dunn attorneys assisted in preparing this client update: Jason Schwartz, Mylan Denerstein, Blaine Evanson, Molly Senger, Zakiyyah Salim-Williams, Matt Gregory, Zoë Klein, Mollie Reiss, Alana Bevan, Marquan Robertson, Janice Jiang, Elizabeth Penava, Skylar Drefcinski, Mary Lindsay Krebs, David Offit, Lauren Meyer, Kameron Mitchell, Maura Carey, and Jayee Malwankar.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, any member of the firm’s Labor and Employment practice group, or the following practice leaders and authors:

Jason C. Schwartz – Partner & Co-Chair, Labor & Employment Group
Washington, D.C. (+1 202-955-8242, [email protected])

Katherine V.A. Smith – Partner & Co-Chair, Labor & Employment Group
Los Angeles (+1 213-229-7107, [email protected])

Mylan L. Denerstein – Partner & Co-Chair, Public Policy Group
New York (+1 212-351-3850, [email protected])

Zakiyyah T. Salim-Williams – Partner & Chief Diversity Officer
Washington, D.C. (+1 202-955-8503, [email protected])

Molly T. Senger – Partner, Labor & Employment Group
Washington, D.C. (+1 202-955-8571, [email protected])

Blaine H. Evanson – Partner, Appellate & Constitutional Law Group
Orange County (+1 949-451-3805, [email protected])

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The government successfully argued that trading in the securities of one company based upon material nonpublic information about a separate company (in whose securities the defendant does not trade) can nevertheless violate the federal securities laws.

On April 5, 2024, a civil jury found a former biopharmaceutical executive liable for insider trading under a novel theory with potentially far-reaching implications for the government’s enforcement of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, as well as potential criminal insider trading prosecutions.  In a first-of-its-kind trial, in SEC v. Panuwat, the government successfully argued that trading in the securities of one company based upon material nonpublic information about a separate company (in whose securities the defendant does not trade) can nevertheless violate the federal securities laws.  This is called “shadow trading.”  Although the SEC has been at pains to claim that there is “nothing novel” about the “pure and simple” insider trading theory it advanced in Panuwat,[1] the ruling heralds a significant new application of the federal government’s insider trading authority to prevent such “shadow trading” in which corporate insiders allegedly exploit information about their own companies to profit by trading in the securities of “economically-linked firms.”[2]

Factual Background

Matthew Panuwat served as Senior Director of Business Development at Medivation Inc., a publicly traded biopharmaceutical company specializing in oncology drugs.  At the outset of his employment, Mr. Panuwat signed the company’s insider trading policy.  That policy provided that he would not “gain personal benefit” by using Medivation’s information to “profit financially by buying or selling” either Medivation’s securities “or the securities of another publicly traded company.”[3]  Not all public companies prohibit their personnel (including members of the Board of Directors) from trading in the securities of other public companies or competitors.  Medivation did.

As alleged by the government, on August 18, 2016, Mr. Panuwat and other senior employees received an email from David Hung, Medivation’s chief executive officer, suggesting that a deal was imminent in which Medivation would be purchased by Pfizer.  Although market participants already knew that Medivation had been fielding offers for several months, the SEC alleged that Hung’s email contained several pieces of non-public information.  Mr. Panuwat, who had been part of the Medivation deal team, knew that the bids from potential acquirers including Pfizer represented a substantial premium over the then-existing market price for Medivation shares.  Seven minutes after receiving Mr. Hung’s email, Mr. Panuwat began purchasing call options for Incyte Corporation, one of a handful of similar publicly traded biopharmaceutical companies focused on late-stage oncology treatments.  When Pfizer’s acquisition of Medivation was publicly announced a few days later, Incyte’s stock increased 7.7% and Mr. Panuwat made approximately $110,000 from his call options.

On August 17, 2021, the SEC brought an action against Mr. Panuwat for insider trading under Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, alleging a single violation of Rule 10b-5.

The District Court Denied Mr. Panuwat’s Motion to Dismiss

Mr. Panuwat moved to dismiss the SEC’s complaint on multiple grounds, including that the SEC’s unprecedented “shadow trading” theory sought to hold him liable for trading in Incyte’s securities as a result of his knowledge of the Pfizer-Medivation acquisition violated his constitutional right to Due Process.  Mr. Panuwat argued that such a theory had never before been advanced in litigation.  According to this line of argument, market participants had not previously understood that “confidential information regarding an acquisition involving Company A should also be considered material to Company B (and presumably companies C, D, E, etc.) that operate within the same general industry.”[4]  Although the Court agreed that there “appear to be no other cases” supporting that proposition, and the SEC “conceded this at oral argument,” the Court nevertheless rejected this Due Process argument.  The Court held that the SEC’s theory fell “within the general framework of insider trading, and the expansive language” of federal securities laws.[5]

The lengthiest portion of the Court’s decision, as well as the parties’ briefing, concerned whether information regarding the Pfizer-Medivation acquisition was material to Incyte.  Mr. Panuwat argued that the information he received was not “about” Incyte, a non-party to the imminent transaction.[6]  But the Court concluded that “given the limited number of mid-cap, oncology-focused biopharmaceutical companies with commercial-stage drugs in 2016, the acquisition of one such company (Medivation) would make the others (i.e., Incyte) more attractive, which could then drive up their stock price.”  The Court stated that it was “reasonable to infer” that other companies that had unsuccessfully attempted to acquire Medivation “would turn their attention to Incyte” after losing out to Pfizer.[7]  And, more broadly, in dicta the Court endorsed the SEC’s “common-sense” argument that “information regarding business decisions by a supplier, a purchaser, or a peer can have an impact on a company” and therefore be material—a potentially far-reaching endorsement of the SEC’s novel “shadow trading” theory.[8]

In addition, the parties agreed that Mr. Panuwat owed a duty to Medivation in light of his role as a senior executive of the company.  That supported the SEC’s theory that he could be liable for misappropriating Medivation’s material non-public information concerning its impending acquisition.  Although Mr. Panuwat argued that trading Incyte securities did not violate his duties to Medivation, the Court disagreed.  At the pleading stage, the Court relied on “the plain language” of Medivation’s insider trading policy prohibiting trading “‘the securities of another publicly traded company, including . . . competitors” of Medivation, which could be read to include Incyte.[9]  The Court further found that scienter could be reasonably inferred given that Mr. Punawat allegedly traded the Incyte call options “within minutes” of receiving Mr. Hung’s email but had “never traded Incyte stock before.”[10]

A Jury Agrees Mr. Panuwat’s Trading Falls Within the SEC’s “Shadow Trading” Theory

In November 2023, the Court denied Mr. Panuwat’s motion for summary judgment.  The Court found that a key question for the jury was whether the SEC could prove “a connection between Medivation and Incyte” such that “a reasonable investor would view the information in the Hung Email as altering the ‘total mix’ of information available about Incyte.”[11]  In particular, the Court recognized at least three ways in which the SEC might be able to prevail on this question of fact.  First, it recognized that the SEC had introduced several “analyst reports and financial news articles” that “repeatedly linked Medivation’s acquisition to Incyte’s future.”[12]  Mr. Panuwat tried to sever this link by arguing that Medivation and Incyte did not consider themselves competitors because they offered somewhat different products.  The Court, however, rejected this argument because “no legal authority suggest[ed] that a reasonable investor would conclude that Medivation’s acquisition would only affect the stock price of companies that directly competed” with it.[13]  Second, the SEC introduced evidence that “Medivation’s investment bankers considered Incyte a ‘comparable peer’” for valuation purposes because both were mid-cap biopharmaceutical companies with cancer-related drugs.[14]  Third, the Court found that Incyte’s stock price increased by 7.7% after announcement of the Pfizer-Medivation acquisition, which the Court inferred was itself “strong evidence” investors understood “the significance of that information” as being material to Incyte.[15]

SEC v. Panuwat proceeded to an eight-day jury trial that began on March 25, 2024.  After only about two hours of deliberation, on April 5, the jury returned a verdict finding that Mr. Panuwat’s purchase of Incyte call options constituted insider trading in violation of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder.  That same day the SEC issued a press release noting that the brevity of the jury’s deliberations supported the SEC’s position since the outset of the litigation, quoting Division of Enforcement Director Gurbir S. Grewal as saying that,  “As we’ve said all along, there was nothing novel about this matter, and the jury agreed: this was insider trading, pure and simple” because Mr. Panuwat “used highly confidential information about an impending announcement” of Medivation’s acquisition “to trade ahead of the news for his own enrichment” by using “his employer’s confidential information to acquire a large stake in call options” of Incyte, which “increased materially on the important news.”[16]

Depending on the Appellate Court, “Shadow Trading” Liability May Be Here to Stay

Pending the results of the anticipated appeal, the successful prosecution of Mr. Panuwat has armed the federal government with a powerful new precedent.  Academic studies have claimed to find “robust evidence” that “shadow trading” is a frequent real-world phenomena in which “employees circumvent insider trading regulations” by “trading in their firm’s business partners and competitors” rather than trading in their own employers’ securities.[17]  The district court’s detailed rulings in SEC v. Panuwat provide a clear blueprint for the government’s approach moving forward.  Further, the jury’s findings against Mr. Panuwat after deliberating for only a few hours provides anecdotal evidence that litigating “shadow trading” cases is a viable option for government regulators and prosecutors.

Depending on whether Mr. Panuwat appeals the decision (as expected), legal and compliance professionals would be well-advised to continue to keep “shadow trading” issues in mind when designing, revising and implementing their firms’ trading policies and training programs.  Indeed, anyone who trades in securities while in possession of material non-public information—including corporate insiders and directors, bankers, accountants, and lawyers, among others—could find themselves within the zone of a “shadow trading” theory.  In addition, commencing with annual reports on Forms 10-K for fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 2023, public companies will need to file as an exhibit to their Form 10-Ks any “insider trading policies and procedures governing the purchase, sale, and/or other dispositions of the registrant’s securities” that “are reasonably designed to promote compliance with insider trading laws, rules and regulations.”[18]  While this requirement does not literally apply to policies addressing the trading of other companies’ securities, some companies have policies (as with Medivation) that address such trading.[19]  Companies should carefully consider all factors in deciding whether to prohibit trading in other securities, and conduct training of insiders and board members as to the SEC’s expansive views on the scope of the law against insider trading.

Moreover, the securities laws impose obligations on SEC-registered firms, namely investment advisers and broker-dealers, to adopt and implement policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent the misuse of material nonpublic information.  Such firms can often be confronted with questions as to the scope of a restriction imposed by the receipt of material nonpublic information subject to a duty of confidentiality, while simultaneously fulfilling fiduciary duties to manage assets in the interests of clients.  Such questions can arise at the inception of a trading restriction as well as at later points during the period of restriction.  Judgments about the materiality of information about one company to the price of securities of another company are particularly nuanced and complicated.  For example, it can be difficult to determine whether favorable news about one company will have a positive or negative impact on a competitor.  Hanging over all of this is the ever-present risk that the SEC views the facts with the benefit of hindsight.  Legal and compliance functions at investment advisers and broker-dealers may wish to revisit their policies and procedures in light of the shadow trading risk, as well as train their investment professionals to be sensitized to the risks the case highlights.

As always, Gibson Dunn remains available to help its clients in addressing these issues.

[1] SEC, Statement on Jury’s Verdict in Trial of Matthew Panuwat, Apr. 5, 2024

[2] Mihir Mehta, David Reeb, & Wanli Zhao, Shadow Trading 1, Accounting Review (July 2021), available at

[3] Complaint ¶ 20, SEC v. Panuwat, No. 21-cv-06322 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 17, 2021)

[4] SEC v. Panuwat, 2022 WL 633306, at *8 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 14, 2022).

[5] Id.

[6] Id. at *4.

[7] Id. at *5.

[8] Id. at *4.

[9] Id. at *6.

[10] Id. at *7.

[11] SEC v. Panuwat, 2023 WL 9375861, at *5 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 20, 2023).

[12] Id. at *6.

[13] Id.

[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] SEC, Statement on Jury’s Verdict in Trial of Matthew Panuwat, Apr. 5, 2024

[17] Mihir Mehta, David Reeb, & Wanli Zhao, Shadow Trading 1, 4, Accounting Review (July 2021), available at

[18] Item 408(b) of Regulation S-K (emphasis added).  Smaller reporting companies have to comply with the requirements beginning with their Form 10-K for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2023.

[19] Under Section 21A(b)(1) of the Exchange Act, public companies are not subject to controlling person liability for insider trading by executives, directors, or employees unless they disregarded the fact that a controlled person was likely to engage in the act or acts constituting the violation and failed to take appropriate steps to prevent such act or acts before they occurred.

The following Gibson Dunn lawyers assisted in preparing this update: Reed Brodsky, Benjamin Wagner, Mark Schonfeld, David Woodcock, Ronald Mueller, Lori Zyskowski, Thomas Kim, Julia Lapitskaya, Michael Nadler, Edmund Bannister, and Peter Jacobs*.

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these issues. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, the authors, or any leader or member of the firm’s Securities Enforcement or Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance practice groups:

Securities Enforcement:
Reed Brodsky – New York (+1 212.351.5334, [email protected])
Mark K. Schonfeld – New York (+1 212.351.2433, [email protected])
Benjamin Wagner – Palo Alto (+1 650.849.5395, [email protected])
David Woodcock – Dallas/Washington, D.C. (+1 214.698.3211, [email protected])
Michael Nadler – New York (+1 212.351.2306, [email protected])

Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance:
Elizabeth Ising – Washington, D.C. (+1 202.955.8287, [email protected])
Thomas J. Kim – Washington, D.C. (+1 202.887.3550, [email protected])
Julia Lapitskaya – New York (+1 212.351.2354, [email protected])
James J. Moloney – Orange County (+1 1149.451.4343, [email protected])
Ronald O. Mueller – Washington, D.C. (+1 202.955.8671, [email protected])
Lori Zyskowski – New York (+1 212.351.2309, [email protected])

*Peter Jacobs is an associate working in the firm’s New York office who is not yet admitted to practice law.

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Lennar Homes of Tex. Inc. v. Rafiei, No. 22-0830 – Decided April 5, 2024

In a unanimous per curiam opinion, the Texas Supreme Court held on Friday that when an arbitration agreement contains a clause delegating questions of arbitrability to the arbitrator, an unconscionability challenge must be supported with specific evidence showing that the cost of arbitrating any arbitrability issues is itself excessive. Because the plaintiff’s evidence went only to the overall costs of arbitration, the Court found no basis to conclude that the delegation clause was itself unconscionable.

“[T]he record fails to support a finding that the parties’ delegation clause is itself unconscionable due to prohibitive costs to adjudicate this threshold issue in arbitration.”

Per curiam


Rafiei bought a house from Lennar Homes. The purchase contract required the parties to submit their disputes to arbitration and delegated decisions about the arbitrability of disputes to the arbitrator. Rafiei later sued for personal injuries that he attributed to improper installation of a garbage disposal. Lennar moved to compel arbitration, and Rafiei opposed the motion, arguing that the agreement was unconscionable because arbitration was prohibitively expensive. In support of his unconscionability challenge, Rafiei submitted the AAA fee schedules and affidavits from himself and his attorney. The trial court denied Lennar’s motion, and the Fourteenth Court of Appeals affirmed.


When an arbitration agreement delegates arbitrability issues to an arbitrator, may a court deny a motion to compel arbitration on unconscionability grounds absent evidence that the delegation provision is itself excessively costly?

Court’s Holdings:

No.  “When an agreement delegates arbitrability issues to an arbitrator,” the only question for the court in an unconscionability challenge is whether the cost of arbitrating the “delegated threshold issue of unconscionability is excessive, standing alone.”  Rafiei failed to “show that the delegation provision itself is unconscionable” as the supporting affidavits discussed only “the cost to arbitrate the overall dispute”—not “the cost to arbitrate the arbitrability question.”  Nor did he present evidence of how the AAA fee schedule “would be applied to resolve the unconscionability challenge” itself.  He also failed to establish that he could “afford litigation but not arbitration.”  So the Court found no basis to set aside the delegation clause on unconscionability grounds.  It refrained from deciding, however, whether the arbitration agreement as a whole was unconscionable because that issue was “reserved for the arbitrator.”

What It Means:

  • The Court continues to uphold the enforceability of arbitration agreements.  When an agreement contains a delegation clause, a court’s inquiry on a motion to compel arbitration is “narrow.”  Courts will order arbitration absent proof that the “delegation clause is itself unconscionable.”
  • Plaintiffs challenging arbitration agreements on unconscionability grounds face an uphill climb in Texas. They must adduce “specific evidence” showing (1) “the relevant costs between litigating in court and in arbitration”; and (2) their lack of “ability to pay the difference in such costs.” And if the agreement contains a delegation clause, plaintiffs must “estimate the actual costs associated with arbitrating the arbitrability question”—not the costs of the overall arbitration.

The Court’s opinion is available here.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding developments at the Texas Supreme Court. Please feel free to contact the following practice leaders:

Appellate and Constitutional Law Practice

Thomas H. Dupree Jr.
+1 202.955.8547
[email protected]
Allyson N. Ho
+1 214.698.3233
[email protected]
Julian W. Poon
+1 213.229.7758
[email protected]
Brad G. Hubbard
+1 214.698.3326
[email protected]

Related Practice: Texas General Litigation

Trey Cox
+1 214.698.3256
[email protected]
Collin Cox
+1 346.718.6604
[email protected]
Gregg Costa
+1 346.718.6649
[email protected]
Andrew LeGrand
+1 214.698.3405
[email protected]
Russ Falconer
+1 346.718.3170
[email protected]

This alert was prepared by Texas associates Elizabeth Kiernan, Stephen Hammer, and Joseph Barakat.

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.  All rights reserved.  For contact and other information, please visit us at

Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Los Angeles partner James Zelenay and Denver associate José Madrid are the authors of “Supreme Court decisions and cyber-fraud focus drive record-setting FCA enforcement in 2023” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on April 8, 2023.

From the Derivatives Practice Group: ISDA submitted responses to proposals from various bodies this week, both domestically and abroad.

New Developments

  • CFTC’s Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee to Meet. The CFTC’s Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory (EEMAC) will hold a public meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (CDT) on Wednesday, April 10 at the University of Missouri – Kansas City in Kansas City, Missouri. At this meeting, the EEMAC will continue its discussion on the federal prudential financial regulators’ proposed rules implementing Basel III and the implications for and impact on the derivatives market. There will also be presentations and discussions on the state of crude oil markets and the future of power markets. Finally, the two EEMAC subcommittees will offer updates on their continued work related to traditional energy infrastructure and metals markets.
  • CFTC’s Agricultural Advisory Committee to Meet. The CFTC’s Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) will hold a public meeting on April 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (CDT) at the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel in Overland Park, Kansas. At this meeting, the AAC will discuss topics related to the agricultural economy and recent developments in the agricultural derivatives markets.
  • SEC Adopts Reforms Relating to Investment Advisers Operating Exclusively Through the Internet. On March 27, the SEC adopted amendments to the rule permitting certain internet investment advisers to register with the Commission (the “internet adviser exemption”). The amendments will require an investment adviser relying on the internet adviser exemption to have at all times an operational interactive website through which the adviser provides digital investment advisory services on an ongoing basis to more than one client. The amendments will also eliminate the current rule’s de minimis exception by requiring an internet investment adviser to provide advice to all of its clients exclusively through an operational interactive website and to make certain corresponding changes to Form ADV.
  • CFTC’s Market Risk Advisory Committee to Meet. The CFTC’s Market Risk Advisory Committee (MRAC) will meet on April 9 at 9:30 am ET. The MRAC will introduce recommendations, reports and presentations on current topics and developments, including an approach to manage the resilience, recovery or wind down of central counterparties, the implications of concentration risk in intermediation, the U.S. treasury cash-futures basis trade and risk-management considerations, a work plan for the integration of artificial intelligence in the markets; possible recommendations regarding efforts to manage climate-related market risks; and updates on the work of several workstreams on block implementation rules, post-trade risk reduction services, and margin transparency, margin procyclicality and margin calls.

New Developments Outside the U.S.

  • UK’s Accelerated Settlement Taskforce Publishes Report on the Path to T+1. On March 28, the UK’s Accelerated Settlement Taskforce published its report on the path to a T+1 settlement cycle. The report finds there is a clear consensus on the need for the UK to move to a T+1 settlement cycle and this shift will require substantial investment in greater automation and standardization. In addition, the report emphasizes a need for ongoing engagement with stakeholders during the transition period and the opportunity to learn from the U.S. move to T+1 in May 2024. The report recommends the immediate creation of a technical group to identify the challenges of transition and formulate solutions and suggests a two-step transition to T+1 before the end of 2027, with the exact date to be determined by the technical group. [NEW]
  • ESMA Clarifies Application of Certain MIFIR Provisions, Including Volume Cap. On March 27, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published a statement, including practical guidance supporting the transition and the consistent application of the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR).The statement covers guidance on equity transparency and non-equity transparency; the systematic internaliser (SIs) regime; designated publishing entities (DPEs); and reporting. Regarding the volume cap, following the publication by the European Commission, ESMA confirmsed that DVC data will continue to be published, with the next publication scheduled for early April.
  • ESMA Provides Market Participants with Guidance on the Clearing Obligation for Trading with 3rd Country Pension Schemes. On March 27, ESMA issued a public statement on deprioritizing supervisory actions linked to the clearing obligation for third-country pension scheme arrangements (TC PSA), pending the finalization of the review of EMIR. ESMA expects National Competent Authorities (NCAs) not to prioritize supervisory actions in relation to the clearing obligation for derivative transactions conducted with TC PSAs exempted from the clearing obligation under their third-country’s national law. Additionally, ESMA recommends that NCAs apply their risk-based supervisory powers in their day-to-day enforcement of applicable legislation in this area in a proportionate manner. The Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on February 7. The political agreement on the EMIR 3 text provides for an exemption regime from the EMIR clearing obligation when the TC PSA is exempted from the clearing obligation under that third country’s national law.
  • ESMA Finalizes First Rules on Crypto-Asset Service Providers. On March 25, ESMA published the first Final Report under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA). ESMA stated that Tthe report, which aims to foster clarity and predictability, promote fair competition between crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) and a safer environment for investors across the Union, includes proposals on: (1) information required for the authorization of CASPs; (2) the information required where financial entities notify their intent to provide crypto-asset services; (3) information required for the assessment of intended acquisition of a qualifying holding in a CASP, and (4) how CASPs should address complaints.
  • ESMA Launches the Third Consultation Under MiCA. On March 25, ESMA published its third consultation package under the MiCA. In the consultation package, ESMA is seeking input on four sets of proposed rules and guidelines, covering: (1) detection and reporting of suspected market abuse in crypto-assets; (2) policies and procedures, including the rights of clients, for crypto-asset transfer services; (3) suitability requirements for certain crypto-asset services and format of the periodic statement for portfolio management; and (4) ICT operational resilience for certain entities under MiCA.
  • SGX Issues Consultation on Revised Limit on Clearing Members’ Liability for Multiple Defaults. On March 22, Singapore Exchange (SGX) issued a consultation paper proposing to refine the existing cap on a clearing member’s liability to meet default losses arising from multiple events of default. The cap is imposed on clearing members of Singapore Exchange Derivatives Clearing Limited (SGX-DC) and The Central Depository (Pte) Limited (CDP). The proposal purports to limit a non-defaulting clearing member’s liability to meet multiple default losses arising within a 30-day period to three times the aggregate of its funded and unfunded clearing fund contributions (prescribed contribution) as determined at the start of the 30-day period. The revised limit is intended to be independent of the clearing member’s resignation. SGX has also proposed changes to the SGX-DC clearing rules set out in Appendix B of the consultation. SGX is seeking views and comments on: (1) capping the limit for multiple defaults at three times a clearing member’s clearing fund contribution amount for all defaults occurring within a 30-day period; (2) the methodology for calculating the amount of a non-defaulting clearing member’s clearing fund contributions available to meet losses suffered by the SGX central counterparty arising from or in connection with an event of default (as set out in SGX-DC Clearing Rule 7A.06.9.2); and (3) the rule amendments to effect the proposed change. The consultation closes on April 24, 2024. [NEW]
  • SFC and HKMA Further Consult on Enhancements to Hong Kong’s OTC Derivatives Reporting Regime. On March 22, 2024, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) launched a joint-further consultation on enhancements to the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives reporting regime in Hong Kong. This further consultation follows an earlier joint-consultation in April 2019, in which the SFC and HKMA proposed a requirement to identify transactions submitted to the Hong Kong Trade Repository (HKTR) for the reporting obligation by a Unique Transaction Identifier. The current joint-further consultation consults on the implementation of the Unique Transaction Identifier, together with the mandatory use of Unique Product Identifier and Critical Data Elements for submission of transactions to the HKTR. The Interested parties are encouraged to submit responses to the SFC or HKMA on the consultation by May 17, 2024.
  • ESMA Publishes Feedback on Shortening Settlement Cycle. On March 21, the ESMA published feedback received to its Call for Evidence on shortening the settlement cycle in the EU. According to ESMA’s report on the feedback, respondents focused on four areas: (1) many operational impacts, beyond adaptations of post-trade processes, were identified as the result of a reduction of the securities settlement cycle in the EU; (2) respondents identified a wide range of both potential costs and benefits of a shortened cycle, with some responses supporting a thorough impact assessment; (3) respondents provided suggestions around how and when a shorter settlement cycle could be achieved, with a strong demand for a clear signal from the regulatory front at the start of the work and clear coordination between regulators and the industry; and (4) stakeholders made clear the need for a proactive approach to adapt their own processes to the transition to T+1 in other jurisdictions. Additionally, according to ESMA, some responses warned about potential infringements due to the misalignment of the EU and North America settlement cycles.

