Launch of English Law APLMA Facilities Agreement Template for Indonesia Offshore Loans

Client Alert  |  September 20, 2021

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP is pleased to announce that the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA) has released an English law term facilities agreement template for Indonesia offshore loans, which is available in the APLMA documentation library.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers, together with members of the APLMA Indonesian Documentation Steering Committee, worked on the drafting of the English law APLMA template for Single Borrower, Single Guarantor, Single Currency Term Facility Agreement for Indonesia Offshore Loans (the “APLMA Indonesia Template”), to help achieve a degree of consistency amongst financial institutions that lend into Indonesia and facilitate growth of the secondary market there.

The APLMA Indonesia Template not only sets out Indonesia specific provisions that typically are seen in loan documents for Indonesian cross-border transactions, such as those relating to reporting obligations owed to Bank Indonesia and Law No. 24 of 2009 relating to the use of Bahasa Indonesia, but also includes detailed notes to help template users focus on these key Indonesia related issues.  A Bahasa Indonesia version of the APLMA Indonesia Template will be published shortly.

The APLMA Indonesian Documentation Steering Committee was founded and spearheaded by Gibson Dunn partner Jamie Thomas, who chairs the committee.

Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding the above. Please contact the Gibson Dunn lawyer with whom you usually work, or the lawyers below who worked on the drafting of the APLMA Indonesia Template:

Jamie Thomas – Singapore (+65 6507.3609, [email protected])

U-Shaun Lim – Singapore (+65 6507.3633, [email protected])

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