Webcasts - Gibson Dunn


Gibson Dunn webcasts present a wealth of information and diverse viewpoints from our uniquely skilled lawyers and invited panelists. From periodic updates to reports on emerging trends and developments, the programs address key issues for today’s legal and business communities.

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Webcast: Tectonic Shifts in the Landscape of Economic Sanctions: Will the Pace of Change in 2016 Continue?

​This briefing highlights recent developments and emerging issues with respect to economic and trade sanctions. Topics discussed include: A Detailed Look at the Iran Nuclear Deal:

February 8, 2017

Webcast: Shareholder Litigation Developments and Trends (2017)

​It has been more than twenty years since Congress enacted the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and since that time, private actions under the federal securities laws have continued to be filed at a steady pace.

February 2, 2017

Webcast: The Enforceability of “Make-Whole” Premiums after Momentive and EFH

Please join a panel of seasoned Gibson Dunn bankruptcy practitioners for a discussion of the current landscape affecting the recovery of "make-whole" premiums in debt documents.

February 1, 2017

Webcast: Key Legal Issues in Compensation and Benefits in M&A Transactions

​Employees are a key component to most business combinations. Without their cooperation, and preferably motivated enthusiasm, the transaction will not be as successful as it could be.

January 26, 2017

Webcast: Challenges in Compliance and Corporate Governance

​Topics to be discussed include: Global Enforcement and Regulatory Developments The Impact of the Election on Enforcement and Regulation Key Tips for Identifying and Addressing Top Areas of Compliance Risk

January 25, 2017

Webcast: Antitrust Agencies Issue Guidance for Human Resource Professionals on Employee Hiring and Compensation

​Antitrust authorities around the world are increasingly taking an interest in companies' hiring practices and compensation decisions. On October 20, 2016, the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission jointly issued guidance for human resource ("HR") professionals regarding the application of the federal antitrust laws in this area.

January 24, 2017

Webcast: FCPA Trends in the Emerging Markets of China, Russia, India, Africa and Latin America

​2016 was characterized by monumental political and economic changes, and the world's emerging markets were not spared from the effects of the ongoing global transformation.

January 10, 2017

Webcast: State of the Art: Critical Developments and Trends in M&A (2016)

​This fast-paced program explores the latest trends, structures, pitfalls and opportunities in M&A. The presentation addresses pertinent topics including:

December 13, 2016

Webcast: Addressing the Unique Aspects of Defense Industry M&A

Defense industry transactions present dealmakers with a unique set of hurdles, from diligencing top secret programs, to novating massive government contracts, to addressing the risks of doing business in far flung and dangerous jurisdictions like Iraq or Afghanistan.

November 14, 2016

Webcast: Election Results and Securities Litigation and Enforcement Trends

Hot off the presses just after Election Day, please join us for a discussion with some of the co-authors of the newly released Second Edition of the authoritative PLI Securities Litigation Treatise regarding potential reforms, trends and developments in securities litigation and enforcement.

November 11, 2016

Webcast: Hot Topics in Fraud and Abuse Enforcement Involving Health Care Providers

​Join Gibson Dunn for a ninety-minute discussion of hot topics—and key jurisprudential developments—in fraud and abuse enforcement actions against health care providers, including:

September 22, 2016

Webcast: M&A with Chinese Characteristics

Chinese acquirers have become very active in U.S. M&A, and present a number of issues outside the typical mold for U.S. acquisitions. This panel will address the unique circumstances that deals with Chinese buyers can present, including enforceability issues, questions regarding reverse termination fees and collateral support for the fee obligations, CFIUS factors, and financing considerations, among others.

July 20, 2016

Webcast – Kiobel Three Years On: ATS Scope and Litigation Trends

​This webcast explores how courts have interpreted the scope of the Alien Tort Statute following the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., 133 S.

May 24, 2016

Webcast – Getting The Deal Done: Antitrust Merger Clearance Strategies in a Global Setting

Merging companies today face the most aggressive global antitrust regulatory environment in decades. From the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission to the European Union's DG COMP and China's MOFCOM, authorities across the world are investigating an unprecedented number of transactions more vigorously than ever.

April 29, 2016

Webcast: CFPB Trends in Enforcement and Investigations

​The rise of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) enforcement efforts, the expansion in the scope of industries targeted and the level of penalties imposed, and the targeting of financial products that the CFPB has deemed cybersecurity risks—these are just some of the expansive array of challenges the CFPB raises for compliance professionals and in-house litigation counsel.

April 21, 2016

Webcast: Global Sanctions Update

​This 90 minute briefing provides an update on the extraordinary events of the last year with respect to economic and trade sanctions. The briefing will cover sanctions in the European Union and United Kingdom as well as United States sanctions, and will include particular emphasis on recent developments and emerging issues that affect in-house counsel, compliance personnel, directors and senior executives.

March 24, 2016

Webcast: FCPA Trends in the Emerging Markets of Asia, the Middle East and Africa

​As the world's economy is increasingly beset by uncertainty and political instability, current economic powerhouses are showing signs of slowing, while other countries wait in the wings to take their place.

March 8, 2016

Webcast – Insolvency, Incivility, and Incorrigibility: A Look Into the World of High-Stakes, Bare-Knuckles Bankruptcy Litigation

​In light of the tumult in the junk bond market, the gyrations in the stock market, and other storm clouds on the global economic horizons, companies that face refinancing of their debt in 2016 and 2017 may find themselves restructuring through bankruptcy in Chapter 11.

February 24, 2016

Webcast – Real Estate Lending Structures and their Bankruptcy Drivers; Understanding How We Got Here

​This presentation unpacks the bankruptcy bogeyman. We canvas some of the fundamental principles of bankruptcy underlying the evolution and form of the real estate financing structures that predominate the market, and discuss how varying structures and provisions can affect results in a future workout or bankruptcy.

January 27, 2016

Webcast – Challenges in Compliance and Corporate Governance – 2016

​The rise of international enforcement efforts and sanctions, the intensifying impact of cyber breaches, the evolution of shareholder activism, and the growing complexity of regulatory requirements are all examples of the expansive array of challenges facing today's compliance professionals.

January 20, 2016