New Industry-Led Developments

  • IOSCO Seeks Feedback on the Evolution of Market Structures and Proposed Good Practices. On April 4, the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) published a consultation report on Evolution in the Operation, Governance and Business Models of Exchanges: Regulatory Implications and Good Practices. The consultation report analyzes the structural and organizational changes within exchanges, focusing on business models and ownership structures. It highlights a shift towards more competitive, cross-border, and diversified operations as exchanges integrate into larger corporate groups. The consultation report discusses regulatory considerations, particularly in the organization of individual exchanges and exchange groups and the supervision of multinational exchange groups. It addresses potential conflicts of interest arising from matrix structures and the challenges of overseeing individual exchanges within exchange groups. Additionally, it outlines a set of six proposed good practices for regulators to consider in the supervision of exchanges, particularly when they provide multiple services and/or are part of an exchange group. The good practices are also complemented by a non-exclusive list of supervisory tools used by IOSCO jurisdictions to address the issues under discussion, in the form of “toolkits”. While the Consultation Report focuses on equities listing trading venues, the findings are also relevant to other trading venues, including non-listing trading venues and derivatives trading venues. IOSCO is seeking input from market participants on the major trends and risks observed, and the proposed good practices on or before July 3, 2024. [NEW]
  • ISDA Submits Response to CFTC Proposed Operational Resilience Rules. On April 1, ISDA submitted comments on the CFTC’s notice of proposed rulemaking on requirements to establish an Operational Resilience Framework for Futures Commission Merchants, Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants, which was published in the Federal Register on January 24, 2024. ISDA recommended that the CFTC adjust adjust portions of the proposed rules relating to governance, third-party relationships, incident notification and implementation period. [NEW]
  • ISDA Submits Response to IOSCO Consultation on Post-Trade Risk Reduction. On March 29, ISDA submitted a response to IOSCO consultation on post-trade risk reduction (PTRR) services. According to ISDA, PTRR services are intended to optimize bilateral and cleared derivatives portfolios to minimize the build-up of notional amounts and trade count, counterparty risk, and basis risk respectively, which in turn reduces systemic risk. ISDA stated that it is broadly supportive of IOSCO’s proposed sound practices. [NEW]
  • ISDA Submits Joint Response to PRA on Approach to Policy. On March 28, ISDA and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) submitted a joint response to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) consultation on its approach to policy. The associations highlighted the importance of considering UK market specificities in meeting the secondary competitiveness and growth objective, and in the implementation of international standards. The associations expressed support for the continuation of structured policy development in dialogue with the industry, while also advocating for the enhancement of the PRA’s stakeholder engagement by re-establishing standing groups and horizon risk scanning groups, and greater industry cooperation during the initiation phase of the policy cycle. ISDA highlighted certain other points in the response, including recommendations on clustering regulatory principles and suggested improvements to the cost-benefit analysis and data collection processes to achieve greater transparency. [NEW]
  • ISDA Submits Joint Response to BCBS Crypto Standard Amendments Consultation. On March 28, ISDA, with the Global Financial Markets Association, the Futures Industry Association, the Institute of International Finance and the Financial Services Forum, submitted a joint response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) consultation on proposed crypto asset standard amendments. ISDA and the other trade associations stated that they welcome the BCBS’s continued focus on designing and improving the prudential framework for crypto assets. The key topics in the consultation response include public permissionless blockchains, classification condition 2 and settlement finality and Group 1b eligibility.
  • ISDA Responds to CFTC on Clearing Member Funds Protection. On March 18, ISDA responded to the CFTC’s consultation on proposed rules for the protection of clearing member funds held by derivatives clearing organizations (DCOs), including the assets of futures commission merchants (FCMs). According to ISDA, it proposed that the CFTC should finalize the enhanced protection for clearing member assets in connection with an intermediated DCO only, which includes multiple FCMs, unaffiliated with the DCO, as its members. Regarding a DCO providing direct clearing without multiple FCMs unaffiliated with the DCO, ISDA suggested the CFTC should wait to propose enhanced protection for clearing members’ assets, once a full assessment of the risks and complications associated with a DCO providing direct clearing has been completed. At which point, in ISDA’s opinion, it would be appropriate for the CFTC to propose a comprehensive framework to address these risks holistically. Otherwise, ISDA said, the current notice of proposed rulemaking would create a sense of safety for the disintermediated model, which is superficial due to the rule not creating a comprehensive safety regime for disintermediated central counterparties (CCPs), with many risks arising from such models being left unaddressed.
  • ISDA Responds to FASB on Induced Conversion of Convertible Debt. On March 18, ISDA submitted a response to the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) exposure draft on File Reference No. 2023-ED600, Debt—Debt with Conversion and Other Options (Subtopic 470-20): Induced Conversions of Convertible Debt Instruments. ISDA indicated that it supports FASB’s proposals in the exposure draft and believes it achieves the objective of improving the application and relevance of the induced conversion guidance to cash convertible debt instruments.

The following Gibson Dunn attorneys assisted in preparing this update: Jeffrey Steiner, Adam Lapidus, Marc Aaron Takagaki, Hayden McGovern, and Karin Thrasher.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, any member of the firm’s Derivatives practice group, or the following practice leaders and authors:

Jeffrey L. Steiner, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3632, [email protected])

Michael D. Bopp, Washington, D.C. (202.955.8256, [email protected])

Michelle M. Kirschner, London (+44 (0)20 7071.4212, [email protected])

Darius Mehraban, New York (212.351.2428, [email protected])

Jason J. Cabral, New York (212.351.6267, [email protected])

Adam Lapidus – New York (+1 212.351.3869, [email protected])

Stephanie L. Brooker, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3502, [email protected])

Roscoe Jones Jr., Washington, D.C. (202.887.3530, [email protected])

William R. Hallatt, Hong Kong (+852 2214 3836, [email protected])

David P. Burns, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3786, [email protected])

Marc Aaron Takagaki, New York (212.351.4028, [email protected])

Hayden K. McGovern, Dallas (214.698.3142, [email protected])

Karin Thrasher, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3712, [email protected])

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.  All rights reserved.  For contact and other information, please visit us at

Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

The Delaware Supreme Court announced that MFW remains the lodestar of earning the business judgment rule’s protections for all conflicted controller transactions, and a single conflict on a special committee can be fatal to those efforts. 

On April 4, 2024, the Delaware Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated decision in In re Match Group, Inc. Derivative Litigation, — A.3d —, 2024 WL 1449815 (Del. Apr. 4, 2024), which we previewed in our 2023 Year-End Securities Litigation Update.  The opinion includes two notable holdings.

First, the Court held that the entire fairness standard is the default standard of review applicable to all transactions with a controlling stockholder in which the controller receives a non-ratable benefit. For the transaction at issue, involving IAC/InterActiveCorp’s reverse spinoff from its controlled subsidiary March Group, Inc., the Court concluded that in order to invoke more deferential business judgment rule review, both requirements of Kahn v. M&F Worldwide Corp., 88 A.3d 635 (Del. 2014) (“MFW”) must be satisfied: review and approval by an independent and well-functioning special committee, and the informed approval of disinterested stockholders.

Second, the Court held that to satisfy the first MFW element, all members of the special committee reviewing and approving the transaction must be independent of the controller. The Court found that one committee member’s historical business ties with the controller were sufficient at the pleadings stage to compromise the member’s independence, and therefore cast “a reasonable doubt” on “the entire [s]eparation [c]ommittee’s independence.” The Court therefore reversed the Court of Chancery’s holding that MFW can be satisfied when a majority of a special committee’s members are independent of the controller.


This decision confirms the Delaware Supreme Court’s view of transactions involving a controlling stockholder and their potential for coerciveness. Because any transaction with a controlling stockholder from which the controller conceivably derives a non-ratable benefit presumptively will be reviewed under the entire fairness standard, careful attention and adherence to all aspects of the MFW framework is important to parties seeking to invoke its protections.

That is especially true after In re Match Group, Inc. with respect to the independence of special committee members. The Delaware Supreme Court’s holding expressly requires the independence of all members of a special committee, meaning that even a foot-fault in committee-member independence could subject a transaction to lengthy and expensive litigation. This was the case even though the Court of Chancery found that the conflicted special committee member “did not ‘infect’ or ‘dominate’ the separation committee process”—a finding that was unchallenged on appeal. Thus, even a rigorous, arms-length process alone will not be sufficient to invoke the protections of the business judgment rule at the pleadings stage if even one member lacks independence from a controlling stockholder.

Together, these holdings provide important clarity to parties undertaking transactions in which a conflicted controller is, or may be, present.  In short, MFW remains the lodestar of earning the business judgment rule’s protections for all conflicted controller transactions, and a single conflict on a special committee can be fatal to those efforts.

The following Gibson Dunn lawyers participated in preparing this update: Monica K. Loseman, Brian M. Lutz, Colin B. Davis, Mark H. Mixon, Jr., Chase Weidner, and Dasha Dubinsky.

Gibson Dunn lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, the authors, or any of the following leaders and members of the firm’s Securities Litigation practice group:

Christopher D. Belelieu – New York (+1 212.351.3801, [email protected])
Jefferson Bell – New York (+1 212.351.2395, [email protected])
Michael D. Celio – Palo Alto (+1 650.849.5326, [email protected])
Colin B. Davis – Orange County (+1 949.451.3993, [email protected])
Jonathan D. Fortney – New York (+1 212.351.2386, [email protected])
Monica K. Loseman – Co-Chair, Denver (+1 303.298.5784, [email protected])
Brian M. Lutz – Co-Chair, San Francisco (+1 415.393.8379, [email protected])
Mary Beth Maloney – New York (+1 212.351.2315, [email protected])
Jason J. Mendro – Washington, D.C. (+1 202.887.3726, [email protected])
Alex Mircheff – Los Angeles (+1 213.229.7307, [email protected])
Lissa M. Percopo – Washington, D.C. (+1 202.887.3770, [email protected])
Jessica Valenzuela – Palo Alto (+1 650.849.5282, [email protected])
Craig Varnen – Co-Chair, Los Angeles (+1 213.229.7922, [email protected])
Allison K. Kostecka – Denver (+1 303.298.5718, [email protected])
Mark H. Mixon, Jr. – New York (+1 212.351.2394, [email protected])

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.  All rights reserved.  For contact and other information, please visit us at

Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

This edition of Gibson Dunn’s Federal Circuit Update for March 2024 summarizes the current status of several petitions pending before the Supreme Court, and recent Federal Circuit decisions concerning indefiniteness, obviousness, eligibility under Section 101, and the safe harbor provision under Section 271.

Federal Circuit News

Noteworthy Petitions for a Writ of Certiorari:

There were no new potentially impactful petitions filed before the Supreme Court in March 2024. We provide an update below of the petitions pending before the Supreme Court that were summarized in our February 2024 update:

  • In Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. (US No. 23-768), after the respondents waived their right to file a response, the Court requested a response, which was filed on March 18, 2024. Three amicus curiae briefs have been filed.
  • The Court denied the petition in Ficep Corp. v. Peddinghaus Corp. (US No. 23-796).

Upcoming Oral Argument Calendar

The list of upcoming arguments at the Federal Circuit is available on the court’s website.

Key Case Summaries (March 2024)

Chewy, Inc. v. International Business Machines Corporation, No. 22-1756 (Fed. Cir. Mar. 5. 2024): Chewy sued IBM seeking a declaratory judgment of noninfringement of several patents including two patents relating to improvements in web-based advertising. Following claim construction, the district court granted Chewy’s motion for summary judgment of noninfringement of the asserted claims for one patent, because it determined no reasonable factfinder could find Chewy’s accused products “establish[] characterizations for respective users based on the compiled data” as required by the claims. The district court also granted a motion for summary judgment that claims from the second patent were ineligible under 35 U.S.C. § 101.

The Federal Circuit (Moore, C.J., joined by Stoll and Cunningham, JJ.) affirmed-in-part and reversed-in-part. The Court reversed the grant of summary judgment of noninfringement, because it determined that Chewy’s privacy policy and other documents created a genuine dispute of material fact regarding whether Chewy “establish[es] characterizations for respective users.” Indeed, the privacy policy explained that the ads were based on information such as “browsing or purchasing,” and drawing all inferences in the nonmoving party’s favor, this provided evidence that Chewy uses a specific user’s browsing or purchasing history to provide personalized or targeted ads. The Court affirmed the grant of summary judgment that the second patent was ineligible under § 101, determining that the patent was directed to the abstract idea of “identifying advertisements based on search results.” The Court concluded that the patent claims as an ordered combination did not recite an inventive concept because none of the three distinctive concepts raised by IBM—(1) a generic database configured to associate search results with advertisements, (2) offline batching process, and (3) assigning session identifiers to a search query—transformed the claimed abstract idea into patent-eligible subject matter.

Maxell, Ltd. v. Amperex Technology Limited, No. 23-1194 (Fed. Cir. Mar. 6, 2024): Maxell sued Amperex for infringement of Maxell’s patent directed to a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. The district court conducted claim construction proceedings and held that the claims were indefinite because the claim language recited a contradiction—one limitation did not require the presence of cobalt (it was optional), whereas the second limitation did.

The Federal Circuit (Taranto, J., joined by Prost and Chen, JJ.) reversed and remanded. The Court concluded that the claim language was not indefinite because even “[i]f there are two requirements,” if “it is possible to meet both, there is no contradiction.” Moreover, “[t]hat there are other ways of drafting the claim does not render the claim language contradictory or indefinite.”

Edwards Lifesciences Corp. et al. v. Meril Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. et al., No. 22-1877 (Fed. Cir. Mar. 25, 2024): Edwards sued Meril for patent infringement after Meril imported two transcatheter heart valve systems into the United States that it intended to display at a conference in order to, among other things, find clinical investigators for its FDA premarket submission. The district court held that their importation fell within the safe harbor provision of 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1), and therefore granted summary judgment of noninfringement to Meril.

The majority (Stoll, J., joined by Cunningham, J.) affirmed. Section 271(e)(1) “is a safe harbor for defendants for what would otherwise constitute infringing activity.” It states that it “shall not be an act of infringement to . . . import into the United States a patented invention . . . solely for uses reasonably related to the development and submission of information under a Federal law . . . .” The majority held that “solely” in § 271(e)(1) modifies the phrase “for uses,” meaning that a use falls within the safe harbor provision if it is reasonably related to preparing a regulatory submission, even if the use also has additional (e.g., commercial) purposes.

Judge Lourie dissented, reasoning that the Court has consistently erred in interpreting the word “solely” in the safe harbor provision and that the question could benefit from en banc review. Specifically, Judge Lourie explained that the plain meaning of “solely” and the legislative history of § 271(e)(1) requires an otherwise infringing use to be carried out only for regulatory purposes (i.e., not for additional or commercial purposes) to benefit from the safe harbor.

Virtek Vision International ULC v. Assembly Guidance Systems, Inc., No. 22-1998 (Fed. Cir. Mar. 27, 2024): Assembly Guidance d/b/a Aligned Vision challenged Virtek’s patent directed to an improved method for aligning a laser project with respect to a work surface in an inter partes review (“IPR”). The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“Board”) had found that a skilled artisan would have been motivated to use the 3D coordinate system in one prior art reference (Briggs) instead of the angular direction systems found in the other prior art references (Keitler, Bridges), and that it would have been obvious to try because Briggs disclosed both. The Board issued a final written decision holding that certain claims of the patent were unpatentable.

The Federal Circuit (Moore, C.J., joined by Hughes and Stark, JJ.) reversed-in-part and affirmed-in-part. The Court concluded that the Board erred as a matter of law with regard to the motivation to combine. The Court found that although Briggs disclosed that different possible arrangements existed, this did not provide a reason why a skilled artisan would have substituted the one-camera angular direction system in Keitler and Bridges with the two-camera 3D coordinate system disclosed in Briggs. “In short, this case involves nothing other than an assertion that because two coordinate systems were disclosed in a prior art reference and were therefore ‘known,’ that satisfies the motivation to combine analysis. That is an error as a matter of law. It does not suffice to simply be known. A reason for combining must exist.”

The following Gibson Dunn lawyers assisted in preparing this update: Blaine Evanson, Jaysen Chung, Audrey Yang, Julia Tabat, Michelle Zhu, and Evan Kratzer.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding developments at the Federal Circuit. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, any leader or member of the firm’s Appellate and Constitutional Law or Intellectual Property practice groups, or the following authors:

Blaine H. Evanson – Orange County (+1 949.451.3805, [email protected])
Audrey Yang – Dallas (+1 214.698.3215, [email protected])

Appellate and Constitutional Law:
Thomas H. Dupree Jr. – Washington, D.C. (+1 202.955.8547, [email protected])
Allyson N. Ho – Dallas (+1 214.698.3233, [email protected])
Julian W. Poon – Los Angeles (+ 213.229.7758, [email protected])

Intellectual Property:
Kate Dominguez – New York (+1 212.351.2338, [email protected])
Y. Ernest Hsin – San Francisco (+1 415.393.8224, [email protected])
Josh Krevitt – New York (+1 212.351.4000, [email protected])
Jane M. Love, Ph.D. – New York (+1 212.351.3922, [email protected])

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Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Paris partner Ahmed Baladi and associate Thomas Baculard are the authors of “Artificial intelligence and the GDPR” [PDF] published by Financier Worldwide in its April 2024 issue.

Tax Equity Now NY LLC v. City of New York, 2024 N.Y. Slip Op. 01498, Issued March 19, 2024

The sharply divided decision could upend the City’s historical treatment of residential properties and could have broad implications for civil litigation in New York.

On March 19, 2024, the New York Court of Appeals issued an important decision reviving in part a sweeping challenge to New York City’s property tax system.  The plaintiff in the case, Tax Equity Now NY LLC v. City of New York, alleges that the City “imposes substantially unequal tax bills on similarly-valued properties” that bear “little relationship” to fair market value, leading to “staggering inequities,” including along racial lines.[1]

The Court’s holding leaves in place much of the existing tax framework, notably relating to state-law caps on annual tax increases and taxes on commercial properties, but the sharply divided decision reinstates certain claims against the City and could upend the City’s historical treatment of residential properties.  The decision also could have broad implications for civil litigation in New York, especially relating to New York’s liberal pleading standards and claims brought under the federal Fair Housing Act.


New York City’s property tax system has a storied history.  Article 18 of New York’s Real Property Tax Law (“RPTL”) was enacted in 1981, over widespread criticism and a Governor’s veto, to stave off an impending crisis.  For hundreds of years, tax rates were applied to only a percentage of a property’s market value, with localities assessing commercial and industrial property at higher ratios than residential property.[2]  In 1975, the Court of Appeals held that state law precluded these “fractional assessments” and required tax rates to be applied to full market value.[3]  That decision “reverberated throughout the state” by threatening an “unwelcome shift of a significant portion of the property tax burden from businesses to homeowners.”[4]  The Legislature therefore enacted the current statute, which allows for all real property in the City to be assessed using fractional assessments at a uniform percentage of value.  See RPTL §§ 305, 1801 et seq.

Article 18 establishes four different classes of real property in New York City.  “Class One” contains primarily one-, two-, and three-family residential property.  “Class Two” contains all other residential property, including condos, co-ops, and large rental buildings.  “Class Three” contains “utility real property.”  “Class Four” contains all other real property.[5]

In order to avoid abrupt changes in tax liability, Article 18 provides a formula for determining the portion of annual taxes that each of these classes will bear, with state law capping the amount by which each share can increase every year.  The statute further establishes caps on year-to-year increases for individual parcels within each class.  For example, assessment increases for Class One properties cannot exceed 6% annually and 20% over any five-year period.[6]

Within this framework, the City undertakes the assessment and collection of real property taxes.  First, the City determines each parcel’s taxable value by estimating its market value and multiplying it by the fractional assessment rate the City has set for that parcel’s  class.  The City has elected to assess Class One properties at 6% of their market value, and to assess all other classes at 45% of their market value.[7]   The City then multiplies that market value by the tax rate for the class, which is the rate required to satisfy each class’s share.  The City then further makes adjustments for various abatements and exemptions.[8]

The Court of Appeals Ruling

In Tax Equity Now NY LLC v. City of New York, a membership organization committed to pursuing legal and political reform, but “frustrated with the political process,”[9] brought suit against the City and State contending that New York City’s property tax system is inequitable, unlawful, and unconstitutional.[10]  Broadly speaking, the plaintiff (“TENNY”) alleges that property taxes are not uniform and not based on fair-market value, and that the City’s tax system has a discriminatory disparate impact on racial minorities, in violation of state and federal law.[11]

The New York State Appellate Division dismissed TENNY’s claims,[12] but the Court of Appeals reversed that ruling in part.  The Court held that TENNY’s constitutional claims were “foreclosed by the deferential standard applied to taxation legislation and policy,” as the tax system currently in place serves the rational purpose of maintaining stability over time.[13]  Moreover, the Court “easily dispose[d]” of TENNY’s claims against the State of New York, explaining that “the gravamen of the complaint is a challenge to the City’s real property tax scheme and, by so focusing, fails to separately explain why the State is liable for the City’s methodological choices.”[14]

Nevertheless, the Court concluded that the complaint has sufficiently pleaded various causes of action against the City for statutory violations of the RPTL and the federal Fair Housing Act in the context of residential properties.  Applying New York’s “liberal pleading standard,” the Court held that TENNY’s complaint sufficiently alleges causes of action “on the general basis that the system is unfair, inequitable, and has a discriminatory impact” on certain property owners.[15]

  1. Lack of Uniformity in Tax Assessments

First, the Court held that TENNY has adequately pleaded a violation of RPTL § 305, which provides that “[a]ll real property in each assessing unit shall be assessed at a uniform percentage of value (fractional assessment),” based on disparate assessment and taxation of properties within Classes One and Two as compared to “fair market value.”[16]

With respect to Class One property (e.g., one-, two-, and three-family residences), TENNY alleged with data “generated by the City’s Independent Budget Office,” City-official admissions, and charts depicting geographic disparities that the City assesses taxes in a manner that sometimes requires application of the state-law caps on annual increases, resulting in disparate tax burdens for properties depending on the rate at which their value appreciates, both from borough to borough and within boroughs.  Thus, “older properties in faster-appreciating neighborhoods are assessed and taxed at a lower effective rate than other properties of identical market value.”[17]

The Court rejected the argument that the law requires the City only to assess properties uniformly, without regard for the amount of taxes ultimately paid due to “factors outside of the City’s control, such as the application of state legislatively mandated caps and exemptions.”[18]  Construing the statute as a “whole,” the Court held that state law “directs the City to ensure that its assessment is based on the property’s fair market value” uniformly within each class, while taking into account the state-law caps on increases.  According to the Court, the City could do so by lowering assessment ratios so that assessments in rapidly appreciating areas do not implicate the caps while making up any shortfall by raising tax rates uniformly across the class.[19]

The Court similarly held that TENNY has adequately alleged, with the support of “publicly-available records,” external reports, and City-official admissions, that the City’s real property tax system violates RPTL § 305 with respect to its treatment of Class Two condos and co-ops.[20]  As the Court explained, the City assesses condos and co-ops that were constructed before 1974 (a category that includes 98% of all City co-ops) by comparing them to rental properties that were built before 1974 and therefore rent-stabilized, even though condos and co-ops do not qualify for rent stabilization “and are, in fact, sold (and rented) at much higher market values.”[21]  According to the complaint, this causes large disparities in taxes applicable to condos and co-ops depending on whether they were built before or after 1973.  The Court rejected the argument that these disparities result from RPTL § 581, which requires assessment of condos and co-ops as if they were rental properties, yet does not require the City to “assess a luxury condominium or cooperative as if it were a regulated apartment where the properties differ in meaningful ways.”[22]

Three judges dissented from the Court’s holding.  Judges Garcia, Singas, and Cannataro argued that the law’s requirement that property be “assessed at a uniform percentage of value (fractional assessment)” required the City to do just that: apply a uniform assessment rates, and nothing more, because the statute was never intended to address perceived inequities in the tax system, which serves “rational legislative objectives.”[23]  They noted that the Legislature enacted statutory caps despite widespread criticism that the system was “at best ineffective and at worst unfair,” and warned that the “policy considerations underlying the caps are now written out of New York law,” which was a task best left for the Legislature.[24]  As for Class Two properties, they similarly reasoned that the Court was seeking to “eliminate perceived disparities by ‘interpreting’ [state law] to accomplish exactly what those who opposed the legislation’s passage warned it did not do.”[25]  Ultimately, the dissenting judges believed the Court had erroneously read the tax laws “as requiring the city to provide equal tax treatment for all properties of equal market value,” when the proper method of obtaining such treatment would be through the political process.[26]

