U.S. Supreme Court Round-Up (March 2023)
Client Alert | March 22, 2023
Gibson Dunn’s Supreme Court Round-Up provides an overview of cases argued during the October 2022 Term and other key developments on the Court’s docket. To date, the Court has heard argument in 44 cases, with another 15 cases scheduled to be argued before the end of the October 2022 Term. The Court has released six opinions from these arguments and dismissed one case as improvidently granted.
Spearheaded by former Solicitor General Theodore B. Olson, the Supreme Court Round-Up keeps clients apprised of the Court’s most recent actions. The Round-Up previews cases scheduled for argument, tracks the actions of the Office of the Solicitor General, and recaps recent opinions. The Round-Up provides a concise, substantive analysis of the Court’s actions. Its easy-to-use format allows the reader to identify what is on the Court’s docket at any given time, and to see what issues the Court will be taking up next. The Round-Up is the ideal resource for busy practitioners seeking an in-depth, timely, and objective report on the Court’s actions.
To view the Round-Up, click here.
Gibson Dunn has a longstanding, high-profile presence before the Supreme Court of the United States, appearing numerous times in the past decade in a variety of cases. During the Supreme Court’s 7 most recent Terms, 11 different Gibson Dunn partners will have presented oral argument; the firm will have argued a total of 17 cases in the Supreme Court during that period, including closely watched cases with far-reaching significance in the areas of intellectual property, securities, separation of powers, and federalism. Moreover, although the grant rate for petitions for certiorari is below 1%, Gibson Dunn’s petitions have captured the Court’s attention: Gibson Dunn has persuaded the Court to grant 34 petitions for certiorari since 2006.
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Gibson Dunn’s lawyers are available to assist in addressing any questions you may have regarding developments at the Supreme Court. Please feel free to contact the following attorneys in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office, or any member of the Appellate and Constitutional Law Practice Group.
Theodore B. Olson (+1 202.955.8668, tolson@gibsondunn.com)
Amir C. Tayrani (+1 202.887.3692, atayrani@gibsondunn.com)
Katherine Moran Meeks (+1 202.955.8258, kmeeks@gibsondunn.com)
Jessica L. Wagner (+1 202.955.8652, jwagner@gibsondunn.com)