Webcasts - Gibson Dunn


Gibson Dunn webcasts present a wealth of information and diverse viewpoints from our uniquely skilled lawyers and invited panelists. From periodic updates to reports on emerging trends and developments, the programs address key issues for today’s legal and business communities.

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California attorneys may claim “self-study” credit for viewing the archived version of this webcast. No certificate of attendance is required for California “self-study” credit.

Webcast – Recent Developments in Equal Pay Laws – What Employers Need to Know

​On January 1, 2016, employers in California can once again anticipate new and heightened scrutiny of their pay practices under the latest amendments to the California equal pay laws, known as the Fair Pay Act.

December 17, 2015

Webcast – From Distressed to Dressed: Overcoming the Challenges and Realizing Opportunities for Fashion, Retail, and Consumer Businesses

​Fashion and retail companies face significant challenges in the current financial climate. With the decline of brick and mortar stores and shopping malls, fashion retailers must invest in on-line and social media strategies.

December 9, 2015

Webcast: Critical Developments and Trends in M&A Post-Closing Remedies

This fast-paced program explores the latest trends, structures, pitfalls and opportunities in drafting and negotiating post-closing remedies in M&A transactions.

November 18, 2015

Webcast: Blockchain Technology

​This webcast covers the basics of blockchain technology, including the evolution of its uses from digital currencies, such as bitcoin, to other areas.

November 17, 2015

Webcast: Compliance Strategies for Private Real Estate Fund Managers

​Following the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Securities and Exchange Commission began examining a significant number of private investment fund advisers that registered with the SEC.

November 5, 2015

Webcast: Hot Off the Grill! Restaurant Industry Deals – Developments in M&A and Capital Markets

​The restaurant industry has been especially active in the past few years. There have been a large number of takeovers and capital markets transactions in the sector, many of which imply lofty valuations for the companies being acquired and going public.

October 28, 2015

Webcast: The New Era of Fluid Global Sanctions

​This 90 minute briefing provides an overview and assessment of recent substantial changes in key sanctions regimes and the upcoming divergence of US, EU and UN economic sanctions as Iran sanctions relief is implemented, the EU debates the renewal of sanctions against Russia and the US contemplates unilateral sanctions against cyber criminals and others.

October 21, 2015

Webcast: Enforcing Arbitral Awards and Judgments Against Foreign Entities

​Obtaining an arbitral award or judgment against a foreign entity is only half the battle, as both state and privately owned companies often attempt to shield their overseas assets from creditors.

October 14, 2015

Webcast: Takeovers of UK companies: Mind the Gaps and Traps

Insights and Deal-Critical Recommendations from a Panel of UK/US M&A Experts The UK public takeover market has at times proved difficult to understand and a challenge to navigate particularly for foreign bidders.

September 22, 2015

Webcast: Pension Tension: The Treatment of Underfunded Pensions In and Out of Bankruptcy

​For many troubled companies, defined benefit pension plan liabilities are unaffordable. The single-employer plan fund of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), which provides guaranteed benefits to participants in terminated plans, has a deficit in excess of $27 billion, and U.S.

April 30, 2015

Webcast: Competitive Transmission: The Next Big Thing

The future of competitive transmission is one of the hottest topics currently being discussed today in the electric power industry. Our panel discussion addresses the key issues in this rapidly-evolving area.

April 1, 2015

Webcast: Global Sanctions Update

This 90 minute briefing provides an update on the extraordinary events of the last year with respect to economic and trade sanctions. The briefing will cover sanctions in the European Union and United Kingdom as well as United States sanctions, and will include particular emphasis on recent developments and emerging issues that affect in-house counsel, compliance personnel, directors and senior executives.

March 17, 2015

Webcast: Virtual Currencies

Virtual currencies such as Bitcoin have experienced rapid evolution in recent months. Notwithstanding considerable challenges such as price volatility and association with illicit activities, interest in virtual currencies and their underlying technology has been steadily increasing.

March 10, 2015

Webcast: M&A Legal Developments in France in 2014

Overview of major French law reforms in 2014 that may have a significant impact on M&A transactions. Topics Discussed Include: Part I – Corporate law: Focus on recent legal developments concerning:

March 6, 2015

Webcast: Foreign Investments in Emerging Markets

A handful of developing economies have been, and will continue to be, a key driver of global growth. In the coming years, emerging markets are expected to grow two to three times faster than developed nations.

February 11, 2015

Webcast: The Art of Carving: Carve-Out Transactions – Sales of Divisions and Subsidiaries

​The sale by companies of divisions or subsidiaries, commonly referred to as "business carve-out transactions," are some of the most complex and challenging M&A transactions.

February 5, 2015

Webcast: FCPA Trends in the Emerging Markets of Asia, the Middle East and Africa

According to the most recent data released by the International Monetary Fund, China now ranks as the world’s largest economy in terms of purchasing-power-parity.

February 3, 2015

Webcast: Transnational Litigation: Obtaining U.S. Discovery to Litigate in Foreign or International Tribunals Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1782

​With increasing frequency, companies are being hauled into foreign courts and international arbitral tribunals to litigate significant and high-stakes cases.

January 28, 2015

Webcast: Challenges in Compliance and Corporate Governance

​The extraordinary events of the past year, from international cybersecurity breaches to significant economic and trade sanction developments, emphasize the expansive array of challenges facing today’s compliance professionals.

January 27, 2015

Webcast: Drafting Arbitration Clauses

​Arbitration can be a useful option for the resolution of disputes between parties. It is especially useful in the cross-border context where one or both of the parties want to avoid litigating in the courts of a foreign jurisdiction.

January 21, 2015