  1. Discriminatory Impact on Racial Minorities

The Court also held that TENNY had sufficiently pled several causes of action under the federal Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination in housing.[27]

According to the Court, TENNY had sufficiently alleged that the City “disproportionately burden[s] racial minorities” in Class One properties because owners in majority-minority districts allegedly pay higher tax rates than those in majority-white districts, and higher taxes allegedly “inhibit mobility and place a disproportionate burden on the purchase, ownership and renting of Class One properties.”[28]  The Court emphasized that it must “accept[] these allegations as true” and repeatedly noted that the complaint includes “hard data” and “examples,” such as that properties in majority-minority neighborhoods are over-assessed by $1.9 billion and over-taxed by $376 million, making it more difficult for minorities to buy, own, and rent homes.[29]

In addition to Class One properties, the Court  held that the complaint adequately alleges discrimination in the treatment of Class Two properties because the City favors owners of Class Two condos and co-ops (who are disproportionately white) over owners of Class Two rental buildings, who in turn pass higher taxes on to renters (who are disproportionately not white), which in turn disproportionately affects the search for affordable housing in New York City.[30

Finally, the Court held that the complaint adequately alleges that the City perpetuates segregation, on the grounds that “blacks and whites are [allegedly] the most isolated from other races” in certain neighborhoods, and that disproportionate tax burdens “suppress minority mobility into wealthier, whiter neighborhoods.”[31]  The Court emphasized that it was applying New York’s “liberal pleading standards,” which do not require “allegations defeating every alternative explanation.”[32]  Thus, while the Court noted that individuals may “choose to live in a different neighborhood or move into or out of a community for reasons unrelated to—or despite—high taxes,” which the Court recognized “may present obstacles for TENNY[] . . . as this case progresses,” the Court reiterated that “at the pleading stage, we do not consider whether TENNY will eventually establish its cause of action, only whether it has alleged facts that support a legally viable claim.”[33]

Critically, the Court held that the Appellate Division wrongly applied a limiting principle for claims arising under the Fair Housing Act— the “robust causality” requirement previously recognized by the United States Supreme Court in Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. v. Texas Dep’t of Hous. and Community Affairs, in which the Supreme Court explained that “a disparate impact claim that relies on a statistical disparity” must fail unless the disparity is actually caused by the defendant’s policy.  576 U.S. 519, 542 (2015).[34]  In the Court’s view, that analysis applies only to an “evidentiary record generated during discovery,” not to a motion to dismiss, where—under New York’s liberal pleading standard—”plaintiff’s factual assertions are accepted as true and we need only determine whether the facts fit any cognizable legal theory.”[35]

Judges Garcia and Singas dissented, arguing that the complaint must allege a “robust” causal connection between the alleged impact and challenged policies because “failings at the pleading stage lead inexorably to a failing at later procedural stages.”[36]  Applying a “robust” causation requirement, Judges Garcia and Singas would have held that TENNY failed to allege that the City “caused” housing disparities because TENNY did not allege sufficient concrete facts or statistical evidence showing that the property tax system, “as opposed to other factors,” inhibits the ability of minority residents to relocate or own homes, adding that the “mere identification of higher tax rates in particular neighborhoods does not state a claim” under the FHA.[37]

What It Means

The Court’s ruling could have significant implications for New York City’s property tax system. Although it leaves in place much of the State’s overall tax framework, TENNY will now have the opportunity to substantiate its claims through litigation and pursue systemic reform against the City.  As the dissent noted, this decision may result in the removal of important policy issues from the democratic process, where they had previously been hotly contested in Albany.  “Instead of all interested stakeholders participating through their elected representatives in an effort to balance competing interests, [the Court’s] new rule virtually guarantees that,” if TENNY succeeds, “the parties here will craft new tax policy in a settlement conference room.”[38]

The Court’s decision also could have broad implications for civil litigation in New York, especially relating to impact claims in other cases.  Here, the plaintiff successfully navigated threshold pleading challenges, such as standing, where other plaintiffs bringing similar claims have failed,[39] and convinced a slim majority on the Court that the complaint adequately alleged causes of action for broad, systemic claims of illegality in the City’s property tax system.  Interested parties may therefore view the case as a roadmap for seeking reform through similar claims in the future.

It is important to note that the Court’s decision could have apparent limitations as well.  As in other recent cases,[40] the Court repeatedly stressed that this ruling was based, in significant part, on the “liberal pleading standards” that apply at the outset of a case in New York state court, and it acknowledged that Fair Housing claims must satisfy a more robust causation requirement following development of an evidentiary record, which will likely prove complex.  Moreover, the Court repeatedly emphasized that the complaint’s allegations were “supported with independent studies and the City’s own data of widening disparities,” resulting from its “annually-repeated assessment methodology”—unique factors that may not exist in other cases.[41]

  [1]   Tax Equity Now NY LLC v. City of N.Y. (“TENNY”), 2024 WL 1160498, at *1 (N.Y. Ct. App. Mar. 19, 2024).

  [2]   See Matter of O’Shea v. Board of Assessors of Nassau County, 8 N.Y.3d 249, 253 (2007); Matter of Hellerstein v. Assessor of Town of Islip, 37 N.Y.2d 1, 13 (1975).

  [3]   See Matter of Hellerstein, 37 N.Y.2d at 14.

  [4]   See Matter of O’Shea, 8 N.Y.3d at 253.

  [5]   See RPTL § 1802(1).

  [6]   See RPTL § 1805.

  [7]   Thus, for example, a Class One property with a $100,000 market value would have a $6,000 taxable value, and a Class Two property would have a $45,000 taxable value.

  [8]   See TENNY, 2024 WL 1160498, at *2.

  [9]   2024 WL 1160498, at *9 (Garcia, J., dissenting in part).

[10]   2024 WL 1160498, at *3.

[11]   Id.

[12]  Mr. Rokosky was counsel for the State in the Appellate Division prior to joining Gibson Dunn, but he played no role in the Court of Appeals.

[13]  TENNY, 2024 WL 1160498, at *12-13.

[14]  Id. at *14 (emphasis added).

[15]  See id. at *1.

[16]   Id. at *4-9.

[17]   Id. at *4-5.

[18]   Id. at *6.

[19]   See id. at *6-8.

[20]   See id. at *8-9.

[21]   Id. at *5.

[22]   Id. at *9.

[23]   Id. at *15-19 (Garcia, J., dissenting in part).

[24]   Id. at *18.

[25]   Id.

[26]   Id. at *15.

[27]   See id. at *9-12.

[28]   Id. at *9.

[29]   Id. at *9-10.

[30]   Id. at *9.

[31]   Id. at *11-12.

[32]   Id. at *12.

[33]   Id.

[34]   Id. at *11.

[35]   Id.

[36]   Id. at *20 (Garcia, J., dissenting).

[37]   Id.

[38]   Id.

[39]  See, e.g., Robinson v. City of New York, 143 A.D.3d 641 (1st Dep’t 2016).

[40]  See, e.g., Taxi Tours Inc. v. Go New York Tours, Inc., 2024 WL 1097270, at *2 (N.Y. Ct. App. Mar. 14, 2024).

[41]   TENNY, 2024 WL 1160498, at *6.

The Court’s opinion is available here.

Our lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding developments at the New York Court of Appeals, or any other state or federal appellate courts in New York.  Please feel free to contact any member of the firm’s Appellate and Constitutional Law practice group, or the following authors:

Mylan L. Denerstein – Co-Chair, Public Policy Practice Group, New York
(+1 212.351.3850, [email protected])

Akiva Shapiro – Chair, New York Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice Group, New York
(+1 212.351.3830, [email protected])

Seth M. Rokosky – New York (+1 212.351.6389, [email protected])

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.  All rights reserved.  For contact and other information, please visit us at

Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

=We are pleased to provide you with the next edition of Gibson Dunn’s digital assets regular update. This update covers recent legal news regarding all types of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, CBDCs, and NFTs, as well as other blockchain and Web3 technologies. Thank you for your interest.



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  • SEC Sanctioned in Debt Box Case
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  • SEC Accepts Settlement with ShapeShift AG
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  • SEC Demands Information Related to Ethereum Foundation
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  • Digital Currency Group Files Motion to Dismiss NY AG’s Suit
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  • U.S. District Court Dismisses SEC Claim Against Coinbase Wallet, Allows Lawsuit to Continue
    On March 27, a U.S. District Court judge partially ruled in favor of Coinbase’s motion to dismiss by dismissing the SEC’s claim that Coinbase’s Wallet application acts as an unregistered broker under U.S. law. The judge concluded however that the lawsuit could proceed for now with the claim that Coinbase had failed to register its staking program with the SEC, finding that the SEC had plausibly alleged that staking customers had a reasonable expectation of profit due to “Coinbase’s managerial efforts.” CoinDesk; Cointelegraph; Bloomberg.


  • Do Kwon Wins Extradition Appeal – Will be Extradited to South Korea Instead of United States
    The Appellate Court of Montenegro has overturned a previous decision by the High Court of Podgorica to extradite Terraform Labs co-founder, Do Kwon, to the United States. Now, Kwon likely will be extradited to South Korea after March 23. Kwon, arrested in Montenegro in March 2023, faced extradition requests from both the U.S. and South Korea, with ongoing speculation as to his whereabouts amidst allegations of fraud related to Terraform Labs and its Terra blockchain. AP News; Reuters.
  • Worldcoin Must Stop Data Collection in Spain for Three Months
    On March 6, the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Data (AEPD) directed Worldcoin to cease collecting and processing data in Spain for three months as it investigates complaints related to data collection. Worldcoin, a project that seeks to create a private and secure technology that allows individuals to prove their humanness online, filed suit against AEPD’s order. On March 11, the Spanish High Court upheld the three month pause. Worldcoin has over 4 million users, states that it operates lawfully in all locations in which it is available, and is “grateful to now have the opportunity to help the AEPD better understand the important facts regarding” the technology. Worldcoin Statement; Reuters; Cointelegraph.



  • Republican Senators Introduce “The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act”
    On February 26, Republican senators introduced legislation aimed at blocking a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the United States. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), joined by Senators Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Tedd Budd (R-N.C.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), filed legislation titled “The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act” due to concerns that a digital dollar would impinge on personal privacy. In a post on Cruz’s website, Cruz expressed his view that the “Biden administration salivates at the thought of infringing on our freedom and intruding on the privacy of citizens to surveil their personal spending habits, which is why Congress must clarify that the Federal Reserve has no authority to implement a CBDC.” Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has promised to ban the creation of a CBDC. CoinDesk; Press Release.
  • House Finance Committee Votes to Move Forward with Measure to Overturn SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin 121
    On February 29, the U.S. House Financial Services Committee voted to advance a resolution aimed at overturning the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin 121 (SAB 121), which mandates regulated financial institutions to record their customers’ crypto holdings as liabilities on their own balance sheets. The resolution garnered bipartisan support, with 31 lawmakers voting in favor of the resolution and 20 lawmakers voting against. SAB 121 has drawn controversy over the past few years due to concerns that it would disincentivize banks from providing custodial services for digital assets and create unnecessary risks in the crypto ecosystem. Rep. Mike Flood (R-Neb.), who introduced the resolution, argues that the result of SAB 121 “is that banks must choose to either custody digital assets[,] thus inflating their balance sheet and severely affecting every other line of business[,] or stay entirely out of the market.” SAB 121 qualifies as a rule under the Congressional Review Act and therefore can be reviewed and disapproved by Congress. Disapproval requires each chamber to pass a resolution of disapproval, which must then be signed by the President. The Block; CoinDesk; Blockworks; Law360; Cointelegraph.
  • House Financial Services Committee Votes on Bill to Clarify Secret Service’s Authority Over Crypto Cybercrimes
    On February 29, every member of the House Financial Services Committee voted in favor of the Combating Money Laundering in Cyber Crime Act, which would clarify the U.S. Secret Service’s power to investigate crypto cybercrimes. Rep. Zach Nunn (R-Iowa), one of the cosponsors of the bill, states that cybercrimes have led to hundreds of billions of dollars lost. According to Nunn, this “is a bipartisan bill and it closes the gap to empower our Secret Service professionals to continue to investigate cybercriminals[,] including cases involving digital assets[,]” around the globe. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) says this bill will “allow us to better address threats from nations like and including Russia and North Korea,” and by expanding the scope of U.S. Secret Service investigations, this bill “brings another element of protection and defense in line with the 21st century.” The Block; CoinDesk.
  • SEC Postpones Decision on Ether ETFs, Decision Expected in May
    On March 4, the SEC postponed its decision regarding the approval or rejection of BlackRock’s and Fidelity’s spot Ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This delay marks the second postponement since January, when the SEC initially delayed its decision after approving several spot Bitcoin ETFs. The SEC is expected to approve or deny the ETFs in May once the first final deadline for a decision is due. Reuters; Cointelegraph.
  • Virginia Creates Working Group to Foster Blockchain and Digital Asset Expansion Within State
    The Virginia Senate passed Senate Bill No. 339, creating a dedicated workgroup within the state to study and recommend measures for fostering the expansion of blockchain technology, digital asset mining, and cryptocurrency. Proposed by Senator Saddam Azlan Salim (D-Virginia), the bill aims to exempt miners from money transmitter licenses and prohibit targeted ordinances. The workgroup, comprising 13 members from legislative and non-legislative backgrounds, is tasked with concluding studies and presenting recommendations on the cryptocurrency ecosystem by November 1, 2024, for consideration in the 2025 Regular Session of the General Assembly. Cointelegraph.
  • Wyoming Gives DAOs a Nonprofit Legal Framework
    On March 7, Governor Mark Gordon signed a bill into state law that would allow in-state decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to establish themselves as decentralized unincorporated nonprofit associations (DUNA). This new legal framework gives DAOs more options, as DAOs have already been cleared to establish themselves as limited-liability corporations within the state of Wyoming. Establishing a DAO as a DUNA gives the DAO legal existence, enables the DAO to pay taxes, and provides the DAO with limited liability from the actions of other members. Miles Jennings, general counsel at a16z Crypto, called this development a “major breakthrough,” as this will give DAOs “much-needed protections and empower them to keep blockchain networks open.” CoinDesk; Blockworks.
  • President Biden Proposes Crypto Mining Tax and Wash-Sale Rules for Digital Assets
    On March 11, United States President Joe Biden announced his fiscal year 2025 budget proposal, which included a crypto mining tax and changes in wash-sale rules. Last year, similar taxes were proposed, but they were not taken up by Congress in drafting budget bills. The new wash trading rules aim to inhibit people from selling an investment for a loss, and then quickly rebuying the investment. CoinDesk; CCN.


  • UK Financial Regulator Issued 450 Alerts on Illegal Cryptoasset Advertisements in Q4 2023
    On February 14, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), an independent financial regulatory body in the UK, reported that it issued 450 consumer alerts against firms for the illegal promotion of cryptocurrency during the last three months of 2023. The FCA previously introduced financial promotion rules for cryptoassets in October 2023, heightening regulatory scrutiny. The regulator has worked with tech companies to address illegal promotions, including the removal of 35 mobile applications from app stores at the end of December 2023, and pledged it will be “continuing [its] robust action against firms issuing illegal financial promotions in 2024.” Financial Conduct Authority; CoinDesk; The Block.
  • English Draft Legislation Labels Crypto as Property
    On February 22, England’s Law Commission published draft legislation confirming the existence of an additional category of common law personal property that includes digital assets. This legislation builds on a report on digital assets produced by the Commission in June 2023, which showed that crypto tokens and NFTs are property rights. The report also concluded that the common law was flexible enough to accommodate digital assets. The legislation seeks to confirm that digital assets are covered by the common law and to remove any legal uncertainty. The Commission accepted responses to the draft legislation until March 22. CoinDesk; Yahoo.
  • Taiwan Considering Implementation of Further Digital Asset Law
    In response to an October 2023 bill introduced in Taiwan’s parliament and a speech by the Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), Taiwan is considering the implementation of a special act to regulate the cryptocurrency industry, with results expected to be released in September 2024. The bill will aim to protect investors and to create more effective regulations for digital asset markets. The Block; Cointelegraph.
  • UK Considering How to Implement OECD Crypto Reporting Framework
    The UK government launched a consultation to implement the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) crypto reporting framework, aiming to address tax non-compliance and enhance tax transparency in the crypto market. The framework, expected to generate £35 million ($45 million) between 2026 and 2027, and £95 million between 2027 and 2028, aims to exchange information on relevant crypto transactions across jurisdictions. The consultation, initiated after the spring budget speech, will close on May 29. The government plans to publish a response and seek further feedback on draft regulations thereafter. CoinDesk.
  • UAE Grants Initial Approval to Crypto Exchange Nexo
    Nexo, a digital asset services provider, has received initial approval as a licensed entity in Dubai from the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA). This marks the first step in obtaining full licensing for various activities including lending and borrowing, management and investment, and broker-dealer services. CoinDesk.
  • UK Law Enforcement Authority to Seize Crypto Assets Expanded
    UK law enforcement agencies’ increased ability to seize cryptocurrency assets in criminal cases, including terrorism, will take effect on April 26, following approval of the legislation in March. The provisions include a civil recovery regime for crypto and crypto asset confiscation orders, which enables authorities to seize items associated with crypto assets. CoinDesk.
  • United Kingdom to Allow Institutional Investors to Build Crypto-Backed ETN Market
    On March 11, the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced it will not object to requests from Recognized Investment Exchanges (REIs) to build a listed market segment for crypto asset-backed exchange-traded notes (ETNs). ETNs are a form of exchange-traded product, which are often issued by a bank or an investment manager, that tracks an underlying asset or index. While these products would be available to professional investors, retail consumers remain banned. The FCA explained that crypto-backed products are ill-suited for retail investors. The FCA stated that exchanges will be responsible for making sure sufficient controls are in place so that ETN trading is safe and orderly. The London Stock Exchange stated that it will accept applications for bitcoin and ether ETNs in the second quarter of 2024. CoinDesk.
  • OKX Secures the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s In-Principle Approval for Major Payment Institution License
    On March 12, the President of OKX announced that OKX secured in-principle approval for a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). The license will allow OKX to facilitate multiple payment services. OKX’s President states that “the in-principle approval from MAS is a validation of [OKX’s] business strategy, and also an exciting opportunity for [OKX] to continue as a responsible stakeholder in [Singapore].” After receiving the full license from MAS, OKX will be able to facilitate cross-border transactions in the country, as well as provide digital payment token services to consumers. OKX; Cointelegraph.
  • EU Approves Anti-Money Laundering Legislation Targeting Anonymous Crypto Transactions Using Hosted Wallets
    On March 19, the European Parliament approved a ban on anonymous crypto payments involving hosted wallets, which are wallets operated by third-party providers. The ban has no threshold and applies to any such transaction. Opponents argue that anonymity is a crucial feature of crypto that promotes financial privacy, while the new legislation would have a minimal effect on crime. The new legislation will take effect within three years from its promulgation. Cointelegraph.



  • Coinbase Challenges SEC’s Refusal to Engage in Rulemaking Regarding Digital Assets
    On March 11, U.S. crypto exchange Coinbase filed an action against the SEC in the Third Circuit arguing that the SEC violated the Administrative Procedure Act by denying a rulemaking petition that Coinbase filed in July 2022. Coinbase’s rulemaking petition asked the SEC to propose new rules explaining the basis for the broad authority the agency has asserted over the digital-asset industry. Coinbase’s petition also identified the many ways in which existing SEC rules are unworkable for digital asset firms. The SEC denied the rulemaking petition in December 2023, only after Coinbase filed a mandamus action seeking to compel a response from the agency. Coinbase is asking the Third Circuit to require the SEC to engage in rulemaking or, at a minimum, to provide a rational explanation for its refusal to engage in rulemaking. CoinDesk; CCN.
  • Texas Crypto Firm Sues the SEC
    On February 21, LEJILEX, a Texas based crypto firm, sued the SEC in Texas federal court challenging the SEC’s jurisdiction over digital assets. Working with the Crypto Freedom Alliance of Texas (CFAT), LEJILEX hopes to preemptively avoid an SEC enforcement action against them for failing to register securities or securities exchanges on their platforms. The suit asks the court to enjoin the SEC from bringing actions against LEJILEX or other CFAT members, pointing to cases brought against other crypto exchanges. Law360; Yahoo; Bloomberg.
  • Survey of Crypto Miners’ Energy Use is Suspended
    On February 23, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) agreed to suspend its mandatory survey soliciting information about electricity consumption from cryptocurrency miners. The suspension occurred in response to a suit filed by the Texas Blockchain Council and a crypto-mining company, Riot Platforms, Inc., seeking to block the survey. Later the same day, a federal district judge in Texas granted a temporary restraining order against federal agencies and the survey. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the DOE’s statistical arm, sought the information to evaluate concerns that increased electricity use by cryptocurrency miners could threaten energy grid reliability. The Office of Management and Budget granted an emergency request from the EIA allowing them to move forward with the survey without following regular statutory processes such as notice and comment. The plaintiffs argue that the EIA failed to make the necessary showing that such emergency approval would prevent public harm, therefore unlawfully circumventing statutory procedure. Law360; Reuters.
  • SEC Seeks to Leverage Default Judgment in Enforcement Actions Against Crypto Exchanges
    Judge Tana Lin of the Western District of Washington granted partial satisfaction of the SEC’s motion for default judgment against Sameer Ramani, a defendant in the case involving former Coinbase product manager Ishan Wahi and co-defendants. Ramani, who reportedly fled the United States and failed to respond to court summonses, faces permanent injunctions, civil penalties, and disgorgement of funds. In its default judgment order, the court assumed that the allegations in the SEC’s complaint were true and concluded that the digital assets at issue in that case were securities. The SEC subsequently filed the default judgment order as supplemental authority in its pending enforcement actions against various crypto exchanges. The exchanges responded that the default judgment order should be disregarded because it was “procured against an empty chair.” Cointelegraph; Response Letter.
  • Voyager Users Sue Public Relations Firm Ketchum Inc. Over Involvement in Crypto Promotion
    On February 9, a class of users of Voyager, a bankrupt digital assets lender, sued public relations firm Ketchum Inc. in federal court for aiding and abetting Voyager’s sale of unregistered securities. Ketchum provided Voyager marketing and communications support for a high-profile press conference with the Dallas Mavericks, which promoted the Voyager platform and products. The complaint argues that Ketchum “knew or should have known that the objective of their partnership, and the promotional activity they undertook together, constituted promoting unregistered securities.” Law360.
  • Genesis Approved to Sell $1.6 Billion in Shares of Investment Trust to Fund Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Payouts
    On February 14, the New York bankruptcy court granted crypto lender Genesis Global’s (Genesis) request to sell $1.6 billion in Grayscale Investments shares to fund payouts to creditors. Digital Currency Group, the parent company of Genesis, objected to the request due to the timing and a demand for Digital Currency Group to be consulted before such sales. Genesis continues its liquidation plan after filing for bankruptcy in January 2023. Bloomberg; Law360; Reuters; WSJ.
  • Celsius Distributes $2 Billion of Cryptocurrency Pursuant to Bankruptcy Plan
    On February 15, Celsius Network filed an update with the court that “[n]early 75% of the BTC/ETH set to be distributed by PayPal/Venmo and through Coinbase has already been collected,” equating to $2 billion for nearly 172,000 creditors. This comes on the heels of the company exiting bankruptcy in late January 2024. The Block; Cointelegraph.
  • FTX Investors File Class Action Against the Company’s Bankruptcy Counsel
    On February 16, FTX investors filed a class action racketeering lawsuit in Florida federal court against FTX’s bankruptcy counsel, alleging that the law firm aided in FTX’s fraudulent behavior. Ryne Miller, a former partner at the law firm, left to become FTX’s general counsel in 2021. The plaintiffs argue that the firm knew of FTX’s impending financial turmoil, but “realized it stood to gain hundreds of millions more from their work in bankruptcy.” According to the complaint, the firm served as counsel for FTX for 16 months prior to the company’s collapse, receiving over $8.5 million in legal fees, and has continued to serve as FTX’s bankruptcy counsel, generating $180 million in fees. Bloomberg; The Block; Reuters; Law360.
  • FTX Files Proposed Settlement in FTX Europe Clawback Case
    On February 22, FTX filed for approval of a settlement resolving a lawsuit seeking to claw back $323 million from the co-founders of an entity they acquired. If approved by the court, the settlement would have FTX sell the subsidiary back to the co-founders for $32.7M. The proposed settlement comes after FTX tried and failed to sell the entity. In 2021, FTX bought Digital Assets DA AG and rebranded it as FTX Europe. The current lawsuit claims that the purchase price was a “massive overpayment” for a company that had just a little more than a business plan. This is one of numerous lawsuits FTX has filed to recover funds for creditors and customers since filing for bankruptcy in November 2022. FTX stated in its court filing that litigation would be costly and complicated, and that the proposed settlement is the best option for creditors. Reuters; WSJ; Law 360.



