Law360 Names Julian Kleinbrodt a 2024 Competition Rising Star

Accolades  |  July 30, 2024


Julian Kleinbrodt is one of five lawyers recognized as Law360s 2024 Competition Rising Stars. The series profiles “attorneys under 40 whose legal accomplishments belie their age.” Julian’s profile was published on July 30, 2024.

Julian Kleinbrodt handles a wide variety of antitrust matters through trial and appeal. He has particular experience with claims involving price-fixing, monopolization, attempted monopolization, refusals to deal, tying, bundling, exclusive dealing, disparagement, market allocation and division, and no-poach provisions. Julian has obtained dismissals on the pleadings of major putative antitrust class actions, won denial of class certification in sweeping nationwide cases, and prevailed at trial and after trial on behalf of multiple clients.