  • CFTC Chair Emphasizes Need for Congress to Pass Legislation
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chair Rostin Behnam reiterated the need for Congress to pass legislation addressing regulatory gaps in the crypto industry during his annual appearance before the House Agriculture Committee. Behnam emphasized the importance of regulating cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), which make up a significant portion of the market. He highlighted the Financial Innovation and Technology Act for the 21st Century (FIT Act), which aims to address regulatory uncertainties but has yet to pass a floor vote. Behnam expressed confidence in the CFTC’s ability to establish a regulatory framework within 12 months if the FIT Act is enacted. CoinDesk.
  • House Financial Services Committee Discusses Cryptocurrency and Illicit Finance
    On February 15, the House Financial Services Committee hosted a congressional panel on how to address the use of cryptocurrency for illicit finance. In his opening statement, Chairman French Hill (R-Ark.) highlighted that the “borderless nature of blockchain technology necessitates international cooperation” and that “members of both sides of the aisle are interested in working on solutions.” House Financial Services Committee; Law360; The Block; Politico.
  • Leading U.S. Investment Bank Argues U.S. Authorities Can Exert Some Control Over Tether via OFAC
    On February 15, a leading U.S. investment bank released a research report stating that “U.S. regulators can exert some control on Tether’s offshore usage via [the Office of Foreign Assets Control],” which is a unit of the U.S. Treasury Department. The report cited Tether’s association with Tornado Cash as an example of such regulation. In 2022, OFAC sanctioned Tornado Cash for allegedly assisting in money laundering. Although Tether initially did not take action against Tornado Cash addresses, in December 2023, Tether decided to freeze stablecoin held in OFAC-sanctioned wallets as a proactive measure. The Block; CoinDesk.
  • OCC Acting Chief Advocates for Trip Wires Around Payments and Private Equity Activity
    On February 21, the acting chief of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Michael Hsu, advocated for regulators to set numerical “trip wires” around activity in the digital payments and private equity industries. In a speech given at Vanderbilt University, Hsu said that payments and private equity pose the largest risk for the next “great blurring” of banking and commerce, with activity in these areas resembling a phase of surging nonbank growth that preceded 2008 and other historic market failures. Hsu called on the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to develop quantitative thresholds to identify when a payments or private equity firm becomes a systemic risk. When the threshold is crossed, the FSOC would then formally assess the individual firm. This assessment would inform any additional regulatory activity, which could include use of the FSOC’s designation power to apply heightened bank-like regulations. This proposal follows the FSOC’s policies enacted last year, which lay out an analytical framework for its work as a watchdog and remove procedural hurdles to the use of its designation power, which were put in place during the Trump administration. Law360; Politico; Bloomberg.
  • Senator and Eight Attorneys General File Amicus Briefs Opposing SEC’s Authority to Regulate Crypto Assets as Securities
    On February 27, Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), crypto industry groups, and a veteran appellate attorney filed an amicus brief asserting that the SEC’s suit against crypto exchange Kraken expands the definition of investment contract beyond what Congress intended. Lummis argues that the SEC is overreaching its authority by encroaching on Congress’s lawmaking power. In the suit, the SEC claims that Kraken operated as an unregistered broker, dealer, exchange, and clearing agency. The amicus brief argues that the “SEC is not suited to the task of crafting a holistic regulatory framework for crypto assets, particularly through a judicial enforcement action (where neither the SEC nor this court is positioned to grapple with the unintended consequences of the SEC’s current enforcement stance and the policy implications of its novel legal opinion).” The amicus brief concludes that “such policymaking is precisely the role the Constitution assigns to Congress.” Law360.On February 29, a coalition of attorneys general from eight U.S. states submitted a joint amicus brief, also arguing that the SEC’s attempt to regulate crypto assets as securities exceeds the SEC’s authority. The brief asserts that Congress has not delegated such authority to the SEC and emphasizes the states’ interest in preventing the potential preemption of consumer protection laws. The Block.
  • DOJ Changes Prosecution Strategy from Whack-a-Mole to Systemic
    According to veteran crypto-focused prosecutors, the Department of Justice is no longer playing “whack-a-mole” in its crypto cases, but rather focusing on large, important actors to further the goal of bringing the broader industry into compliance. On February 23, Tara La Morte and Noah Solowiejczyk, leaders of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York’s Illicit Finance and Money Laundering Unit, spoke at a New York City Bar Association event about this change in strategy. La Morte stated that law enforcement is focusing on “systemic-type prosecution that’s going to make an industry impact” and lead “the industry to take notice.” Law360.


  • The Philippines Central Bank, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Plans to Launch Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency Within Two Years
    On February 12, the Philippines’ central bank, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), revealed the bank’s intention of introducing a wholesale central bank digital currency (CBDC) within the next two years. In discussing its decision to limit the CBDC to wholesale, the BSP acknowledged that retail CBDC could intensify bank runs in times of financial stress. Additionally, the BSP confirmed that it will not use blockchain or distributed ledger technology, stating that “[o]ther central banks have tried blockchain, but it didn’t go well.” Cointelegraph; CoinDesk; The Inquirer.
  • OKX Opens Crypto Exchange in Turkey as Part of International Expansion
    On February 27, crypto exchange OKX entered Turkey as part of its global expansion plan. In an interview with CoinDesk, OKX President Hong Fang said that “Turkey is a very important and special market for us. It ranks high in terms of crypto adoption and crypto transaction volume.” Fang detailed that “there is a natural tendency to look for value in bitcoin in Turkey, particularly for wealth preservation.” Due to Turkey’s double-digit inflation rate, crypto has become a lifeline for many. CoinDesk; The Block.
  • Crypto Campaign Contributions Impacted Super Tuesday
    Crypto political action committees spent more than $78 million on Super Tuesday races, helping propel Adam Schiff (D-CA), Young Kim (R-CA), Shomari Figures (D-AL), Julie Johnson (R-TX), and Tim Moore (R-NC) to win their races and advance to run offs. Fast Company; CoinDesk.

The following Gibson Dunn attorneys contributed to this issue: The following Gibson Dunn attorneys contributed to this issue: Jason Cabral, Jeff Steiner, Kendall Day, Sara Weed, Ella Alves Capone, Grace Chong, Chris Jones, Jay Minga, Nick Harper, Simon Moskovitz, Anne Lonowski, Amanda Goetz, and Cody Wong.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding the issues discussed in this update. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, any member of the firm’s FinTech and Digital Assets practice group, or the following:

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From the Derivatives Practice Group: Several CFTC advisory committees are scheduled to meet in the upcoming weeks, and ESMA was busy issuing reports and consultations on MiCA.

New Developments

  • CFTC’s Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee to Meet. The CFTC’s Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory (EEMAC) will hold a public meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (CDT) on Wednesday, April 10 at the University of Missouri – Kansas City in Kansas City, Missouri. At this meeting, the EEMAC will continue its discussion on the federal prudential financial regulators’ proposed rules implementing Basel III and the implications for and impact on the derivatives market. There will also be presentations and discussions on the state of crude oil markets and the future of power markets. Finally, the two EEMAC subcommittees will offer updates on their continued work related to traditional energy infrastructure and metals markets. [NEW]
  • CFTC’s Agricultural Advisory Committee to Meet. The CFTC’s Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) will hold a public meeting on April 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (CDT) at the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel in Overland Park, Kansas. At this meeting, the AAC will discuss topics related to the agricultural economy and recent developments in the agricultural derivatives markets. [NEW]
  • SEC Adopts Reforms Relating to Investment Advisers Operating Exclusively Through the Internet. On March 27, the SEC adopted amendments to the rule permitting certain internet investment advisers to register with the Commission (the “internet adviser exemption”). The amendments will require an investment adviser relying on the internet adviser exemption to have at all times an operational interactive website through which the adviser provides digital investment advisory services on an ongoing basis to more than one client. The amendments will also eliminate the current rule’s de minimis exception by requiring an internet investment adviser to provide advice to all of its clients exclusively through an operational interactive website and to make certain corresponding changes to Form ADV. [NEW]
  • CFTC’s Market Risk Advisory Committee to Meet. The CFTC’s Market Risk Advisory Committee (MRAC) will meet on April 9 at 9:30 am ET. The MRAC will consider current topics and developments in the areas of central counterparty risk and governance, market structure, climate-related risk, and emerging technologies affecting derivatives and related financial markets.

New Developments Outside the U.S.

  • ESMA Clarifies Application of Certain MIFIR Provisions, Including Volume Cap. On March 27, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published a statement, including practical guidance supporting the transition and the consistent application of the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR).The statement covers guidance on equity transparency and non-equity transparency; the systematic internaliser (SIs) regime; designated publishing entities (DPEs); and reporting. Regarding the volume cap, following the publication by the European Commission, ESMA confirmsed that DVC data will continue to be published, with the next publication scheduled for early April. [NEW]
  • ESMA Provides Market Participants with Guidance on the Clearing Obligation for Trading with 3rd Country Pension Schemes. On March 27, ESMA issued a public statement on deprioritizing supervisory actions linked to the clearing obligation for third-country pension scheme arrangements (TC PSA), pending the finalization of the review of EMIR. ESMA expects National Competent Authorities (NCAs) not to prioritize supervisory actions in relation to the clearing obligation for derivative transactions conducted with TC PSAs exempted from the clearing obligation under their third-country’s national law. Additionally, ESMA recommends that NCAs apply their risk-based supervisory powers in their day-to-day enforcement of applicable legislation in this area in a proportionate manner. The Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on February 7. The political agreement on the EMIR 3 text provides for an exemption regime from the EMIR clearing obligation when the TC PSA is exempted from the clearing obligation under that third country’s national law. [NEW]
  • ESMA Finalizes First Rules on Crypto-Asset Service Providers. On March 25, ESMA published the first Final Report under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA). ESMA stated that Tthe report, which aims to foster clarity and predictability, promote fair competition between crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) and a safer environment for investors across the Union, includes proposals on: (1) information required for the authorization of CASPs; (2) the information required where financial entities notify their intent to provide crypto-asset services; (3) information required for the assessment of intended acquisition of a qualifying holding in a CASP, and (4) how CASPs should address complaints. [NEW]
  • ESMA Launches the Third Consultation Under MiCA. On March 25, ESMA published its third consultation package under the MiCA. In the consultation package, ESMA is seeking input on four sets of proposed rules and guidelines, covering: (1) detection and reporting of suspected market abuse in crypto-assets; (2) policies and procedures, including the rights of clients, for crypto-asset transfer services; (3) suitability requirements for certain crypto-asset services and format of the periodic statement for portfolio management; and (4) ICT operational resilience for certain entities under MiCA. [NEW]
  • SFC and HKMA Further Consult on Enhancements to Hong Kong’s OTC Derivatives Reporting Regime. On March 22, 2024, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) launched a joint-further consultation on enhancements to the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives reporting regime in Hong Kong. This further consultation follows an earlier joint-consultation in April 2019, in which the SFC and HKMA proposed a requirement to identify transactions submitted to the Hong Kong Trade Repository (HKTR) for the reporting obligation by a Unique Transaction Identifier. The current joint-further consultation consults on the implementation of the Unique Transaction Identifier, together with the mandatory use of Unique Product Identifier and Critical Data Elements for submission of transactions to the HKTR. The Interested parties are encouraged to submit responses to the SFC or HKMA on the consultation by May 17, 2024. [NEW]
  • ESMA Publishes Feedback on Shortening Settlement Cycle. On March 21, the ESMA published feedback received to its Call for Evidence on shortening the settlement cycle in the EU. According to ESMA’s report on the feedback, respondents focused on four areas: (1) many operational impacts, beyond adaptations of post-trade processes, were identified as the result of a reduction of the securities settlement cycle in the EU; (2) respondents identified a wide range of both potential costs and benefits of a shortened cycle, with some responses supporting a thorough impact assessment; (3) respondents provided suggestions around how and when a shorter settlement cycle could be achieved, with a strong demand for a clear signal from the regulatory front at the start of the work and clear coordination between regulators and the industry; and (4) stakeholders made clear the need for a proactive approach to adapt their own processes to the transition to T+1 in other jurisdictions. Additionally, according to ESMA, some responses warned about potential infringements due to the misalignment of the EU and North America settlement cycles.
  • HKMA Issues New SPM Modules on Market Risk and CVA Risk Capital Charges. On March 15, the HKMA released a circular informing the industry that it has issued new Supervisory Policy Manual (SPM) modules MR-1: Market Risk Capital Charge and MR-2: CVA Risk Capital Charge as statutory guidance, which will come into effect on a day to be appointed by the HKMA (intended to be January 1, 2025). The HKMA said that the revised market risk and credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk capital frameworks will be set out in Part 8 and Part 8A of the Banking (Capital) Rules, respectively. The SPM MR-1: Market Risk Capital Charge covers the standardized approach for market risk, the internal models approach, the simplified standardized approach and requirements related to the boundary between the trading book and banking book, while the SPM MR-2: CVA Risk Capital Charge covers the reduced basic CVA approach, the full basic CVA approach and the standardized CVA approach. According to the HKMA, both new SPM modules are designed not just to provide additional technical details in addition to the rules but to integrally cover all of the related requirements. They set out the minimum standards that all locally incorporated authorized institutions are expected to adopt for the calculation of their market risk and CVA risk capital charges.
  • ASIC Finalizes Minor and Technical Changes to OTC Derivatives Reporting Rules. On March 13, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) finalized the minor and technical changes to the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 under ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 Amendment Instrument 2024/1 to implement the proposed changes to the 2024 rules set out in Consultation Paper 361a ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024: Follow-on consultation on changes to data elements and other minor amendments (CP 361a). The changes include (1) seven additional data elements; (2) provide clarifications and administrative updates to the data elements; (3) make consequential changes to Chapter 2: Reporting Requirements; and (4) make other administrative updates including re-referencing the location of definitions in the Corporations Act 2001 that have been moved by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Law Improvement Package No. 1) Act 2023. According to ISDA, feedback to CP 361a was broadly supportive. In response to industry requests, the final changes also (1) provide for an additional circumstance where the name of Counterparty 2 is not reported and (2) change how the amount of one kind of collateral is reported.

New Industry-Led Developments

  • ISDA Submits Joint Response to BCBS Crypto Standard Amendments Consultation. On March 28, ISDA, with the Global Financial Markets Association, the Futures Industry Association, the Institute of International Finance and the Financial Services Forum, submitted a joint response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) consultation on proposed crypto asset standard amendments. ISDA and the other trade associations stated that they welcome the BCBS’s continued focus on designing and improving the prudential framework for crypto assets. The key topics in the consultation response include public permissionless blockchains, classification condition 2 and settlement finality and Group 1b eligibility. [NEW]
  • ISDA Responds to CFTC on Clearing Member Funds Protection. On March 18, ISDA responded to the CFTC’s consultation on proposed rules for the protection of clearing member funds held by derivatives clearing organizations (DCOs), including the assets of futures commission merchants (FCMs). According to ISDA, it proposed that the CFTC should finalize the enhanced protection for clearing member assets in connection with an intermediated DCO only, which includes multiple FCMs, unaffiliated with the DCO, as its members. Regarding a DCO providing direct clearing without multiple FCMs unaffiliated with the DCO, ISDA suggested the CFTC should wait to propose enhanced protection for clearing members’ assets, once a full assessment of the risks and complications associated with a DCO providing direct clearing has been completed. At which point, in ISDA’s opinion, it would be appropriate for the CFTC to propose a comprehensive framework to address these risks holistically. Otherwise, ISDA said, the current notice of proposed rulemaking would create a sense of safety for the disintermediated model, which is superficial due to the rule not creating a comprehensive safety regime for disintermediated central counterparties (CCPs), with many risks arising from such models being left unaddressed.
  • ISDA Responds to FASB on Induced Conversion of Convertible Debt. On March 18, ISDA submitted a response to the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) exposure draft on File Reference No. 2023-ED600, Debt—Debt with Conversion and Other Options (Subtopic 470-20): Induced Conversions of Convertible Debt Instruments. ISDA indicated that it supports FASB’s proposals in the exposure draft and believes it achieves the objective of improving the application and relevance of the induced conversion guidance to cash convertible debt instruments.

The following Gibson Dunn attorneys assisted in preparing this update: Jeffrey Steiner, Adam Lapidus, Marc Aaron Takagaki, Hayden McGovern, and Karin Thrasher.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, any member of the firm’s Derivatives practice group, or the following practice leaders and authors:

Jeffrey L. Steiner, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3632, [email protected])

Michael D. Bopp, Washington, D.C. (202.955.8256, [email protected])

Michelle M. Kirschner, London (+44 (0)20 7071.4212, [email protected])

Darius Mehraban, New York (212.351.2428, [email protected])

Jason J. Cabral, New York (212.351.6267, [email protected])

Adam Lapidus – New York (+1 212.351.3869, [email protected])

Stephanie L. Brooker, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3502, [email protected])

Roscoe Jones Jr., Washington, D.C. (202.887.3530, [email protected])

William R. Hallatt, Hong Kong (+852 2214 3836, [email protected])

David P. Burns, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3786, [email protected])

Marc Aaron Takagaki, New York (212.351.4028, [email protected])

Hayden K. McGovern, Dallas (214.698.3142, [email protected])

Karin Thrasher, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3712, [email protected])

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.  All rights reserved.  For contact and other information, please visit us at

Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

From the Financial Institutions Practice Group: We are pleased to provide you with the first edition of Gibson Dunn’s monthly U.S. bank regulatory update. This monthly update will analyze legal, regulatory and policy developments in the banking industry in the United States and provide insights into how those developments impact and shape the industry.

FDIC Proposes Revised Statement of Policy on Review of Bank Merger Transactions

On March 21, 2024, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) approved a Federal Register notice seeking comment on proposed updates to the FDIC’s Statement of bank merger applications subject to FDIC approval under the Bank Merger Act. The proposed Statement of Policy is more principles based than the current Statement of Policy, last updated in 2008, affirms the FDIC’s view concerning the broad applicability of the Bank Merger Act to merger transactions, including mergers in substance, involving an insured depository institution and any non-insured entity, and would revise how the FDIC evaluates various statutory factors under the Bank Merger Act, including competition, convenience and needs, financial stability, and financial and managerial resources. Comments on the proposal will be due 60 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.

  • Insights: The FDIC’s proposed policy statement follows closely in time the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) proposal to adopt a new policy statement summarizing the OCC’s approach to reviewing proposed bank merger transactions under the Bank Merger Act. Like the OCC’s proposed policy statement, the FDIC’s proposal provides no clarity as to the FDIC’s timing expectations for its review and approval of Bank Merger Act applications. Although Acting Comptroller Michael J. Hsu says in his statement in support of the FDIC’s proposal that it “is broadly consistent with the proposed policy statement issued by the OCC in January,” the two proposals differ in several ways. Notably, contrary to current practice, the proposed policy statement contemplates that the FDIC Board of Directors may release a statement regarding its concerns with any transaction for which a Bank Merger Act application has been withdrawn “if such a statement is considered to be in the public interest for purposes of creating transparency for the public and future applicants.” In addition, the proposed policy statement provides that the FDIC may require divestitures to mitigate competitive concerns before allowing a merger to be consummated, a departure from historical precedent. A divestiture could itself require a separate Bank Merger Act approval, thus delaying significantly the merger transaction. Although the FDIC would not use conditions “as a means for favorably resolving any statutory factors that otherwise present material concerns” (as the OCC would), the FDIC would approve applications subject to standard and non-standard conditions pertaining to capital requirements and other factors.The proposed statement of policy would revise how the FDIC evaluates the statutory factors for a Bank Merger Act application, in certain instances seemingly beyond the statutory factor on its face—as raised by FDIC Director Jonathan McKernan in his statement in opposition of the proposal.
    • On competition, the proposal would deemphasize the longstanding 1,800/200 HHI thresholds (although the FDIC does intend to coordinate with other relevant agencies regarding any potential changes to the calculation of, or thresholds for, HHI usage). Although deposits will serve “as an initial proxy for commercial banking products and services,” the FDIC “may consider concentrations in any specific products or customer segments” (e.g., small business or residential loan originations volume, activities requiring specialized expertise). The proposal also provides that the FDIC generally will require that the selling institution not enter into non-compete agreements with any employee of the divested entity.
    • On convenience and needs, the proposed policy statement would require the resulting institution “to better meet the convenience and the needs of the community to be served” than would occur without the merger. To establish this, applicants will be required “to provide forward-looking information to the FDIC” for purposes of evaluating the statutory factor, and the FDIC would expect to require “commitments regarding future retail banking services in the community to be served for at least three years following consummation of the merger.” Job losses or lost job opportunities from branching changes “will be closely evaluated.”
    • On the financial and managerial resources factors, the FDIC would “not find favorably … if the merger would result in a weaker IDI from an overall financial perspective” and would assess “existing or pending enforcement actions,” and “issues or concerns with regard to specialty areas, including information technology and trust examinations,” and integration planning.

    Like the OCC’s proposed policy statement, the FDIC’s proposed policy statement focuses in part on large bank mergers, highlighting that the agency would generally expect “to hold a hearing for any application resulting in an IDI with greater than $50 billion in assets or for which a significant number of CRA protests are received.” It also states that transactions that result in a large institution (e.g., in excess of $100 billion) “will be subject to added scrutiny.” (Currently, only four nonmember banks or industrial banks have total assets of $100 billion or more.)

Comments Due April 15, 2024 on OCC’s Proposed Bank Merger Act Approval Requirements

On January 29, 2024, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking that would adopt a new policy statement summarizing the OCC’s approach to reviewing proposed bank merger transactions under the Bank Merger Act and make two substantive changes to its business combination regulation (12 C.F.R. § 5.33). In his speech previewing the proposed rule, Acting Comptroller Michael J. Hsu described the policy statement as laying down “chalk lines” demarcating among three groups of merger applications along a spectrum: those that are “straightforward”; those that have “significant deficiencies”; and the majority which “lie somewhere in between.” The proposed policy statement would set forth thirteen (13) indicators that bank merger applications that “are consistent with approval” would generally include and six (6) indicators, any one of which would raise “supervisory or regulatory concerns” favoring denial or a request to withdraw unless “adequately addressed or remediated.” The proposed rule would remove the expedited review procedures and the streamlined Bank Merger Act application form. Comments on the proposal are due by April 15, 2024.

  • Insights: The proposed policy statement provides no clarity as to the OCC’s timing expectations for its review and approval of Bank Merger Act applications. In his remarks previewing the proposal, Acting Comptroller Hsu noted only that applications including the thirteen (13) indicators in favor of approval—and presumably none of the indicators in favor of denial or withdrawal—would be “consistent with timely approval.” It also does not speak to mergers that include most, but not all, of the factors in favor of approval and none of the factors in favor of denial or withdrawal, which presumably will be subject to enhanced scrutiny.The policy statement includes a bias against size and mergers of equals. The list of thirteen (13) indicators favoring approval includes (i) the “resulting institution will have total assets less than $50 billion” and (ii) the “target’s combined total assets are less than or equal to 50% of acquirer’s total assets” and the list of six (6) indicators favoring denial or withdrawal includes that the “acquirer is a global systemically important banking organization, or subsidiary thereof.” The policy statement also notes that a resulting institution with $50 billion or more in total assets would “inform[] the OCC’s decision on whether to hold public meetings.” The 50% of assets factor presumably would result in bank mergers of equals being subject to enhanced scrutiny, including even small community bank mergers of equals. In addition, “multiple acquisitions with overlapping integration periods” is viewed unfavorably, which could negatively impact community bank roll-up strategies.In his remarks, Acting Comptroller Hsu also noted the “need to develop modes of analysis for banking competition that go beyond retail deposits as a proxy for market power,” though the policy statement does not propose any new antitrust guidance or modify the OCC’s review of competitive factors, which Hsu said is “ongoing” with the Department of Justice. Finally, it is unclear whether the Federal Reserve or FDIC would propose similar guidance for those agencies’ review of applications pursuant to the Bank Merger Act or the Federal Reserve’s review of holding company merger applications pursuant to Section 3 of the Bank Holding Company Act.

Powell Testimony – “broad and material changes” coming to Basel III proposal and “nowhere near” development of CBDC

On March 7, 2024, Chair of the Federal Reserve Board (Federal Reserve) Jerome Powell testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs as part of his mandated semiannual discussion of the Monetary Policy Report. In response to questions regarding the proposed Basel III endgame reforms, Powell addressed the opposition to the proposed rule, noting that the Federal Reserve “hear[s] the concerns” and that Powell “expect[s]” there will be broad material changes to the proposed rule, going so far as to not rule out “re-propos[ing] parts or all of the thing.” Separately, in response to questions regarding the Federal Reserve’s exploration of a central bank digital currency (CBDC), Powell responded by stating that the Federal Reserve is “nowhere near recommending, let alone adopting” a CBDC in any form.

  • Insights: With respect to the adoption of the Basel III endgame reforms, Chair Powell appears to be signaling a willingness to reconsider such proposals (or certain aspects thereof) in a meaningful way in the wake of the significant opposition. Consistent with the Federal Reserve’s general skepticism of digital- and tokenized-assets, the Federal Reserve appears unwilling to consider the issuance of an on-chain CBDC at this time, creating market opportunities for other issuers (particularly stablecoin issuers) to capitalize on the market’s desire for fiat-backed stablecoins that enable faster payments through immediate settlement.

FDIC Vice Chairman Travis Hill Speech on Tokenization

On March 11, 2024, Vice Chair Travis Hill gave a speech titled, “Banking’s Next Chapter? Remarks on Tokenization and Other Issues” at the Mercatus Center. The prepared remarks focused specifically on tokenization, or the “representation of ‘real-world assets’ on a distributed ledger, including, but not limited to, commercial bank deposits, government and corporate bonds, money market fund shares, gold and other commodities, and real estate.” Vice Chair Hill lauded the potential benefits that tokenization offers, including 24/7/365 operations, programmability, “atomic settlement, or the simultaneous exchange and settlement of payment and delivery…” and immutability, while also highlighting associated risks that could develop and challenges to development, including increased speed and intensity of bank runs, interoperability and legal uncertainty. The Vice Chair then addressed regulatory challenges, namely the need for effective guidance that provides banks with clear answers on questions like when tokenized deposits differ from traditional deposits and “crypto.”

  • Insights: Vice Chair Hill’s remarks tend to counteract the “general public perception that the FDIC is closed for business” when it comes to blockchain or distributed ledger technology by offering clear thoughts and proposals on future regulation and guidance. Vice Chair Hill recognizes that experimentation and testing, particularly in areas with no material risk, is neither harmful nor requires a lengthy approval process, and cautions that an overly restrictive approach historically could have stifled development of credit cards in the U.S., which was initially “disastrous” but soon after, “revolutionize[d] how millions of Americans pay for things.” These remarks illustrate Vice Chair Hill’s desire to foster greater innovation in banking.Vice Chair Hill also advocated for a more formal regulatory approach to certain bank-friendly approaches, and signaled disapproval of other approaches, indicating disagreement on both process and substance between the FDIC and other regulators. Specifically, Vice Chair Hill embraced a more formalized rulemaking approach over the “bank-by-bank approval process” if the FDIC decides that tokenized deposits differ from traditional deposits, and urged agencies to “distinguish between ‘crypto’ and the use by banks of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies” that are merely “a new way of recording ownership and transferring value.” He contrasted these positions with those taken by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in issuing Accounting Bulletin 121 (SAB 121), which Vice Chair Hill criticized for making it “prohibitively challenging for banks to engage in [crypto-asset] activity at any scale” and failing to distinguish between “blockchain-native assets” and “tokenized versions of real-world assets.” He also cited the SEC’s approach in SAB 121 as “a clear example of why it is generally constructive for agencies to seek public comment before publishing major policy issuances,” further indicating his preference for industry collaboration and input.

CFPB Issues Final Rule on Credit Card Late Fees

On March 5, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a final rule governing late fees charged by “Larger Card Issuers” (those with one million or more open credit card accounts). The final rule effectively caps the amount such Larger Card Issuers can charge in late fees at $8 per incident, subject to an exemption for fees to cover a portion of actual collection costs. The rule also eliminates the automatic annual inflation adjustments to allowable fees, providing instead that the CFPB will “monitor the market” and adjust the $8 threshold as necessary. Notably, the final rule actually increases the amount smaller card issuers can charge in late fees, from $30 to $32 for initial violations, and from $41 to $43 for subsequent violations. The final rule has an effective date of May 14, 2024.

  • Insights: The final rule will create challenges for issuers, including operationalizing changes resulting from the final rule, amending cardholder agreements, customer disclosures, and more broadly, marketing materials, and issuing any required change in terms notices or adverse action notices to customers resulting from changes to customer terms arising from the final rule. The final rule also will not permit issuers to recover full collection costs or take into account deterrence or consumer conduct, factors Congress expressly directed the CFPB to consider. On March 7, 2024, just two days after the final rule was announced, a coalition of industry trade groups filed suit, challenging the rule on multiple grounds. The trade groups argue, among other things, that the rule violates the CARD Act, the Dodd-Frank Act, the Administrative Procedure Act, and the Truth in Lending Act. As noted, the final rule has an effective date of May 14, 2024, subject to the current litigation which may impact the final rule’s effective date.

Federal Reserve Governor Bowman Speaks on Tailoring

On March 5, 2024, Federal Reserve Governor Michelle W. Bowman gave a speech titled “Tailoring, Fidelity to the Rule of Law, and Unintended Consequences.” In her speech, Governor Bowman states that tailoring, being the setting of regulatory priorities and allocation of supervisory resources in a risk-based manner, ensures a focus on the most critical risks over time, avoiding the over-allocation of resources or imposition of unnecessary costs on the banking system. Governor Bowman further claimed that “the current regulatory agenda includes many … regulatory reform proposals [that] lack sufficient attention to regulatory tailoring and thereby fail to further statutory directives to tailor certain requirements and, more importantly, to address the condition of the banking system.” Governor Bowman cites both the pending Basel III endgame reforms and the final climate guidance as regulatory actions that deviate from the principle of tailoring.

  • Insights: Governor Bowman’s speech on tailoring is not net-new for her, following on her January 2024 speech to the South Carolina Bankers Association, in which she called for a “renewed commitment to [the Federal Reserve’s] Congressionally mandated obligation to tailoring.” In making this call for a renewed commitment to tailoring, Governor Bowman notes “all banks are affected when policymakers shift away from or deemphasize tailoring. When we fail to recognize fundamental differences among firms, there is a strong temptation to continually push down requirements designed and calibrated for larger and more complex banks, to smaller and less complex banks that cannot reasonably be expected to comply with these standards.”In expanding on her prior critique of Basel III, in her March 5th speech, Governor Bowman stated that “the federal banking agencies have proposed several reforms to the capital framework, among them the Basel III ‘endgame’ and new long-term debt requirements that would apply to all banks with over $100 billion in assets. I have expressed concern with both of these proposals on the merits, in terms of striking the right balance between safety and soundness and efficiency and fairness, and out of concern for potential unintended consequences. Another concern is whether these proposals show fidelity to the law, which requires regulatory tailoring above the $100 billion asset threshold.”

Federal Reserve Governor Bowman Speaks on Bank Regulation

On March 7, 2024, Federal Reserve Governor Michelle W. Bowman gave a speech titled “Reflections on the Economy and Bank Regulation,” in which she shared her thoughts on monetary policy, the economy, and the path of regulatory reform. In the speech, Governor Bowman made several key observations: (1) regulatory reforms within bank mergers and acquisitions should prioritize speed and timeliness; (2) when considering new liquidity requirements, the Federal Reserve must consider not only calibration and scope, but also the unintended consequences of such requirements; and (3) the Federal Reserve must manage its supervisory programs and teams to ensure effective and consistent supervision.

  • Insights: Governor Bowman states that to accomplish these goals, the Federal Reserve should aim to conduct supervision “in a manner that respects due process and provides transparency around supervisory expectations.” Due process, transparency, calibration of supervision, and the communication of supervisory expectations are consistent themes of Governor Bowman as it relates to proper oversight and supervision by regulators. As it relates to current bank M&A procedures and policies, a footnote in Governor Bowman’s speech directs readers to provide feedback through the recently launched mandatory review of regulatory burdens under the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996.

The following Gibson Dunn attorneys contributed to this issue: Jason Cabral, Rachel Jackson, Zach Silvers, Karin Thrasher, Andrew Watson, and Nathan Marak.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding the issues discussed in this update. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, any member of the firm’s Financial Institutions or Global Financial Regulatory practice groups, or the following:

Jason J. Cabral, New York (212.351.6267, [email protected])

Stephanie L. Brooker, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3502, [email protected])

M. Kendall Day, Washington, D.C. (202.955.8220, [email protected])

Jeffrey L. Steiner, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3632, [email protected])

Sara K. Weed, Washington, D.C. (202.955.8507, [email protected])

Ella Capone, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3511, [email protected])

Rachel Jackson, New York (212.351.6260, [email protected])

Chris R. Jones, Los Angeles (212.351.6260, [email protected])

Zack Silvers, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3774, [email protected])

Karin Thrasher, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3712, [email protected])

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. All rights reserved. For contact and other information, please visit us at

Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials. The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel. Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Los Angeles partner Daniel Swanson and San Francisco of counsel Eli Lazarus are the authors of “Antitrust Ruling Shows Limits Of US Law’s Global Reach” [PDF] published by Law360 on March 28, 2024.

As we wrap up the first quarter of 2024, Gibson Dunn’s Media, Entertainment and Technology Practice Group highlights some of the notable rulings, developments, deals, and trends from 2023 forward that will inform the industry this year and beyond.


1. Copyright
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Trademark
4. Music
5. Fashion & Entertainment
6. Sports
7. Transactions/Deals



Fourth Circuit Sets Aside $1 Billion Jury Verdict and Orders New Trial on Damages for Contributory Copyright Infringement by Cox Communications

On February 20, 2024, the Fourth Circuit set aside a $1 billion jury verdict against Cox Communications, Inc. for contributory and vicarious copyright infringement in a suit brought by more than 50 record labels and music publishers.[1]  The plaintiffs, including Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group, and Universal Music Group, alleged that users of Cox’s internet service downloaded or distributed music over the internet without permission, resulting in the infringement of over 10,000 copyrighted works.[2]  After the Fourth Circuit previously held that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)’s safe harbor defense—which protects internet service providers from monetary liability resulting from copyright infringement by their users—did not apply to Cox because of its failure to reasonably implement an anti-piracy policy, the case proceeded to trial.[3]  The jury found Cox liable for both willful contributory infringement and vicarious infringement, and awarded $1 billion in statutory damages.[4]

On appeal, the Fourth Circuit affirmed the jury’s willful contributory infringement verdict, holding that sufficient evidence was presented to the jury that Cox “knew of specific instances” of infringement, “traced those instances to specific users,” and “chose” to continue providing internet service to those users in order to preserve its revenue stream.[5] However, the court reversed the vicarious infringement verdict, because the plaintiffs failed to show (a) that infringing users subscribed to Cox’s services, as opposed to a competitor’s, because it gave them a better ability to infringe due to Cox’s more lenient policies, and (b) that users paid more for faster internet so as to engage in infringement.[6]  Instead, the court concluded that Cox received the same monthly fees from subscribers, regardless of whether those subscribers engaged in infringing activity.[7]  Because the jury’s damages award was a “global figure” for liability under both claims, the Fourth Circuit remanded for a new damages trial to determine damages for solely the willful contributory infringement claim.[8]  In doing so, the Fourth Circuit rejected arguments by Cox that certain works should be excluded from the damages calculation because they were being double-counted.[9]  Specifically, Cox argued that individual sound recordings compiled in a single album should be counted as one work, and that a music composition and its derivative sound recording should also be counted as one work.[10]  The Fourth Circuit, without deciding the merits of Cox’s theories, held that Cox had failed to present evidence that would have allowed the jury to determine which works were derivative or part of a compilation, and declined to reduce the number of copyrighted works at issue.[11]

Supreme Court Holds New Meaning Alone Is Not Sufficient for the Fair Use Defense

On May 18, 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts’s (“AWF’s”) licensing of an Andy Warhol-created illustration of a photograph of Prince to a magazine was not a fair use of the underlying photograph of Prince under copyright law.[12]  In 1981, professional photographer Lynn Goldsmith was commissioned to photograph the musician Prince.[13]  Years later, she licensed her photo to Vanity Fair for a one-time use as an artist’s reference.[14]  Warhol created a purple silkscreen portrait of Prince to appear in Vanity Fair.[15]  In total, Warhol created 16 silkscreen portraits, now known as the Prince Series, that he derived from Goldsmith’s original copyrighted photograph of Prince.[16]  In 2016, Condé Nast, Vanity Fair’s parent company, purchased a license from AWF to publish another Warhol work from the series, Orange Prince, for a commemorative issue on Prince.[17]

After Goldsmith notified AWF of her belief that Orange Prince infringed on her original photo’s copyright, AWF sued Goldsmith for a declaratory judgment of noninfringement or, alternatively, fair use.[18]  Goldsmith counterclaimed for infringement.[19]  The sole question presented to the Court was whether the first fair use factor, “the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes,” 17 U.S.C. § 107(1), weighed in favor of AWF’s recent commercial licensing to Condé Nast.[20]  The Court rejected AWF’s transformative use argument, finding that Goldsmith’s original photograph and Warhol’s illustration shared the substantially same purpose, i.e., both were portraits of Prince used in magazine stories about him.[21]  Although the Court acknowledged that a derivative work might add a new expression, that alone does not equate to a transformative use that dispenses with the need for licensing.[22]  Moreover, AWF’s use of the photograph was commercial, also weighing against a finding of fair use.[23]  As such, the Court affirmed the Second Circuit’s decision that the first fair use factor favored Goldsmith.[24]

Ninth Circuit Concludes That Epic Games’ Dance Animations Share Substantial Similarities with Copyrighted Choreographic Works

On November 1, 2023, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed the dismissal of choreographer Kyle Hanagami’s copyright claim against Epic Games, finding that Hanagami had plausibly alleged that the company released a virtual animation, or “emote,” that was “substantially similar” to Hanagami’s copyrighted choreographic material.[25]  In 2022, Hanagami alleged that the emote, released for purchase on Epic Games’ Fortnite in August 2020, included four “counts of movement” that copied the most recognized portion of a five-minute choreographic work that Hanagami created.[26]  The United States District Court for the Central District of California found that Hanagami’s dance steps were not protectable under copyright laws on their own, because the “individual poses” at issue were only a “small component” of the work.[27]  The court found that copyright law protected Hanagami’s work “only for the way the Steps are expressed in his registered choreography.”[28]  Because “[t]he two works contain[ed] a series of different poses performed in different settings and by different types of performers,” the district court reasoned that the works were not “substantially similar as a matter of law” and dismissed Hanagami’s copyright claims.[29]

The Ninth Circuit disagreed, rejecting the district court’s contention that choreography can be analyzed by breaking down a routine into “individual poses.”[30]  The Ninth Circuit stated that copyright protects the “[o]riginal selection, coordination, and arrangement” of individual dance movements in a manner akin to an analysis of the original elements inherent in music or photography.[31]  Consequently, the Ninth Circuit concluded that the proper analysis for the original elements in a choreographic work centers less on analyzing “poses” in isolation and instead evaluates them alongside myriad elements including “body position, body shape, body actions, [and] use of space.”[32]  By applying this analysis, the court found that the copied portion of Hanagami’s work was “the most recognizable and distinctive portion of his work, similar to the chorus of a song.”[33]  Because the copied portion “ha[d] substantial qualitative significance to the overall Registered Choreography” and was a “complex, fast-paced series of patterns and movements,” it could receive the benefit of copyright protections.[34]  Accordingly, the Ninth Circuit reversed the district court’s dismissal and remanded the case for further proceedings.  The parties ultimately entered into an agreement settling the dispute on February 12, 2024.

Supreme Court Takes Up Question of Time Limit On Copyright Infringement Damages

On September 29, 2023, the Supreme Court granted certiorari in Warner Chappell Music, Inc. v. Nealy, a long-running music copyright dispute, to address the limited question of whether the discovery accrual rule and the Copyright Act allow a copyright plaintiff to recover damages for acts that allegedly occurred more than three years before the filing of a lawsuit.[35]

In the underlying case, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that in certain cases a copyright plaintiff “may recover retrospective relief for infringement that occurred more than three years prior to the filing of the lawsuit.”[36]  As the Eleventh Circuit acknowledged, the federal Copyright Act establishes a three-year statute of limitations, stating that that “[n]o civil action shall be maintained . . . unless it is commenced within three years after the claim accrued.”[37]  Under the Eleventh Circuit’s “discovery rule,” however, “a copyright ownership claim accrues, and therefore the limitations period starts, when the plaintiff learns, or should as a reasonable person have learned, that the defendant was violating his ownership rights.”[38]  The Eleventh Circuit held that neither imposes a bar on retrospective relief for an otherwise timely copyright claim.[39]

In holding that a copyright plaintiff may in certain cases recover for infringement occurring more than three years before a lawsuit’s filing, the Eleventh Circuit has entered an ongoing circuit split, as various appellate courts around the country disagree on the relevance of the discovery rule to a plaintiff’s ability to recover retrospective relief for copyright claims.[40]  The Supreme Court held oral argument on February 21, 2024 and may soon provide clarity on this long-disputed issue.

Southern District of New York Holds That Scanning and Lending Print Books for Free Infringes Publishers’ Copyrights

On March 24, 2023, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, on a motion for summary judgment, held that scanning lawfully acquired books and lending them out like a library violates the copyright of the books’ publishers.[41]  The lawsuit concerned Internet Archive’s (“IA”) “controlled digital lending” (“CDL”) practice for sharing books.  Under this practice, IA would electronically lend out fully scanned copies of books that it had lawfully acquired through purchase or subscription.[42]  In June 2020, the publishers of 127 books challenged IA’s CDL practices, stating that the publishers possessed the exclusive right to publish the works in print and digital form.[43]  In response, IA argued that its lending of the books was protected under copyright’s fair use doctrine.  Id.  Both parties cross-moved for summary judgment.

District Judge John Koeltl found in favor of the publishers, concluding that a straightforward application of copyright law’s four-factor fair use text compelled summary judgment.  Focusing on the first prong of the test, the court found that “[t]here is nothing transformative about IA’s copying and unauthorized lending of the Works in Suit.”  In doing so, the court rejected IA’s argument that its CDL practice was inherently transformative by “making the delivery of library books more efficient and convenient.”[44]  The court distinguished IA’s CDL practice from other utility expanding transformative uses of copyrighted works, because lending ebooks in full “merely replace[s]” the original print books and does not “provid[e] information” about the books in a novel or interesting way.[45]  Similarly, the court rejected IA’s argument that IA did not lend the books for a commercial use, both because the company did not charge patrons to borrow books and also because private reading is noncommercial in nature.[46]  In so finding, the court noted that IA’s lending practices would help the company by “attract[ing] new members, solicit[ing] donations, and bolster[ing] its standing in the library community.”[47]  In assessing the fourth fair use factor—”the effect of the [copying] use on the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work,”—the court noted that IA’s offer of “complete ebook editions of the Works in Suit” without paying a licensing fee to Publishers for those books would “‘bring[ ] to the marketplace a competing substitute’ for library ebook editions of the Works in Suit, ‘usurp[ing] a market that properly belongs to the copyright holder.’”[48]  Following the March 2023 opinion, the court approved and entered a negotiated consent judgment that declared IA’s CDL practices to constitute copyright infringement, and further permanently enjoined IA from lending scanned copyrighted works that are available digitally.[49]  IA appealed the district court’s ruling to the Second Circuit and submitted its opening brief in December 2023;[50] Hachette filed its answering brief on March 15, 2024.[51]  The case has not been set for oral argument.


Getty Images Sues Stability AI

In February 2023, Getty Images (US) sued Stability AI in federal district court in Delaware for allegedly infringing more than 12 million of Getty’s photographs and their associated captions and metadata, in connection with two of Stability AI’s products—Stable Diffusion and DreamStudio—which generate images in response to text prompts.  Getty Images also brought trademark and unfair competition claims, alleging the generative output of Stability AI’s products have included Getty Images watermarks.[52]  The copyright claims are based on Stability AI having allegedly reproduced images from Getty’s collection without authorization and by using a version of the Getty watermark in Stable Diffusion output.[53]  The Lanham Act claims and the state law claims allege Stability AI’s products are causing the public to mistakenly believe that Getty has authorized Stability AI to use and alter its images, resulting in lower quality products.[54]  Stability AI has challenged the lawsuit on personal jurisdiction grounds, and the case is currently in jurisdictional discovery.[55]

Artists File Class Action Against Stability AI, Midjourney, and DeviantArt

In January 2023, artists Sarah Andersen, Kelly McKernan, and Karla Ortiz, along with a proposed class of “at least thousands” of other artists, filed a class action complaint against Stability AI, Midjourney, and DeviantArt.  The complaint alleges direct and vicarious copyright infringement, DMCA violations and right of publicity violations, and unfair competition based on the creation and functionality of the defendants’ generative AI products.[56]  The named plaintiffs, all artists, allege the defendants allegedly used their art to train their artificial intelligence models.  The complaint also seeks to certify a class of individuals whose work was used to train any of the defendants’ artificial intelligence products.[57]  Plaintiffs’ copyright, DMCA, and state law claims assert that the defendants used plaintiffs’ art in their products for training and other commercial purposes without licensing or in violation of existing contracts.[58]  The defendants have moved to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6).

District of Columbia District Court Holds AI-Generated Art Is Not Copyrightable

On August 18, 2023, the D.C. District Court affirmed the Copyright Office’s denial of the plaintiff’s application to register visual artwork generated by the “Creativity Machine”—an artificial intelligence system owned by Stephen Thaler.[59]  The court agreed with the Copyright Office’s determination that a work generated autonomously by a machine, without human input, is not copyrightable because it lacks the requisite “authorship” under the Copyright Act.[60]

In holding that the Register of Copyrights did not err in denying Thaler’s application, the court determined that the Copyright Act’s plain text—conferring protection to “original works of authorship”—requires protectable works to have an “author,” and that authorship is necessarily “human creation.”[61]  Because the administrative record reflected Mr. Thaler’s admissions that the Creativity Machine “autonomously” created the work, the court rejected Mr. Thaler’s new arguments before the district court that he provided instructions to and directed the AI system to create such work.[62]  The court acknowledged, however, that “[t]he increased attenuation of human creativity from the actual generation of the final work will prompt challenging questions regarding how much human input is necessary to qualify the user of an AI system as an ‘author.’”[63]

New York Times Files Lawsuit against AI Companies, Alleging Copyright Infringement

On December 27, 2023, the New York Times filed a lawsuit against Microsoft and its partner OpenAI, accusing the companies of copyright infringement and other related claims.[64]  The Times alleges that Microsoft and OpenAI “directly infringed The Times’s exclusive rights in its copyrighted works” by using the newspaper’s registered, copyrighted works to train artificial intelligence models like ChatGPT.[65]  According to the Complaint, Microsoft and OpenAI “seek to free-ride on The Times’s massive investment in its journalism by using it to build substitutive products without permission or payment” by essentially providing Times content directly to consumers.[66]

In response to the lawsuit, OpenAI published a statement on its website addressing the allegations, calling The Times’ claims “without merit.”[67]  According to the OpenAI statement, “[t]raining AI models using publicly available internet materials is fair use,” but regardless, OpenAI still has “led the AI industry in providing a simple opt-out process for publishers,” including the New York Times.[68]  According to OpenAI, the Times “intentionally manipulated prompts, often including lengthy excerpts of articles, in order to get [ChatGPT] to regurgitate” information, which forms the basis of the lawsuit.[69]  OpenAI also highlighted its collaboration with various prominent news organizations, noting that one of the company’s goals is “to support a healthy news ecosystem.”[70]

The Times is seeking damages and injunctive relief.[71]  Both OpenAI and Microsoft have filed motions to dismiss the lawsuit.[72]  The Times reported that its lawsuit “could test the emerging legal contours of generative A.I. technologies . . . and could carry major implications for the news industry.”[73]


The Supreme Court Holds That Source-Identifying Uses of Trademarks Are Not Afforded First Amendment Protection against Infringement Claims

In June 2023, the Supreme Court unanimously held that VIP, a dog toy maker that made chewable dog toys designed to look like a bottle of Jack Daniel’s whiskey, could not rely on the First Amendment as a shield against Jack Daniel’s trademark claims.

VIP had originally sought a declaratory judgment that its toy neither infringed nor diluted Jack Daniel’s trademarks.  Jack Daniel’s counterclaimed for infringement and dilution.  VIP conceded that while its “Bad Spaniels” mark was meant to communicate a humorous message, it also used its “Bad Spaniels” trademark and trade dress as source identifiers.[74]  The defendant sought to rely on the Second Circuit’s Rogers test, which affords limited First Amendment protections to the use of trademarks in “expressive works.”[75]  The Court held the test does not apply when a trademark is used to indicate the source of a product, as it was here, and remanded the case to the district court to assess Jack Daniel’s claim on the merits.  The Court also held that the Lanham Act’s exclusion from liability for dilution for “non-commercial” uses of a mark does not apply to parody, criticism, or commentary when the alleged infringer uses a mark to designate the source of its own goods.[76]

The Supreme Court Clarifies the Lanham Act’s Extraterritorial Reach

On June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court harmonized the extraterritoriality framework of trademark law with recent developments in the Court’s presumption against extraterritoriality jurisprudence.  Hetronic International, a domestic manufacturer of radio remote controls for construction equipment, sued six foreign parties (collectively Abitron) for trademark infringement under the Lanham Act.[77]  As one of Hetronic’s authorized distributors, Abitron claimed it held the rights to much of Hetronic’s intellectual property, including the marks at issue, in connection with selling its own Hetronic-branded products—mostly in Europe, but some in the United States.[78]  Hetronic sought damages for Abitron’s alleged infringement worldwide, while Abitron countered that Hetronic’s claims required an impermissible extraterritorial application of the Lanham Act.[79]

In applying the presumption against extraterritoriality, the Court held that the two provisions of the Lanham Act that prohibit trademark infringement through the unauthorized use in commerce of a protected trademark that is likely to cause confusion (15 U.S.C. § 1114(1)(a) and § 1125(a)(1)) are not extraterritorial, and apply only to claims where the infringing “use in commerce” is domestic.[80]  “Use in commerce” means the legitimate use of a mark in the ordinary course of trade where the mark has a source-identifying function, serving to identify and distinguish the goods.[81]  The Court held that the location in which the infringing “use in commerce” of a trademark occurs dictates whether the Lanham Act provisions at issue may apply extraterritorially.[82]  The Court remanded the case for fact-finding on that issue.[83]


Ed Sheeran Successfully Defends against Copyright Claim in New York

In May 2023, following a jury trial in the Southern District of New York, singer Ed Sheeran won a copyright lawsuit over the hit song “Thinking Out Loud,” which Plaintiff Ed Townsend alleged infringed on Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On.”[84]  Subsequently, U.S. District Judge Louis Stanton dismissed Structured Asset Sales, LLC’s closely related complaint on a motion for reconsideration of a prior verdict, finding that the parts of “Let’s Get It On” that Sheeran was accused of infringing—namely, the chord progression and harmonic rhythm—were too common for copyright protection.[85]  The court concluded that protecting the combination of these musical elements in “Let’s Get It On” would give the song an “impermissible monopoly over a basic musical building block.”[86]  If such a “selection and arrangement” were “protected and not freely available to songwriters,” the court noted, “the goal of copyright law . . . would be thwarted.”[87]

Plaintiffs Claim That over 1,600 Songs by Reggaeton Artists, Like Bad Bunny and Pitbull, Infringe a 1989 Work

Popular artists Bad Bunny, Pitbull, and Daddy Yankee found themselves among hundreds of artists targeted in a lawsuit that threatens the entire genre of “Reggaeton” music—a blend of reggae music with Latin American dance hall music, with hip-hop influences.[88]  This litigation, which began in 2021 in the Central District of California, will address the extent to which rhythm is deemed protectable under Copyright Law.  Specifically, Plaintiffs Cleveland Browne and the estate of Wycliffe Johnson, who performed under the name Steely & Clevie, allege that the 100-plus artists named in the litigation infringed on the rhythm of the 1989 song “Fish Market.”[89]  In June 2023, Bad Bunny moved to dismiss Plaintiffs’ Second Consolidated Amended Complaint.  Bad Bunny argued Plaintiffs were seeking to protect the “basic building block(s)” of the genre, which belong in the public domain.[90]  The parties are awaiting a decision.


Hermès Prevails in Request for Permanent Ban on US “MetaBirkin” NFT Sales

In June 2023, in Hermes International v. Rothschild, U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff permanently blocked Mason Rothschild and his associates from selling or minting MetaBirkin non-fungible tokens (NFTs).[91]  This ruling was made pursuant to Hermès’s request to block Rothschild’s sales of “MetaBirkin” NFTs following a jury verdict that the NFTs violated Hermès’s trademark rights in its popular Birkin bags.[92]  That jury had found Rothschild liable on all three counts of trademark violations in February 2023, and awarded Hermès damages in the amount of $133,000 for Rothschild’s use of the Birkin mark in his “MetaBirkin” NFTs.[93]

The court found Hermès satisfied the four threshold requirements for a permanent injunction articulated by the Supreme Court in eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C., specifically that (i) Hermès suffered an irreparable injury, (ii) the remedies available at law are inadequate, (iii) a remedy in equity is warranted due to the balance of hardships between Hermès and Rothschild, and (iv) the public interest would not be disrupted by a permanent injunction.[94]  The court ordered Rothschild to transfer the domain name and relevant materials to Hermès; however, the court refused to order the transfer of the NFTs and smart contracts out of an abundance of caution related to First Amendment concerns, as the court reasoned that “MetaBirkins NFTs are at least in some respects works of art.”[95]

Historic Strike Ends following SAG-AFTRA’s Approval of Agreement

In November 2023, SAG-AFTRA’s negotiating committee unanimously voted to approve a tentative three-year agreement that ended a 118-day strike—the longest actors’ strike against the television and film studios in Hollywood history.  Union leadership voted to ratify the deal shortly thereafter.[96]  The deal included historic protections for actors against artificial intelligence, increases in health and pension contributions, a “streaming participation bonus,” and an unprecedented pay increase.[97]  The deal resulted in a 7% pay increase effective immediately after it was approved, another 4% increase in July 2023, and another 3.5% increase set to take effect in July 2024.[98]

Chanel Prevails in Trademark Dispute against Luxury Reseller

On February 6, 2024, a New York federal jury found luxury reseller What Goes Around Comes Around (“WGACA”) liable on all four of Chanel’s claims for trademark infringement, false advertising, unfair competition, and counterfeiting.[99]  Chanel brought the action in 2018, accusing WGACA of, among other allegations, (1) selling counterfeit Chanel bags, including bags bearing serial numbers tied to stolen bags and bags made from materials not used by Chanel’s factories; and (2) creating consumer confusion by using Chanel’s marks in advertising and consumer communications in violation of the Lanham Act.[100]  On July 26, 2021, both parties moved for summary judgment.[101]  Chanel sought findings of liability for the trademark infringement and false association claims, and WGACA sought summary judgment in its favor with respect to all claims.  The court granted Chanel’s motion in part, finding WGACA liable for trademark infringement for selling handbags loaned to retailers for display that were never authorized for sale, and several handbags bearing serial numbers associated with those reported as stolen or pirated.  The court emphasized Chanel’s rights to control the quality of its marks.[102]  By selling handbags that were never authorized for sale or whose serial numbers confirm they never went through Chanel’s quality control procedures, WGACA sold non-genuine products in violation of the Lanham Act.[103]  The court also granted WGACA’s motion for summary judgment in part, but only with respect to Chanel’s New York state law claims because it determined issues of material fact existed as to the remaining federal claims.[104]  The case proceeded to a jury trial, after which the jury returned a verdict in favor of Chanel for all surviving claims, awarding the company $4 million in statutory damages.[105]


N.Y. Knicks Say Former Employee Took Trade Secrets to the Toronto Raptors

In August 2023, the New York Knicks filed a lawsuit in federal district court against Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment, the parent company of the Toronto Raptors, Darko Rajakovi, Noah Lewis, and Ikechukwu Azotam (together “Raptors”), over an alleged theft of the Knicks’ trade secrets, seeking damages over $10 million.[106]  The Knicks claim that a former team employee, Ikechukwu Azotam, stole proprietary information from the Knicks franchise, and took the information with him to the Toronto Raptors, where he assumed the role of assistant coach.[107]  The alleged stolen proprietary information includes scouting files, season preparation books, play reports, and other materials.[108]  The Knicks further allege that Azotam stole this information under the instruction of the Toronto Raptors, including head coach Darko Rajakovic.[109]

On October 16, 2023, the Raptors filed a motion to dismiss, denying all allegations and arguing that the alleged stolen proprietary information is not a protected trade secret because the information was not unique to the Knicks and contained data on all NBA teams that could be gathered by watching televised games.[110]  The motion further argued that federal court was the improper forum for commencing the action and that, per the NBA Constitution, the Knicks and Raptors were to arbitrate their dispute.[111]

On November 20, 2023, the Knicks filed their response to the Raptors’ motion to dismiss, arguing the dispute is not governed by the NBA Constitution because it is not a dispute about “basketball operations,” but rather a dispute over “the theft of trade secrets by a disloyal employee.”[112]  The parties are awaiting a decision.[113]


Lionsgate Acquires eOne

On December 27, 2023, Lionsgate announced its acquisition of studio Entertainment One (eOne) from toy company Hasbro for $375 million.[114]  The acquisition added 6,500 film and television titles to Lionsgate’s library.

Artémis Acquires Majority Stake in CAA

On October 2, 2023, Artémis, an investment company run by French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault, agreed to acquire a majority stake in Creative Artists Agency (CAA) that was previously held by global investment firm TPG.[115]  Although an exact figure has not been disclosed, the sale has been reported to be for around $7 billion.

AMC Entertainment Executes Distribution Agreements with Beyoncé and Taylor Swift

In mid-2023, AMC Entertainment struck deals with Beyoncé and Taylor Swift to distribute the artists’ concert films: “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” and “Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé.”[116] The films represented the first ever movies distributed by AMC, and bypassed the usual protocol where studios distribute the films to theaters.[117]  The deals also included minimum ticket prices for both films: starting at $19.89 for Eras and $22 for Renaissance.[118]  The deals boosted AMC’s earnings, with AMC’s CEO attributing AMC’s 2023 fourth quarter revenue and EBITDA increases entirely to the two films, which collectively earned more than $115 million at the domestic box office on their opening weekends.[119]  According to reports, AMC shared in 43% of the profits from the Eras film with Taylor Swift taking home the remaining 57%, whereas Beyoncé split box office earnings from the Renaissance film roughly 50% with exhibitors while AMC accepted a small distribution fee.[120]

Music Catalog Acquisitions

The market for music catalog acquisitions—which includes master recordings, music publishing, and other trademark and IP—cooled in 2023 due to rising interest rates.[121]  Catalog acquisitions had become extremely lucrative revenue streams for investors, who use the songs in licensing deals, film and television, and advertisements, but became less attractive in the past year given rising borrowing costs.[122]  Nonetheless, the year still saw major acquisitions by companies like Sony Music Group, Universal Music Group, Litmus Music, and Hipgnosis.  Some highlights from the past year include:

Universal Music Group and Shamrock Capital Acquire Dr. Dre’s Music Catalog

In January 2023, Universal Music Group and Shamrock Capital purchased various passive income streams from Dr. Dre’s catalog, including producer royalties, his share of N.W.A artist royalties, and the writer’s share of the song catalog where he does not own the publishing.[123]  Reported to be at around $200 million, the deal was the largest-ever hip-hop catalog deal for a single artist.

Litmus Music Acquires Katy Perry’s Music Catalog

On September 18, 2023, Litmus Music announced its $225 million purchase of Katy Perry’s master rights royalties and publishing income from her five albums released between 2008 and 2020.[124]  Litmus Music is a music rights company founded in 2022, backed by private equity company Carlyle Group LLC.  The deal marked the year’s largest artist catalog transaction.

Hipgnosis Acquires Justin Bieber’s Music Catalog

On January 24, 2023, Hipgnosis Songs Capital announced that it had reached a deal to purchase all of Justin Bieber’s publishing royalties, artist royalties from his master recordings, and neighboring rights.[125]  The catalog included 290 titles, covering songs released through the end of 2021.  The deal was reported to be valued at around $200 million.

Sony Music Group Acquires Half of Michael Jackson’s Music Catalog

On February 9, 2024, Sony Music Group announced that it had reached a deal to acquire half of Michael Jackson’s publishing and recorded masters catalog in a transaction that reportedly valued the total catalog at over $1.2 billion, which could be the highest-ever valuation of a single artist’s work.[126]  Sony reportedly paid at least $600 million for its stake.  The deal also included assets from Jackson’s Mijac publishing catalog, including songs by Sly & the Family Stone and Ray Charles.

Vice Media Group Acquired by Consortium of Lenders

Gibson Dunn represented Fortress Investment Group and a consortium of lenders, including Soros Fund Management and Monroe Capital, in the debtor-in-possession financing and acquisition of Vice Media Group in its chapter 11 filing.  With its secured lenders’ support, Vice Media filed for Chapter 11 on May 15, 2023.[127]  On July 31, 2023, the lenders, represented by Gibson Dunn, closed on the sale of substantially all of Vice Media’s assets, including its international next-gen media and entertainment platform for a purchase price of $350 million, plus the assumption of certain liabilities.[128]  In a joint statement, the lender group said, “We are very pleased to complete the acquisition of Vice and we are excited to build upon the achievements of one of the most iconic brands in news and entertainment.  We look forward to growing a strong business that is committed to serving audiences, brands and partners with award-winning content.”[129]

RedBird IMI Takes Stake in Media Res

Gibson Dunn advised RedBird Capital Partners in RedBird IMI’s investment in Media Res, the production studio behind Apple TV+ shows The Morning Show and Pachinko.[130]  The investment, announced in January 2024, is RedBird IMI’s first investment in scripted entertainment.[131]  Jeff Zucker, CEO of RedBird IMI, said, “Media Res was a natural partnership for us as we continue to expand our presence across all forms of scripted, unscripted and children’s entertainment as well as news and information.”[132]  The studio, founded by former HBO executive Michael Ellenberg, will use the investment to “strike new strategic partnerships” and continue “championing artists’ original ideas and sourcing projects from exceptional IP.”[133]

NFL and Skydance Media Partner to Form Skydance Sports

Gibson Dunn represented the NFL in its joint venture with Skydance Media to form Skydance Sports, a premier global multi-sports production studio.[134]  NFL Films Senior Executive Ross Ketover said, “Through this new venture, we will be able to expand our storytelling acumen into different areas of content by tapping into the expertise and creativity of a highly accomplished media company in Skydance.”[135]  Via the partnership, the studio will produce both scripted and unscripted sports media content.[136]  In May 2023, the studio announced the first project to come from the joint venture, which is a docuseries chronicling Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and the Cowboys franchise.[137]  The series is currently in development and will feature never-before-seen content from the NFL Films archive.[138]

Investment Partnership Led by Josh Harris Acquires the Washington Commanders

On July 21, 2023, a partnership led by Josh Harris, founder of Apollo Global Management, announced the closing of its acquisition of the Washington Commanders.[139]  The Harris group includes 20 limited partners, including NBA legend Magic Johnson.[140]  The acquisition closed for a North American sports franchise record $6.05 billion.[141]  Dan Snyder, the former Commanders owner, bought the franchise in 1999 for $800 million.[142]

WWE and UFC Merge to Create TKO Group

On April 3, 2023, Endeavor Group Holdings, UFC’s parent company, announced the closing of its merger with WWE and the formation of the new publicly listed TKO Group.[143]  The newly merged TKO Group has a valuation of $21.4 billion.[144]  Former WWE majority shareholder and chairman Vince McMahon will serve as executive chairman of TKO, while Dana White, former UFC president, is named as UFC CEO.[145]  Shares in TKO began trading on September 12, 2023, pegged to WWE’s stock price, which closed at $100.65/share on its final day of trading.[146]

Microsoft’s Acquisition of Activision Blizzard

In October 2023, Microsoft closed its $69 billion acquisition of the gaming firm Activision Blizzard, the largest deal in Microsoft’s 48-year history.[147]  The deal, which was announced in January 2022, underwent a lengthy and robust review from regulators, including the U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority, before finally being cleared nearly two years later.[148]

Disney’s Acquisition of Comcast’s Stake in Hulu

On November 1, 2023, the Walt Disney Company (“Disney”) announced its intention to acquire the 33% stake in Hulu, LLC held by Comcast Corp.’s NBCUniversal (“NBCU”) by December for an anticipated $8.6 billion.[149]  The deal has a $27.5 billion guaranteed floor value but will be subject to an appraisal process by which Hulu’s equity fair value will be assessed as of September 30, 2023.[150]  Under this process, “if the value is ultimately determined to be greater than the guaranteed floor value, Disney will pay NBCU its percentage of the difference between the equity fair value and the guaranteed floor value.”[151]  According to a company press release, the acquisition is anticipated to “further Disney’s streaming objectives.”[152]

Production Company M&A 

Blumhouse Productions and James Wan’s Atomic Monster Merge

On January 2, 2024, Jason Blum’s Blumhouse Productions and James Wan’s Atomic Monster, two of the world’s leading horror film production houses, merged in a deal that resulted in a three-way ownership structure split amongst Blum, Wan, and Universal Pictures.[153]  Blumhouse and Atomic Monster will continue to operate as separate labels, but Blum and Wan look forward to increased content output as a result of their collaboration.[154]  The merged company retains and expands Blumhouse’s long-standing first-look deal with Universal Pictures, which Gibson Dunn represented in connection with the merger.

The North Road Company Expands with Key Acquisitions

On November 7, 2023, Peter Chernin’s production studio, North Road, acquired an undisclosed stake in Questlove’s production house, Two One Five Entertainment.[155]  The purchase is the latest in a series of acquisitions by North Road in 2023, including the Turkish film and television studio, Karga Seven Pictures on June 6, 2023.[156]  North Road also received $150 million capital investment from the Qatar Government Investment Fund back in January, 2023, adding to the capital base of $300 million from Apollo and up to $500 million from Providence Equity Partners that North Road secured at its launch in July 2022.[157]


[1] [ ] Sony Music Ent. v. Cox Commc’ns, Inc., 93 F.4th 222 (4th Cir. 2024).

[2] Id. at 229.

[3] Id. at 227-28.

[4] Id. at 229.

[5] Id. at 236.

[6] Id. at 232-33.

[7] Id. at 232.

[8] Id. at 237.

[9] Id. at 238.

[10] Id.

[11] Id. at 239-41.

[12] Andy Warhol Found. for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, 598 U.S. 508, 508-09 (2023).

[13] Id. at 508.

[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] Id.

[7] Id.

[18] Id.

[19] Id. at 508-09.

[20] Id. at 535-36.

[21] Id. at 541.

[22] Id. at 537.

[23] Id. at 551.

[24] Hanagami v. Epic Games, 85 F.4th 931, 935 (9th Cir. 2023).

[25] Id.

[26] Id.

[27] Id. at 938.

[28] Id.

[29] Id. at 943.

[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] Id. at 946.

[33] Id. at 947.

[34] Warner Chappell Music, Inc. v. Nealy, 216 L. Ed. 2d 1313 (Sept. 29, 2023).

[35] Nealy v. Warner Chappell Music, Inc., 60 F.4th 1325, 1334 (11th Cir. 2023).

[36] 17 U.S.C. § 507(b).

[37] Nealy, 60 F.4th at 1330.

[38] Id. at 1334.

[39] Id. at 1331.

[40] Hachette Book Grp., Inc. v. Internet Archive, 664 F. Supp. 3d 370, 374 (S.D.N.Y. 2023).

[41] Id. at 375-76.

[42] Id. at 377.

[43] Id. at 380.

[44] Id. at 382.

[45] Id. at 383.

[46] Id.

[47] Id. at 388 (quoting Fox News Network, LLC., v. Tveyes, Inc., 883 F.3d 169, 179 (2d Cir. 2018)).

[48] Consent J. and Permanent Inj., Hachette Book Grp. v. Internet Archive, 664 F. Supp. 3d 370 (S.D.N.Y. 2023) (No. 1:20-cv-04160), ECF No. 215.

[49] Docketing Notice, Hachette Book Grp. v. Internet Archive, No. 23-1260 (2d Cir. Sept. 15, 2023).

[50] Brief of Appellee, Hachette Book Grp. v. Internet Archive, No. 23-1260 (2d Cir. Mar. 15, 2023).

[51] Getty Images (US), Inc. v. Stability AI, Inc., et. al., No. 1:23-cv-00135-UNA (D. Del.).

[52] Getty Images (US), Inc. v. Stability AI, Inc., et. al., No. 1:23-cv-00135-UNA (D. Del.).

[53] Id.

[54] Id.

[55] Id.

[56] Andersen v. Stability AI, et al., No. 3:23-cv-00201 (N.D. Cal.).

[57] Id.

[58] Id.

[59] Thaler v. Pelmutter, No. CV 22-1564 (BAH) (D.D.C. Aug. 18, 2023).

[60] Id.

[61] Id. at 9-10.

[62] Id. at 14.

[63] Id. at 13.

[64] Complaint, New York Times Co. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 23-CV-11195 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 27, 2023).

[65] Id.

[66] Id.

[67] OpenAI, OpenAI and Journalism (Jan. 8, 2024)

[68] Id.

[69] Id.

[70] Id.

[71] Id.

[72] Motion to Dismiss, New York Times Co. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 23-CV-11195 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 26, 2024); Motion to Dismiss, New York Times Co. v. Microsoft Corp., No. 23-CV-11195 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 4, 2024).

[73] Michael M. Grynbaum and Ryan Mac, The Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft Over A.I. Use of Copyrighted Work, N.Y. Times, Dec. 27, 2023.

[74] Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. v. VIP Prod. LLC, 599 U.S. 140, 159-60 (2023).

[75] Id. at 153.

[76] Id. at 161-63.

77] Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic Int’l, Inc., 600 U.S. 412, 415-16 (2023).

[78] Id. at 416.

[79] Id.

[80] Id. at 419-20.

[81] Id. at 428.

[82] Id. at 422-24.

[83] Id. at 423.

[84] Ben Sisario, Ed Sheeran Wins Copyright Case Over Marvin Gaye’s ‘Let’s Get It On’, New York Times (May 4, 2023),

[85] Structured Asset Sales, LLC v. Sheeran et al, 1:18CV05839, Dkt. 217 at 13 (S.D.N.Y May 16, 2023); Bill Donahue, Ed Sheeran Wins Another Copyright Case Over ‘Let’s Get It On’, Billboard (May 16, 2023)

[86] Id.

[87] Id. at 15.

[88] Grace Flynn, Reggaeton: Origin and Evolution of a Genre, Marquette Wire (Nov. 28, 2011).

[89] Cleveland Constantine Browne et al v. Rodney Sebastian Clark Donalds et al, 2:21CV02840, Dkt. 305 (C.D.C.A) (April 21, 2023).

[80] Cleveland Constantine Browne et al v. Rodney Sebastian Clark Donalds et al, 2:21CV02840, Dkt. 330 (C.D.C.A) (June 30, 2023).

[91] Blake Brittain, Hermes wins permanent ban on ‘MetaBirkin’ NFT sales in US lawsuit, Reuters (2023), (last visited Feb 10, 2024).

[92] Id.

[93] Hermes Int’l v. Rothschild, No. 22-CV-384 (JSR), 2023 WL 4145518 (S.D.N.Y. June 23, 2023).

[94] Melanie J. Howard & Jennifer Kahn, Hermès International v. Rothschild, Loeb & Loeb LLP (2023), (last visited Feb 10, 2024).

[95] Id.

[96] Gene Maddus, SAG-AFTRA Approves Deal to End Historic Strike, Variety (2023) (last visited Feb 10, 2024).

[97] Id.

[98] Andrew Dalton, Hollywood Actors Union Board Approves Strike-Ending Deal as Leaders Tout Gains, TIME (2023) (last visited Feb 10, 2024).

[99] Chanel, Inc. v. What Comes Around Goes Around LLC et al., No. No. 18-CV-2253 (LLS), Dkt. 407 (S.D.N.Y.).

[100] Chanel, Inc. v. What Comes Around Goes Around LLC et al., No. 18-CV-2253 (LLS), 2022 WL 902931, at *1 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 28, 2022).

[101] Id.

[102] Id.

[103] Id.

[104] Id.

[105] Chanel, Inc. v. What Comes Around Goes Around LLC et al., No. No. 18-CV-2253 (LLS), Dkt. 407 (S.D.N.Y.).

[106] Compl., N.Y. Knicks vs. Maple Leaf Sports & Ent. Ltd., No. 1:2023cv07394 (Aug. 21, 2023).

[107] Id.

[108] Id.

[109] Id.

[110] Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss, N.Y. Knicks vs. Maple Leaf Sports & Ent. Ltd., No. 1:2023cv07394 (Oct. 16, 2023).

[111] Id.

[112] Mike Vorkunov & Eric Koreen, Knicks Argue Lawsuit Against Raptors Should Stay in Federal Court and Not Be Moved to NBA-Run Arbitration, Athletic (Nov. 20, 2023),

[113] Alder Almo, Raptors Label Knicks Lawsuit a PR Stunt, Push for Dismissal, Heavy (Feb. 20, 2024),

[114] Jennifer Maas, Lionsgate Closes eOne Acquisition for $375 Million, Variety (Dec. 27, 2023),

[115] Nellie Andreeva, Francois-Henri Pinault’s Artémis Closes Deal For Majority Stake In CAA – Update, Deadline (Oct. 2, 2023),

[116] Nardine Saad, No Surprise Here: Taylor Swift, Beyoncé Concern Films Boost AMC Quarterly Earnings, L.A. Times (Feb. 29, 2024, 2:03 PM),

[117] Id.

[118] Ephrat Livni & Michael J. de la Merced, How Beyoncé and Taylor Swift Struck a New Kind of Movie Deal, N.Y. Times (Oct. 7, 2023),

[119] Nardine Saad, No Surprise Here: Taylor Swift, Beyoncé Concern Films Boost AMC Quarterly Earnings, L.A. Times (Feb. 29, 2024, 2:03 PM),

[120] Id.

[121] Glenn Peoples, The 10 Biggest Music Business Deals of 2023, Billboard (Dec. 29, 2023),

[122] Id.; Anna Nicolaou & Eric Platt, Rising Interest Rates Rock Private Equity’s Billion-Dollar Bets On Music, Fin. Times (Dec. 14, 2023),

[123] Peoples, supra.

[124] Jem Aswad, Katy Perry Sells Catalog Rights to Litmus Music for $225 Million, Variety (2023),

[125] Ethan Millman, Justin Bieber Sells Publishing and Recorded Catalog for Reported $200 Million, Rolling Stone (2023),

[126] Ed Christman, Sony Music Buys Stake in Michael Jackson Catalog, Valuing Rights at Over $1.2B, Billboard (Feb. 9, 2024),

[127] Jesse Whittock, Vice Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Deadline (May 15, 2023, 1:01 AM),

[128] Todd Spangler, Vice Media Closes $350 Million Sale to Investors Fortress, Soros Fund Management and Monroe Capital, Variety (July 31, 2023, 6:58 AM),

[129] Id.

[130] Dade Hayes, Jeff Zucker-Led RedBird IMI Takes Stake In ‘The Morning Show’ Studio Media Res, Deadline (Jan. 4, 2024, 6:09 AM),

[131] Todd Spangler, Jeff Zucker-Led RedBird IMI Takes Minority Stake in ‘Morning Show’ Producer Media Res, Variety (Jan. 4, 2024, 7:15 AM),

[132] Id.

[133] Id.

[134] Dade Hayes, NFL and Skydance Team To Create Multi-Sport Production Studio, Deadline (Nov. 15, 2022, 10:05 AM),

[135] Id.

[136] Press Release, The National Football League, NFL, Skydance Media partner to expand Skydance Sports into the preeminent global sports content studio (Nov. 15, 2022, 12:52 PM),

[137] BreAnna Bell, Jerry Jones Docuseries in Development at Skydance Media, Variety (May 3, 2023, 12:00 PM),

[138] Id.

[139] Josh Harris Announces Acquisition of Washington Commanders, Washington Commanders (July 21, 2023),

[140] Bruce Haring, NFL’s Washington Commanders Sold For $6.05B, A North American Sports Franchise Record, Deadline (July 20, 2023),

[141] Id.

[142] Id.

[143] Endeavor Announces UFC® and WWE® to Form a $21+ Billion Global Live Sports and Entertainment Company, WWE (April 3, 2023),

[144] Marc Raimondi, UFC, WWE officially combine under TKO umbrella, ESPN (September 12, 2023),

[145] Id.

[146] Todd Spangler, WWE, UFC Officially Merge to Form TKO Group, New Stock to Start Trading, Variety (September 12, 2023),

[147] Josh Novet, Microsoft closes $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard after lengthy regulatory review, CNBC (October 13, 2023),

[148] Id.

[149] The Walt Disney Company, The Walt Disney Company to Purchase Remaining Stake in Hulu from Comcast, (November 1, 2023),

[150] Id.

[151] Id.

[152] MoneyWatch, Disney reaches $8.6 billion deal with Comcast to fully acquire Hulu, (November 1, 2023),

[153] Aaron Couch, Jason Blum’s Blumhouse and James Wan’s Atomic Monster Close Merger Deal, The Hollywood Reporter (Jan. 2, 2024).

[154] Id.

[155] Jennifer Maas, North Road Acquires Significant Stake in Questlove and Black Thought’s Two One Five Entertainment, Variety (November 7, 2023),

[156] Nick Vivarelli, Peter Chernin’s The North Road Company Buys Turkish Film and TV Powerhouse Karga Seven Pictures, Variety (June 6, 2023),

[157] Todd Spangler, Peter Chernin’s North Road Receives $150 Million From Qatar Government Investment Fund, Variety (January 31, 2023),

The following Gibson Dunn attorneys assisted in preparing this update: Scott Edelman, Ilissa Samplin, Brian Ascher, Jillian London, Marissa Mulligan, Shaun Mathur, Doran Satanove, Dillon Westfall, Cate Harding, Monica Woolley, Sasha Dudding, Zachary Montgomery, Elise Widerlite, Peter Jacobs, Amanda Bello, Maya Halthore, Ignacio Martinez Castellanos, Maryam Asenuga, Narayan Narasimhan, Zachary Goldstein, and Sophia Amir.

Gibson Dunn lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, the authors, or the following leaders and members of the firm’s Media, Entertainment & Technology practice group:

Scott A. Edelman – Co-Chair, Los Angeles (+1 310.557.8061, [email protected])
Kevin Masuda – Co-Chair, Los Angeles (+1 213.229.7872, [email protected])
Benyamin S. Ross – Co-Chair, Los Angeles (+1 213.229.7048, [email protected])
Theodore J. Boutrous, Jr. – Los Angeles (+1 213.229.7000, [email protected])
Orin Snyder – New York (+1 212.351.2400, [email protected])
Brian C. Ascher – New York (+1 212.351.3989, [email protected])
Jillian N. London – Los Angeles (+1 213.229.7671, [email protected])
Ilissa Samplin – Los Angeles (+1 213.229.7354, [email protected])

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Join us for a 30-minute briefing covering several M&A practice topics. The program is part of a series of quarterly webcasts designed to provide quick insights into emerging issues and practical advice on how to manage common M&A problems. Steve Glover, a partner in the firm’s Global M&A Practice Group, will act as moderator.

Topics to be discussed:

  • Cassandra Gaedt-Sheckter and Ahmed Baladi will discuss how to address artificial intelligence issues in acquisition agreement representations and covenants;
  • Tom Kim will describe how the SEC’s proposed climate change disclosure rules may impact M&A practice; and
  • Jonathan Whalen will provide an update on developments in the representation and warranty insurance market.


Stephen I. Glover is a partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher who has served as Co-Chair of the firm’s Global Mergers and Acquisitions Practice. Mr. Glover has an extensive practice representing public and private companies in complex mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, equity and debt offerings and corporate governance matters. His clients include large public corporations, emerging growth companies and middle market companies in a wide range of industries. He also advises private equity firms, individual investors and others. Mr. Glover has been ranked in the top tier of corporate transactions attorneys in Washington, D.C. for the past seventeen years (2005 – 2023) by Chambers USA America’s Leading Business Lawyers. He has also been selected by Chambers Global for the past five years as a top lawyer for USA Corporate/M&A.

Cassandra Gaedt-Sheckter is a partner in Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher’s Palo Alto office, where she co-chairs the global Artificial Intelligence (AI) practice, and is a key member of the Privacy, Cybersecurity and Data Innovation practice, including as the leader of the firm’s State Privacy Law Task Force. With extensive experience advising companies on AI, data privacy, and cybersecurity issues, Cassandra focuses on regulatory compliance counseling and privacy and AI program development, regulatory enforcement matters, and transactional representations. Cassandra advises clients in various industries, from leading tech companies and luxury fashion companies, to shipping giants.

Ahmed Baladi is a partner in the Paris office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher and the co-chair of the firm’s Privacy, Cybersecurity and Data Innovation Practice Group. He specializes in information technology & digital transactions, outsourcing, data privacy and cybersecurity. Ahmed has developed renowned experience in a wide range of technological and digital matters. His practice covers complex technology transactions and outsourcing projects, particularly within the financial institutions sector; strategic digital transformation, such as acquisition or development of innovative solutions (lnternet of Things [IoT], Artificial Intelligence [AI], Fintech, big data and cloud based solutions); data privacy and cybersecurity, including compliance and governance projects in light of the GDPR, cross-border litigation requiring data transfer and Binding Corporate Rules and complex commercial transactions, particularly in the technology, energy, aerospace and pharmaceutical industries.

Thomas J. Kim is a partner in the Washington D.C. office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP, where he is a member of the firm’s Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance Practice Group. Mr. Kim focuses his practice on a broad range of SEC disclosure and regulatory matters, including capital raising and tender offer transactions and shareholder activist situations, as well as corporate governance, environmental social governance and compliance issues. He also advises clients on SEC enforcement investigations – as well as boards of directors and independent board committees on internal investigations – involving disclosure, registration, corporate governance and auditor independence issues. Mr. Kim has extensive experience handling regulatory matters for companies with the SEC, including obtaining no-action and exemptive relief, interpretive guidance and waivers, and responding to disclosures and financial statement reviews by the Division of Corporation Finance.

Jonathan Whalen is a partner in the Dallas office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. He is a member of the firm’s Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital Markets, Energy and Infrastructure, and Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance practice groups. Mr. Whalen also serves on the Gibson Dunn Hiring Committee. Mr. Whalen’s practice focuses on a wide range of corporate and securities transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments, and public and private capital markets transactions. Chambers USA named Mr. Whalen an Up and Coming Corporate/M&A attorney in their 2022 publication. In 2018, D CEO magazine and the Association of Corporate Growth named Mr. Whalen a finalist for the 2018 Dallas Dealmaker of the Year.


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Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

As more private companies begin to explore IPOs again after a difficult period in the markets, strong pre-IPO readiness can position companies to more swiftly access IPO market windows when they open. This presentation explores preliminary IPO planning considerations and key issues for private companies thinking about an IPO.


Harrison Tucker is a partner in the Houston office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, where he currently practices with the firm’s Capital Markets and Securities Regulation and Corporate Governance practice groups. He regularly represents public and private businesses in a broad range of corporate and securities matters and issuers and investment banking firms in both equity and debt offerings, including Rule 144A offerings. His practice also includes general corporate concerns, including Exchange Act reporting, stock exchange compliance, corporate governance and beneficial ownership reporting matters. In addition, he works closely with the Gibson Dunn bankruptcy and restructuring team, advising on applicable securities laws issues.

Harrison received his J.D. from the University of Houston Law Center in 2008, where he was elected to the Order of the Coif and Order of Barons. While in law school, he served as a Member of the Houston Law Review. Prior to law school, he graduated from Texas A&M University in 2005, where he received his B.A. in history and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

Peter W. Wardle is a partner in the Los Angeles office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. He is a member of the firm’s Corporate Transactions Department and co-chair of its Capital Markets Practice Group, and previously served as partner in charge of the Los Angeles office.

Peter’s practice includes representation of issuers and underwriters in equity and debt offerings, including IPOs and secondary public offerings, and representation of both public and private companies in mergers and acquisitions, including private equity, cross border, leveraged buy-out and going private transactions. He also advises clients on a wide variety of general corporate and securities law matters, including corporate governance and disclosure issues.

Peter earned his Juris Doctor in 1997 from the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, where he was elected to the Order of the Coif and served as business manager of the UCLA Law Review and articles editor of the UCLA Entertainment Law Review. He received an Bachelor of Arts degree cum laude in 1992 from Harvard University. Peter is a member of the Board of Directors and chair of the Governance Committee for The Colburn School. He is a member of the firm’s Compensation Committee, National Pro Bono Committee, and serves as one of the partners in charge and pro bono partners for the Los Angeles area offices.

Melanie Neary is a senior associate in the San Francisco office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, where she practices in the firm’s Corporate Transactions Practice Group, with a practice focused on advising clients in connection with a variety of financing transactions, including initial public offerings, secondary equity offerings and venture and growth equity financings as well as complex corporate transactions, including mergers and acquisitions. Melanie also regularly advises clients on corporate law matters, Securities and Exchange Commission reporting requirements and ownership filings and corporate governance.

Melanie received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 2016, where she was the Managing Editor of the Michigan Business & Entrepreneurial Law Review. She earned her B.A., magna cum laude, in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics and Government, with a minor in French, from American University in 2013.


This program has been approved for credit in accordance with the requirements of the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board for a maximum of 0.50 credit hour, of which 0.50 credit hour may be applied toward the areas of professional practice requirement. This course is approved for transitional/non-transitional credit.

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP certifies that this activity has been approved for MCLE credit by the State Bar of California in the amount of 0.75 hour in the General Category.

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP is authorized by the Solicitors Regulation Authority to provide in-house CPD training. This program is approved for CPD credit in the amount of 0.75 hour. Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (Number 324652).

Neither the Connecticut Judicial Branch nor the Commission on Minimum Continuing Legal Education approve or accredit CLE providers or activities. It is the opinion of this provider that this activity qualifies for up to 0.75 hour toward your annual CLE requirement in Connecticut, including 0 hour(s) of ethics/professionalism.

Application for approval is pending with the Colorado, Illinois, Texas, Virginia, and Washington State Bars.

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.  All rights reserved.  For contact and other information, please visit us at

Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Gibson Dunn’s Workplace DEI Task Force aims to help our clients develop creative, practical, and lawful approaches to accomplish their DEI objectives following the Supreme Court’s decision in SFFA v. Harvard. Prior issues of our DEI Task Force Update can be found in our DEI Resource Center. Should you have questions about developments in this space or about your own DEI programs, please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our DEI Task Force or the authors of this Update (listed below).

Key Developments:

On March 21, 2024, Chief Judge Diane Sykes of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit announced the resolution of a judicial misconduct complaint filed by America First Legal (AFL) against three judges on the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois. The complaint accused Chief Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel, Judge Staci M. Yandle, and Judge David W. Dugan of race and sex discrimination in violation of Rule 4(a)(3) of the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings, Canon 2A of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges, and the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution. AFL took issue with the judges’ policies that a motion for oral argument would be granted if “at all practicable to do so” where the moving party “intends to have a newer, female, or minority attorney” argue. The complaint drew the attention of Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and John Kennedy (R-LA), who sent a letter to Chief Judge Sykes arguing that the policies are unethical and unconstitutional in light of SFFA v. Harvard. In her order, Chief Judge Sykes stated that Judge Dugan had removed references to “women and underrepresented minorities” from his courtroom policies in October 2022, and that Judge Rosenstengel and Judge Yandle had both since rescinded the policies at issue. In letters attached to Chief Judge Sykes’ order, Judge Rosenstengel stated that she “chose the wrong means to accomplish [her] goal of expanding courtroom opportunities for young lawyers,” and Judge Yandle acknowledged that the now-rescinded policy, as worded, “created a perception of preferences based on immutable characteristics.”

Governor Kay Ivey signed Alabama Senate Bill 129 (S.B. 129) into law on March 20, one day after the bill passed both chambers of the Alabama General Assembly. The sweeping anti-DEI legislation prevents higher education institutions, public school boards, and state agencies from using state funds to support DEI programming, offices, or training, and prohibits these entities from teaching about certain “divisive concepts” related to race, bias, and meritocracy. The law also includes a measure that prohibits public universities from allowing transgender people to use bathrooms designated for their gender identity. Student groups, state Democrats, and advocacy groups like PEN America have campaigned against the law, noting Alabama’s fraught history with respect to race issues and criticizing the bill’s restrictions on speech and diversity initiatives. The law takes effect on October 1, 2024. A similar Kentucky bill, SB 6, has passed both chambers and will soon be sent to Governor Beshear’s desk. The governor is expected to veto the bill, but it is anticipated that a Republican supermajority will overrule the veto.

On March 19, conservative think tank Goldwater Institute filed a complaint against the Arizona Board of Regents, claiming that Arizona State University violated state law by requiring a professor to complete ASU’s “Inclusive Communities” training. The Institute alleges that the mandatory virtual training, which addressed issues including white supremacy and microaggressions, violated an Arizona law that prohibits the state from “us[ing] public monies for training, orientation or therapy that presents any form of blame or judgment on the basis of race, ethnicity or sex.” The Institute also asserts that the training violated the state constitution’s free-speech protections.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus sent a letter to the leaders of Fortune 100 companies on March 11, 2024, calling for an increase in representation of Hispanics in executive roles. The letter asserts that, although nearly 20 percent of people living in the United States today are of Hispanic descent, only 4 percent of Fortune 100 CEOs are Hispanic. The caucus asked recipients to provide data on current Hispanic representation among senior and government relations staff, as well as the percentages of philanthropic funding and contract dollars awarded to Hispanic recipients and Hispanic-owned businesses. The requests are similar to those made in recent months by both the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and the Congressional Black Caucus.

Media Coverage and Commentary:

Below is a selection of recent media coverage and commentary on these issues:

  • Bloomberg Law Daily Labor Report, “Firms From KKR to Coors Flag DEI as Business, Legal Risk” (March 11): Bloomberg’s Clara Hudson and Riddhi Setty report on the increasing number of public companies listing DEI as a “risk factor” in securities filings. According to an analysis by Bloomberg Law, JetBlue Airways Corp., Molson Coors Beverage Co., Blue Owl Capital Corp., Duolingo, Inc., and Leidos Holdings, Inc.—among others—have listed DEI as a legal or brand value risk on their most recent 10-Ks. Fordham University School of Law professor Atinuke Adediran says this can be a strategic choice; in the event of future DEI-related litigation, these securities filings may help the company defend against a related shareholder action. But Hudson and Setty note that companies listing DEI as a risk in their 10-Ks also list diversity as “pivotal to the success of their business,” and that most companies continue to recognize DEI as a key corporate value.
  • Fast Company, “DEI needs to get back on track—these leaders have solutions” (March 13): Tania Rahman reports on “The Fight for DEI,” a panel discussion hosted by Fast Company earlier this month at the South by Southwest festival. Lenovo’s Chief Diversity Officer Calvin Crosslin, Making Space Founder and CEO Keely Cat-Wells, and Upwork’s Head of Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Access Erin L. Thomas spoke about the challenges facing DEI initiatives and offered potential paths forward. Upwork’s Thomas stated that companies have to be genuinely motivated for their DEI initiatives to succeed––companies that felt forced to adopt diversity programs in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, she believes, are those that have already scaled back. Making Space’s Cat-Wells emphasized the importance of tying DEI impact to business strategy, saying that viewing diversity through a “charity lens” doesn’t lead to permanent systemic change. And Lenovo’s Crosslin recognized the significant burdens of advancing DEI initiatives in the current political and legal climate, advocating for corporate executives to better support their DEI leaders.
  • New York Times Magazine, “The ‘Colorblindness’ Trap: How a Civil Rights Ideal Got Hijacked” (March 13): NYT Magazine staff writer and Howard University professor Nikole Hannah-Jones opines that the recent flurry of conservative legal activism around affirmative action and reverse discrimination is the latest step in a 50-year effort to reverse the constitutional legacies of the civil rights movement. In Hannah-Jones’ view, the SFFA decision is the Supreme Court’s latest effort to erode racial minorities’ constitutional rights, following in the footsteps of Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 in 2007 (holding that the school district’s school assignment policy designed to remedy historic racial segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause), and Shelby County v. Holder in 2013 (invalidating the Voting Rights Act provision requiring that the DOJ or a federal court approve proposed redistricting plans as not harmful to minority interests). Hannah-Jones provides a comprehensive history of reconstruction, desegregation, and the civil rights era, and she posits that this history has developed around a still-unresolved tension: “Do we ignore race in order to eliminate its power, or do we consciously use race to undo its harms?”
  • Law360 Employment Authority, “Worker’s 10th Circ. Loss May Aid Future DEI Challenges” (March 15): Law360’s Anne Cullen reports on the Tenth Circuit’s recent decision affirming dismissal of a harassment and discrimination suit brought by a white male former Colorado Department of Corrections officer. The officer alleged that the Corrections Department’s DEI seminar about white supremacy and racial injustice violated Title VII, but the district court dismissed the complaint, concluding that any effects of the program were not severe or pervasive enough to constitute a hostile work environment. But in the majority opinion affirming the dismissal, Judge Timothy Tymkovich wrote that the “race-based rhetoric” included in the seminar was “well on the way to arriving at objectively and subjectively harassing messaging” that “could promote racial discrimination and stereotypes within the workplace.” Jason Schwartz, Gibson Dunn partner and co-head of the firm’s Labor and Employment practice group, called the decision “a signal that they’re certainly not shutting the courthouse door to these claims.” “If anything, they’re saying come on back with more, and we’ll see,” said Schwartz, who concluded that the majority decision “provided a road map for a future challenge to DEI training.” Judge Scott Matheson Jr.—who wrote separately to concur only in the result—took issue with the majority’s “unnecessary” commentary on the Correction Department’s seminar and “the potential for future legal challenges to it or other [DEI] programs.”
  • National Law Journal, “‘Tip of the Iceberg’: Appellate Ruling Provides Roadmap for Bias Suits Over DEI Training” (March 18): The National Law Journal’s Avalon Zoppo reports on two recent appellate decisions addressing reverse-discrimination claims. On March 11, the Tenth Circuit issued one of the first appellate decisions involving a claim that DEI training creates a hostile work environment for white employees. The panel affirmed a district court’s dismissal of the case, holding that any harassment resulting from the DEI training was neither severe nor pervasive. The majority opinion nonetheless expressed concern that the training’s “race-based rhetoric” had the potential to place employees who express criticism of diversity programming at risk of “being individually targeted for discriminatory treatment.” And on March 12, the Fourth Circuit partially upheld a jury’s verdict for a former executive who contended that he was fired intentionally to make room for a more diverse workforce. Zoppo reports that Gibson Dunn’s Jason Schwartz called these two cases “the tip of the iceberg” and predicted and there will “be a huge number of reverse discrimination type cases filed this year and in subsequent years.”
  • Law360, “EEOC Official Flags ‘Overblown’ Takes On Admissions Ruling” (March 19): Law360’s Vin Gurrieri reports on comments made by Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Vice Chair Jocelyn Samuels about the impact of the SFFA decision on corporate diversity initiatives. Speaking as part of a panel at the American Bar Association’s recent conference on equal employment opportunity law, Vice Chair Samuels acknowledged that “there have been a lot of allegations about the ways in which the SFFA decision affects employment programs” but called those allegations “way overblown,” as “there is nothing about the SFFA decision that applies to the vast majority of DEI programs in employment for several reasons.” Vice Chair Samuels emphasized that multiple factors—the education context, the underlying law, and the degree to which challenged policies expressly authorized the consideration of race in conferring benefits—distinguish SFFA from lawful corporate initiatives attempting to ensure equal opportunities in the workplace. In light of “the persistence of entrenched inequities that are too often based on race or gender or national origin,” Vice Chair Samuels emphasized “that employers are not under the law required to turn a blind eye to trying to address these kinds of inequities.”
  • Law360 Employment Authority, “DEI Backers Clinch Big Wins, But The Fight Is Far From Over” (March 19): Law360’s Anne Cullen highlights three recent appellate decisions that gave “a boost” to corporate DEI initiatives. On March 4, the Eleventh Circuit affirmed a district court order preliminarily enjoining operation of Florida’s “Stop WOKE Act,” which would prohibit employers from requiring employees to participate in trainings that identify certain groups of people as “privileged” or “oppressors.” On March 6, the Second Circuit affirmed a district court dismissal of the medical advocacy association Do No Harm’s reverse-discrimination claims against Pfizer, holding that a plaintiff relying on organizational standing must name at least one affected member to establish Article III standing. And on March 11, the Tenth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a white former correctional officer’s suit against the Colorado Department of Corrections based on alleged harassment in a racial equity seminar. But Cullen refers to the Tenth Circuit decision as a “double-edged sword”––the majority opinion affirmed that the effects of the training program were not severe or pervasive enough to support a hostile work environment claim, but also expressed concern about the program, providing a road map for future challenges to DEI training programs. Meanwhile, on March 12, the Fourth Circuit partially upheld a jury verdict awarded to a white male marketing executive who sued his former employer alleging that he was fired without cause from his management position because of his race and sex. Gibson Dunn’s Jason Schwartz said the Fourth Circuit decision would encourage similar lawsuits: “If you’ve got a plaintiff who is a white employee saying that he was displaced as part of a larger corporate diversity initiative, this case is going to add fuel to that fire.”
  • New York Times, “America First Legal, a Trump-Aligned Group, Is Spoiling for a Fight” (March 21): The Times’ Robert Draper reports on the recent efforts of America First Legal Foundation (AFL), the conservative organization founded and run by former Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. AFL, which Draper refers to as “a policy harbinger for a second Trump term” and which Miller has called “the long-awaited answer to the A.C.L.U.,” has filed or submitted more than 100 lawsuits, EEOC complaints, amicus briefs, and demand letters over the past three years. Draper notes that although the substance of these challenges has varied, all have sought to advance the same “hard-line views on immigration, gender and race” that Miller prioritized during his time in the White House. AFL’s success rate is hard to determine, as many of the group’s lawsuits remain pending and the EEOC does not comment on complaints or investigations. But Draper posits that “winning” is not necessarily the group’s goal; ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero reportedly told Draper that AFL seems “less interested in defending core [legal] principles and more about cherry-picking cases that feed the grievances of the MAGA wing of the Republican Party.”
  • Washington Lawyer, “Defending Diversity: DEI Practice Groups on the Rise” (March/April 2024): Washington Lawyer contributor William Roberts reports on the growth of law firm practice groups “aimed at helping companies reduce their legal risk and defend diversity efforts” following SFFA. Molly Senger, Gibson Dunn Labor and Employment partner and co-leader of the firm’s DEI Task Force, told Roberts that the team’s work requires a dual focus on “both advice work and litigation,” highlighting the firm’s recent Eleventh Circuit defense of Fearless Fund, a venture capital group that provides financing to black female entrepreneurs. The Task Force is also watching for the Supreme Court’s much-anticipated decision in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis; Senger told Roberts that, “[d]epending on how the Supreme Court rules, it could significantly expand the scope of conduct in the workplace that could give rise to Title VII claims,” leading to “a proliferation of Title VII litigation challenging corporate DEI programs.” Although many companies, nonprofits, and other organizations are actively assessing their legal risk, they also seek to maintain commitment to diversity efforts. As Dariely Rodriguez, deputy chief counsel for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, told Roberts, given “persistent systemic discrimination” against minorities, it remains “important to lean into what’s possible under the law.”

Case Updates:

Below is a list of updates in new and pending cases:

1. Contracting claims under Section 1981, the U.S. Constitution, and other statutes:

  • Do No Harm v. National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, No. 3:24-cv-11-CWR-LGI (S.D. Miss. 2024): On January 10, 2024, Do No Harm challenged the diversity scholarship program operated by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), an advocacy group representing paramedics, EMTs, and other emergency professionals. NAEMT awards up to four $1,250 scholarships to students of color hoping to become EMTs or Paramedics. Do No Harm requested a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, and permanent injunction against the program. On January 23, 2024, the court denied Do No Harm’s motion for a TRO and expressed skepticism that the group had standing to bring its Section 1981 claim, since the anonymous member had “only been deterred from applying, rather than refused a contract.” On February 29, 2024, NAEMT filed an answer and motion to dismiss.
    • Latest update: On March 4, Do No Harm filed an amended complaint, alleging that “Member A,” the anonymous potential applicant for NAEMT’s scholarship program, had now enrolled in a one-semester EMS course, whereas she previously had simply registered to begin the course. As a result, Do No Harm withdrew its original motion to dismiss and filed a new answer and motion to dismiss on March 18. NAEMT argues in its new motion that even though the amended complaint now includes allegations that “Member A” has satisfied a prerequisite for the scholarship program, Do No Harm has still failed to plead a cause of action under Section 1981 because there is no contractual relationship between a would-be applicant and NAEMT. NAEMT also reasserted its argument that Do No Harm lacks associational standing because it has not identified by name a plaintiff who has suffered a concrete injury.
  • Am. Alliance for Equal Rights v. Zamanillo, No. 1:24-cv-509-JMC (D.D.C. 2024): On February 22, 2024, AAER filed a complaint and motion for a preliminary injunction against Jorge Zamanillo in his official capacity as the Director of the National Museum of the American Latino, part of the Smithsonian Institution. The complaint targets the Museum’s internship program, which aims to provide Latino, Latina, and Latinx undergraduates with training in non-curatorial art museum careers. AAER claims that the program constitutes race discrimination in violation of the Fifth Amendment because the Museum considers the race of applicants in choosing interns and allegedly refuses to hire non-Latino applicants. AAER has asked for an injunction to prevent the Museum from closing the application window on April 1, or selecting interns for the program (currently scheduled to begin in late April).
    • Latest update: On March 8, the Museum opposed AAER’s preliminary injunction motion and moved to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. The Museum argued that AAER does not have Article III standing because “Member A” did not apply to the challenged internship and therefore was not denied an internship based on his or her race or ethnicity. Furthermore, the museum argued that AAER does not meet the “redressability” prong of the preliminary injunction test because the program does not consider an applicant’s race, so any injunction to prohibit race-based admissions decisions would have no effect. The plaintiff’s opposition to the motion to dismiss is due on March 29.
  • Do No Harm v. Gianforte, No. 6:24-cv-00024 (D. Mont. 2024): On March 12, 2024, Do No Harm filed a complaint on behalf of a white female dermatologist in Montana, alleging that a Montana law requiring the governor to “take positive action to attain gender balance and proportional representation of minorities resident in Montana to the greatest extent possible” when making appointments to the Medical Board violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The complaint further alleges that since the ten filled seats are currently held by six women and four men, Montana law requires that the remaining two seats be filled by men, which would preclude the plaintiff from holding the seat.
    • Latest update: The defendant has not yet responded to the complaint.
  • Californians for Equal Rights Foundation v. City of San Diego, et al., No. 3:24-cv-00484-MMA-MSB (S.D. Cal. 2024): On March 12, 2024, the Californians for Equal Rights Foundation filed a complaint on behalf of members who are “ready, willing and able” to purchase a home in San Diego, but ineligible for a grant or loan under the City’s BIPOC First-Time Homebuyer Program. The plaintiffs allege that the program discriminates on the basis of race in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
    • Latest update: The defendants have not yet responded to the complaint.
  • Do No Harm v. Pfizer, No. 1:22-cv-07908–JLR (S.D.N.Y. 2022), on appeal at No. 23-15 (2d Cir. 2023): On September 15, 2022, plaintiff association representing physicians, medical students, and policymakers sued Pfizer, alleging that the company’s Breakthrough Fellowship Program, which provided minority college seniors summer internships, two years of employment post-graduation, and a scholarship, violated Section 1981, Title VII, and New York law. The association alleges that the program illegally excludes white and Asian applicants. The association is represented by Consovoy McCarthy PLLC, the firm that also represents American Alliance for Equal Rights in multiple lawsuits. In December 2022, the court granted Pfizer’s motion to dismiss, finding that the plaintiff did not have associational standing because they did not identify at least one member by name, instead only submitting declarations from anonymous members. The Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal on March 6, 2024.
    • Latest update: On March 20, 2024, Do No Harm filed with the Second Circuit a petition for rehearing en banc, arguing that the panel’s opinion “splits with at least two circuits and creates an irreconcilable line of intracircuit precedent.”

2. Employment discrimination and related claims:

  • Gerber v. Ohio Northern University, et al., No. 2023-1107-CVH (Ohio. Ct. Common Pleas Hardin Cnty. 2023): On June 30, 2023, a law professor sued his former employer, Ohio Northern University, for terminating his employment after an internal investigation determined that he bullied and harassed other faculty members. On January 23, 2024, the plaintiff, now represented by America First Legal, filed an amended complaint. The plaintiff claims that his firing was actually in retaliation for his vocal and public opposition to the university’s stated DEI principles and race-conscious hiring, which he believed were illegal. The plaintiff alleged that the investigation and his termination breached his employment contract, violated Ohio civil rights statutes, and constituted various torts, including defamation, false light, conversion, infliction of emotional distress, and wrongful termination in violation of public policy.
    • Latest update: On February 28, the plaintiff filed an opposition to Ohio Northern University’s motion to dismiss the second amended complaint, arguing that he adequately stated a claim for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress because he alleged that the university made false accusations of misconduct against him. On March 13, the defendants filed their reply, arguing that Gerber’s discrimination and defamation claims against university officials in their individual capacity should be dismissed because the university was engaged in official academic activities. On March 18, the plaintiff filed a motion to voluntarily dismiss two of his claims—for conversion and replevin––citing the university’s return of property left in his former office.
  • Rogers v. Compass Group USA, Inc., No. 23-cv-1347 (S.D. Cal. 2023): On July 24, 2023, a former recruiter for Compass Group USA sued the company under Title VII for allegedly terminating her after she refused to administer the company’s “Operation Equity” diversity program, in which only women and people of color were entitled to participate. The plaintiff alleged that she was wrongfully terminated after she requested a religious accommodation to avoid managing the program, claiming it conflicted with her religious beliefs.
    • Latest update: On March 21, the parties filed a stipulation of dismissal, stating that they had reached an undisclosed agreement to settle the case on February 28.

3. Challenges to agency rules, laws, and regulatory decisions:

  • American Alliance for Equal Rights v. Ivey, No. 2:24-cv-00104-RAH-JTA (M.D. Ala. 2024): On February 13, 2024, AAER filed a complaint against Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, challenging a state law that requires Governor Ivey to ensure there are no fewer than two individuals “of a minority race” on the Alabama Real Estate Appraisers Board (AREAB). The AREAB consists of nine seats, including one for a member of the public with no real estate background (the at-large seat), which has been unfilled for years. Because there was only one minority member among the Board at the time of filing, AAER asserts that state law will require that the open seat go to a minority. AAER states that one of its members applied for this final seat, but was denied purely on the basis of race, in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
    • Latest update: On March 11, AAER moved for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to prevent the Governor from enforcing the statute and to require her to withdraw her pending Board appointments. In response, Ivey argued that AAER had not shown irreparable harm and lacked standing via anonymous “Member A.” On March 15, the court ordered AAER to “file under seal the name of Member A” that day. On March 18, the court held a hearing on the emergency motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, and on March 19 denied AAER’s motion, holding that AAER has standing, but is not entitled to a TRO and preliminary injunction because it will not suffer irreparable harm.
  • Valencia AG, LLC v. New York State Off. of Cannabis Mgmt. et al, No. 5:24-cv-116-GTS (N.D.N.Y. 2024): On January 24, 2024, Valencia AG, a cannabis company owned by white men, sued the New York State Office of Cannabis Management for discrimination, alleging that New York’s Cannabis Law and implementing regulations favored minority-owned and women-owned businesses. The regulations include goals to promote “social & economic equity” (“SEE”) applicants, which the plaintiff claims violates the Equal Protection Clause and Section 1983. On February 7, 2024, the plaintiff filed a motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, seeking to prohibit the defendants from implementing the regulations, charging SEE applicants reduced fees, or preferentially granting SEE applicants’ applications.
    • Latest update: On March 5, the defendants filed their opposition to the plaintiff’s motion for a preliminary injunction. On March 8, plaintiff’s new counsel, Pacific Legal Foundation, asked to withdraw the plaintiff’s motion for a preliminary injunction, which the court granted. On March 13, the plaintiff filed an amended complaint, naming only two New York state officials as defendants in their official capacity and voluntarily dismissing others, including the claims against the two officials in their personal capacity.

4. Actions against educational institutions:

  • Chu, et al. v. Rosa, No. 1:24-cv-75-DNH-CFH (N.D.N.Y. 2024): On January 17, 2024, a coalition of education groups sued the Education Commissioner of New York, alleging that its free summer program discriminates on the bases of race and ethnicity. The Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) permits students who are Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Alaskan Native to apply regardless of their family income level, but all other students, including Asian and white students, must demonstrate “economically disadvantaged status.” The plaintiffs sued under the Equal Protection clause and requested preliminary and permanent injunctions against the enforcement of the eligibility criteria.
    • Latest update: On March 18, the defendant moved to dismiss for lack of standing, arguing that neither the organizational plaintiffs (comprised of parent members) nor the named parent plaintiff have suffered any personal or individual injury, and that the plaintiffs cannot sue for alleged violations of members’ rights as prospective STEP applicants. The plaintiffs’ response is due on April 8.

The following Gibson Dunn attorneys assisted in preparing this client update: Jason Schwartz, Mylan Denerstein, Blaine Evanson, Molly Senger, Zakiyyah Salim-Williams, Matt Gregory, Zoë Klein, Mollie Reiss, Alana Bevan, Marquan Robertson, Janice Jiang, Elizabeth Penava, Skylar Drefcinski, Mary Lindsay Krebs, David Offit, Lauren Meyer, Kameron Mitchell, Maura Carey, and Jayee Malwankar.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, any member of the firm’s Labor and Employment practice group, or the following practice leaders and authors:

Jason C. Schwartz – Partner & Co-Chair, Labor & Employment Group
Washington, D.C. (+1 202-955-8242, [email protected])

Katherine V.A. Smith – Partner & Co-Chair, Labor & Employment Group
Los Angeles (+1 213-229-7107, [email protected])

Mylan L. Denerstein – Partner & Co-Chair, Public Policy Group
New York (+1 212-351-3850, [email protected])

Zakiyyah T. Salim-Williams – Partner & Chief Diversity Officer
Washington, D.C. (+1 202-955-8503, [email protected])

Molly T. Senger – Partner, Labor & Employment Group
Washington, D.C. (+1 202-955-8571, [email protected])

Blaine H. Evanson – Partner, Appellate & Constitutional Law Group
Orange County (+1 949-451-3805, [email protected])

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.  All rights reserved.  For contact and other information, please visit us at

Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Orange County partner Blaine Evanson and associate Min soo Kim are the authors of “The Two-Prong Test to Distinguish Official Versus Private Speech in the Social Media Context” [PDF] published by the Daily Journal on March 26, 2024.

From the Derivatives Practice Group: This issue addresses ESMA’s ongoing process to potentially shorten the settlement cycle in EU Markets, developments in Hong Kong and Australia, and a couple responses from ISDA to regulators.

New Developments

New Developments Outside the U.S.

  • ESMA Publishes Feedback on Shortening Settlement Cycle. On March 21, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published feedback received to its Call for Evidence on shortening the settlement cycle in the EU. According to ESMA’s report on the feedback, respondents focused on four areas: (1) many operational impacts, beyond adaptations of post-trade processes, were identified as the result of a reduction of the securities settlement cycle in the EU; (2) respondents identified a wide range of both potential costs and benefits of a shortened cycle, with some responses supporting a thorough impact assessment; (3) respondents provided suggestions around how and when a shorter settlement cycle could be achieved, with a strong demand for a clear signal from the regulatory front at the start of the work and clear coordination between regulators and the industry; and (4) stakeholders made clear the need for a proactive approach to adapt their own processes to the transition to T+1 in other jurisdictions. Additionally, according to ESMA, some responses warned about potential infringements due to the misalignment of the EU and North America settlement cycles. [NEW]
  • HKMA Issues New SPM Modules on Market Risk and CVA Risk Capital Charges. On March 15, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) released a circular informing the industry that it has issued new Supervisory Policy Manual (SPM) modules MR-1: Market Risk Capital Charge and MR-2: CVA Risk Capital Charge as statutory guidance, which will come into effect on a day to be appointed by the HKMA (intended to be January 1, 2025). The HKMA said that the revised market risk and credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk capital frameworks will be set out in Part 8 and Part 8A of the Banking (Capital) Rules, respectively. The SPM MR-1: Market Risk Capital Charge covers the standardized approach for market risk, the internal models approach, the simplified standardized approach and requirements related to the boundary between the trading book and banking book, while the SPM MR-2: CVA Risk Capital Charge covers the reduced basic CVA approach, the full basic CVA approach and the standardized CVA approach. According to the HKMA, both new SPM modules are designed not just to provide additional technical details in addition to the rules but to integrally cover all of the related requirements. They set out the minimum standards that all locally incorporated authorized institutions are expected to adopt for the calculation of their market risk and CVA risk capital charges. [NEW]
  • ASIC Finalizes Minor and Technical Changes to OTC Derivatives Reporting Rules. On March 13, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) finalized the minor and technical changes to the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 under ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 Amendment Instrument 2024/1 to implement the proposed changes to the 2024 rules set out in Consultation Paper 361a ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024: Follow-on consultation on changes to data elements and other minor amendments (CP 361a). The changes include (1) seven additional data elements; (2) provide clarifications and administrative updates to the data elements; (3) make consequential changes to Chapter 2: Reporting Requirements; and (4) make other administrative updates including re-referencing the location of definitions in the Corporations Act 2001 that have been moved by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Law Improvement Package No. 1) Act 2023. According to ISDA, feedback to CP 361a was broadly supportive. In response to industry requests, the final changes also (1) provide for an additional circumstance where the name of Counterparty 2 is not reported and (2) change how the amount of one kind of collateral is reported. [NEW]

New Industry-Led Developments

  • ISDA Responds to CFTC on Clearing Member Funds Protection. On March 18, ISDA responded to the CFTC’s consultation on proposed rules for the protection of clearing member funds held by derivatives clearing organizations (DCOs), including the assets of futures commission merchants (FCMs). According to ISDA, it proposed that the CFTC should finalize the enhanced protection for clearing member assets in connection with an intermediated DCO only, which includes multiple FCMs, unaffiliated with the DCO, as its members. Regarding a DCO providing direct clearing without multiple FCMs unaffiliated with the DCO, ISDA suggested the CFTC should wait to propose enhanced protection for clearing members’ assets, once a full assessment of the risks and complications associated with a DCO providing direct clearing has been completed. At which point, in ISDA’s opinion, it would be appropriate for the CFTC to propose a comprehensive framework to address these risks holistically. Otherwise, ISDA said, the current notice of proposed rulemaking would create a sense of safety for the disintermediated model, which is superficial due to the rule not creating a comprehensive safety regime for disintermediated central counterparties (CCPs), with many risks arising from such models being left unaddressed. [NEW]
  • ISDA Responds to FASB on Induced Conversion of Convertible Debt. On March 18, ISDA submitted a response to the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) exposure draft on File Reference No. 2023-ED600, Debt—Debt with Conversion and Other Options (Subtopic 470-20): Induced Conversions of Convertible Debt Instruments. ISDA indicated that it supports FASB’s proposals in the exposure draft and believes it achieves the objective of improving the application and relevance of the induced conversion guidance to cash convertible debt instruments. [NEW]
  • ISDA Submits Response to IOSCO Voluntary Carbon Markets Consultation. On March 1, ISDA submitted a response to IOSCO’s Voluntary Carbon Markets Consultation Report. The response welcomes IOSCO’s work on developing good practices for regulation of voluntary carbon markets (VCMs), as well as its recognition of the critical role that financial market participants play in VCMs. ISDA explains that clear legal and regulatory categorization of voluntary carbon credits is key to building liquidity in order to support scaling VCMs and to develop safe, efficient markets in Voluntary Carbon Credit derivatives.
  • ISDA Submits Response to the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s Money Market Funds Consultation. On March 8, ISDA responded to the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) consultation on updating the regime for money market funds (MMF). In the response, ISDA highlights its support for using MMFs as collateral for non-cleared derivatives margin requirements and the advancement of tokenized MMFs to be used as collateral to increase collateral mobility, reduce collateral-related transaction costs and related settlement risks.
  • ISDA Publishes Whitepaper Charting the Next Phase of India’s OTC Derivatives Market. On March 4, ISDA published a new whitepaper that explores the growth of India’s financial markets and makes a series of market and policy recommendations to encourage the further development of a safe and efficient over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market. The whitepaper proposes several initiatives that industry participants and regulators could take that ISDA believes will create deeper and more liquid domestic derivatives markets and enhance risk management practices. The recommendations are centered on five key pillars: (1) Broaden product development, innovation and diversification; (2) Foster adoption of similar market and risk principles across regulatory regimes; (3) Enhance market access and diversification of participants in the OTC derivatives market; (4) Ensure growth in a safe and efficient manner; and (5) Encourage greater alignment with international principles and practices.

The following Gibson Dunn attorneys assisted in preparing this update: Jeffrey Steiner, Adam Lapidus, Marc Aaron Takagaki, Hayden McGovern, and Karin Thrasher.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding these developments. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, any member of the firm’s Derivatives practice group, or the following practice leaders and authors:

Jeffrey L. Steiner, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3632, [email protected])

Michael D. Bopp, Washington, D.C. (202.955.8256, [email protected])

Michelle M. Kirschner, London (+44 (0)20 7071.4212, [email protected])

Darius Mehraban, New York (212.351.2428, [email protected])

Jason J. Cabral, New York (212.351.6267, [email protected])

Adam Lapidus – New York (+1 212.351.3869, [email protected])

Stephanie L. Brooker, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3502, [email protected])

Roscoe Jones Jr., Washington, D.C. (202.887.3530, [email protected])

William R. Hallatt, Hong Kong (+852 2214 3836, [email protected])

David P. Burns, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3786, [email protected])

Marc Aaron Takagaki, New York (212.351.4028, [email protected])

Hayden K. McGovern, Dallas (214.698.3142, [email protected])

Karin Thrasher, Washington, D.C. (202.887.3712, [email protected])

© 2024 Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP.  All rights reserved.  For contact and other information, please visit us at

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Misc. Docket Nos. 24-9004 & 24-9005 – Issued February 6, 2024

The Texas Supreme Court preliminarily approved proposed rules of procedure for Texas’s new business court and 15th Court of Appeals. The public is invited to comment on the new rules and amendments by May 1, 2024.


Seeking to provide a faster, more efficient dispute resolution mechanism for businesses in Texas’s growing economy, the Texas Legislature enacted House Bill 19—creating a specialized business court designed to handle complex commercial disputes. That law, now codified at Texas Government Code 25A, also provides for a new 15th Court of Appeals to hear appeals from the business court. Both courts will begin hearing cases on September 1, 2024.

With that date approaching, the Texas Supreme Court has preliminarily approved a proposed set of rules and amendments governing the procedures for the business court and 15th Court of Appeals. The public is invited to submit comments on the proposed rules to [email protected] by May 1, 2024. Otherwise, the proposed rules and amendments are set to take effect on September 1, 2024.

Key Proposed Texas Rules of Civil Procedure for the Business Court:

Rule 352 states that, to the extent consistent with the new rules of practice in the business court, the general rules of civil procedure, the rules of practice in district and county courts, and the rules relating to ancillary proceedings apply in the business court, too.

Rule 354 prescribes the requirements for pleading, challenging venue or authority, and requesting transfer or dismissal in the business court. Notably, Rule 354 imposes an additional pleading requirement for plaintiffs filing suit in the business court—requiring plaintiffs provide facts establishing the business court’s authority to hear the case and establishing venue in a county in one of the business court’s operating divisions. The proposed rule also affords parties the right to challenge the business court’s authority to hear the case as well as the venue. And the proposed rule provides that the business court can determine on its own that it doesn’t have authority to hear the case, in which case the court must transfer the action to a district or county court or dismiss the case without prejudice.

Rule 355 implements the procedure for removal of a case from a district or county court to the business court. Under the proposed rule, litigants must notify the court where the case was originally filed, identify the business court that they are removing the case to, plead facts establishing that court’s authority and venue, and state whether all parties agree to removal. When removal is contested, litigants have only 30 days to seek removal from the time that they discovered or reasonably should have discovered that the business court had the authority to hear the case. Similarly, litigants contesting removal must move to remand within 30 days either after the notice of removal is filed or, if the notice is filed before a party is served, within 30 days after that party enters an appearance. The business court may also determine on its own that removal is improper.

Rule 356 creates a mechanism for original courts to request that their cases be transferred to the business court. Under this proposed rule, the court in which an action is originally filed may request the presiding judge for its administrative judicial region to transfer a case to the business court if it believes the business court has authority to hear the case. A court requesting a transfer must notify the parties, and the regional presiding judge may transfer the case if doing so will “facilitate the fair and efficient administration of justice.” A party may petition for mandamus relief to challenge a denial of a judge’s motion to transfer.

Rule 357 provides that if the business court dismisses an action or claim, and a litigant files that same action or claim in a different court within 60 days, the applicable statute of limitations is suspended for the period between the filings.

Rule 358 prohibits the business court from requiring parties or lawyers to appear electronically in proceedings in which oral testimony will be heard without the consent of the parties. And it is prohibited from allowing a participant to appear electronically for jury trials altogether. The proposed rule specifies that aside from those prohibitions, Rule 21d governs remote proceedings.

Rule 359 requires the business court to issue a written opinion for a dispositive ruling if requested by a party and for a decision on an important state issue. Otherwise, whether to issue a written opinion is a matter of discretion.

Proposed Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure for the 15th Court of Appeals:

Rule 25.1, which provides the procedure for perfecting appeals, will be amended to require litigants to provide additional information in their notices of appeal. An appealing party must include in its notice whether the appeal concerns a matter: (1) brought by or against a state entity; (2) brought by or against a state officer or employee and arising out of that person’s official conduct; or (3) in which a party is challenging the constitutionality or validity of a state statute or rule and the attorney general is a party to the case.

Rule 27a prescribes the procedure for transferring appeals between the courts of appeals for cases that either have been improperly taken to the 15th Court of Appeals or over which the 15th Court of Appeals has exclusive intermediate appellate jurisdiction. Parties seeking to transfer an appeal must move to transfer within 30 days after the appeal is perfected but before the appellee files its brief. The moving party must file in the court in which the appeal is pending (the transferor court) and also immediately notify the court to which the party wishes to transfer the appeal (the transferee court). The transferor court can transfer the appeal (1) if no party objects to the transfer within 10 days of the motion’s filing and (2) the transferee court agrees to the transfer. Once the transferee court receives a decision from the transferor court, it has 20 days to file a letter in the transferor court explaining whether it agrees with the transferor court’s decision. The transferor court can also start this process on its own initiative. The Supreme Court must receive notice of all transfers. If there is a dispute between courts over whether to transfer the appeal, the transferor court must forward to the Texas Supreme Court specific materials relating to the transfer dispute within 20 days after receiving the transferee court’s letter explaining its disagreement, absent special circumstances. The Texas Supreme Court will then decide whether transfer is appropriate.

What the Proposed Rules and Amendments Mean:

  • Starting in September 2024, parties will be able to take their cases to the new business court and 15th Court of Appeals. But with those new avenues of relief come several procedural requirements of which to be aware. Close familiarity with those new procedural mechanisms will offer an edge to litigants in both courts.
  • In particular, litigants should be aware of the various removal and transfer mechanisms provided under the proposed rules. Those mechanisms would allow parties to move cases either to or from the business court and 15th Court of Appeals, regardless of where the case was originally filed.
  • Anyone wishing to comment on the newly proposed rules must do so by May 1, 2024. Comments on the proposed new and amended rules should be submitted in writing to [email protected].

The Court’s opinion is available here.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding developments at the Texas Supreme Court. Please feel free to contact the following practice leaders:

Appellate and Constitutional Law Practice

Thomas H. Dupree Jr.
+1 202.955.8547
[email protected]
Allyson N. Ho
+1 214.698.3233
[email protected]
Julian W. Poon
+1 213.229.7758
[email protected]
Brad G. Hubbard
+1 214.698.3326
[email protected]

Related Practice: Texas Litigation

Trey Cox
+1 214.698.3256
[email protected]
Collin Cox
+1 346.718.6604
[email protected]

This alert was prepared by Texas associates Elizabeth Kiernan, Stephen Hammer, John Adams, and Jaime Barrios.

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Attorney Advertising: These materials were prepared for general informational purposes only based on information available at the time of publication and are not intended as, do not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Gibson Dunn (and its affiliates, attorneys, and employees) shall not have any liability in connection with any use of these materials.  The sharing of these materials does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the recipient and should not be relied upon as an alternative for advice from qualified counsel.  Please note that facts and circumstances may vary, and prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.